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No. It travels as electromagnetic waves. Compression requires a medium that is compressed (and rarefied) but light travels through vacuum.

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Q: Does light travel in compression waves?
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What type of waves can travel thorough solids and liquids?

Compression waves.

Is polarization a property of light waves but not sound waves?

That is correct. Polarization is possible only when the direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction of the wave travel, such is in light. In sound waves, the direction of vibration (compression) is the same direction as the direction of the travel of the sound wave, and therefore polarization is not possible.

Can light be transferred across empty space?

Yes. Electromagnetic waves, like light, can travel through a vacuum, they need no medium in order to be transmitted. Unlike sound waves, which are compression waves what rely on matter in order to be transmitted.

Are p-waves compression waves which push the crust together and pull it apart as they travel?

Yes! P-waves are indeed compression or longitudinal waves which push the crust together and pull it apart as they travel. They are also able to travel through liquids and gasses, unlike S-waves (shear or transverse waves) which can only travel through solids.

How do sound waves travel through gas?

Compression waves (same as for solids & liquids).

Are pressure waves longitudinal waves?

Longitudinal waves travel in a medium due to alternate compression & rarefactions ie. they travel due to variation in pressure.

How do sound waves travel compared to light waves?

light waves fast

Do sound waves or light waves travel faster?

In air, light waves travel about 871 thousand times faster than sound waves.

How does light travel through AVACUUM?

Light waves do not need a medium to propagate. Sound waves cannot travel without a medium. Light waves always travel at the speed of light that is 3*108m/s.

Why can electromagnetic wave travel trough space and not sound waves?

Sound waves are compression waves, not radiation waves. Compression waves require a medium in which to travel, air, rock, water, anything. Space is a vacuum, hence no medium to transfer the wave from one point to another. Electromagnetic radiation waves travel best without the interference of that medium, which can in cases block the transmission of those waves completely.

What are the waves that travel from the sun to earth?

Light waves travel from sun to the earth.

Does light travel in waves?

yes it travels in waves.