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I have a Western Family brand bottle of light corn syrup with ingredients: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, salt, and vanilla. It has been stored in my dark 60 degree pantry , opened, for five years I use a cup each year for candy, clean the bottle top and threads thoroughly, close, invert several times to drown any mold spores which may have fallen onto the surface, and put it back in the dark pantry. It tastes the same every year with no signs of spoilage. I believe the first signs of spoilage for such a high sugar product are growths on the surface. There is too high a concentration of sugar for bacteria or molds to grow in the liquid.

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Q: Does opened bottle of corn syrup last a year in the refrigerator?
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How many calories in light corn syrup?

it will tell you on the bottle

Does organic ketchup contain high fructose corn syrup?

When looking to purchase ketchup that does not contain high fructose corn syrup one must really do their research first. Although Heinz has taken high fructose corn syrup out of their 32oz organic ketchup and replaced it with cane sugar, the 24oz bottle still does contain high fructose corn syrup.

Is maple syrup and corn syrup are same?

No, maple syrup comes from the Maple tree. Corn syrup comes from corn.

Is Bakers Corner light corn syrup gluten free?

It says on the bottle it is naturally gluten free

Is it possible to buy pure vanilla extract -without the alcohol and corn syrup?

Yes, you can find it in walmart in a clear bottle...looks kinda like syrup

When corn syrup is on a food label is it HFCS?

No. Corn Syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup will be labeled separately.

Are there proteins in corn syrup?

No, corn syrup does not contain proteins.

What is sweet powdered corn syrup?

Corn syrup tastes similar to honey, and in many cases is used as substitute. Powdered corn syrup is a corn syrup that comes in powder and is sweet.

How many cups of corn syrup per bottle?

Depends on the size of the bottle. A cup is 8 fluid ounces, so a 32 ounce bottle (one US quart) is 4 cups.

Convert light corn syrup to dark corn syrup?

3 parts light corn syrup, 1 part molasses

Which has higher density lemon juice or corn syrup?

corn syrup

What is the unit of corn syrup?

The units that corn syrup is measured in is grams.