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It could. Many symptoms come from menstruation like fever, cramps, and mood swings.

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Q: Does menstruation affect body temp
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How do menstruation affect body temperature?

Doesn't affect it. 98.5 is the body temperature for normal human.

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How does temp affect animals?

lower or higher environmental temp than body temp makes the animal's body work harder to maintain body temp (i.e., greater energy expenditure)

Does carbohydrate intake have an affect on menstruation?

The carbohydrate intake has nothing to do with your menstruation. Most of the articles in your food does not affect the menstruation.

Does weight affect when a child starts their first period--their body weight?

Menstruation occurs when a female is ready to have children, at least in the physical sense. When this happens, the body produces fatty tissue and blood to cushion the womb. However, if the female in question is not pregant, menstruation will occur to expel the extra material from the body. If the female in question is exceptionally skinny, then menstruation will not occur because the fatty tissue will be used in other parts of the body. Yes, body weight does affect when a child starts menstruation.

Does abstinence affect menstruation?

No not at all. Hormones effect menstruation.

Does weight loss affect body temperature?

Type your answer here... yes it may effect body temp.

Does hot tubbing effect internal body temperature?

no, hot tubbind should not affect internal body temp,

How does stress affect menstruation?


Is beer will affect menstruation?

can beerinduced menstruation

Does menstruation affect anaemia?

Yes as the loss of blood can effect this disorder. Also it can effect the body giving to patient anemia they didnt have before.

does alcohol affect period flow?

The alcohol in not known to affect the flow of menstruation.