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Q: Does purging get rid of all the calories?
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What is a purging process?

Purge-- To rid the body of food and calories, commonly by vomiting or using laxatives.

What is the difference of pruning from purging?

Pruning means to cut back. Purging means to get rid of all together.

If you purge after eating something how much calories are already absorbed and how much can you get rid of by purging?

It all really depends on how long you wait with food in your body before purging. It takes 1 to 4 hours for food to move past your stomach. You do not absorb nutrients or calories until your small intestine.

Other than purging laxatives and over exercising are there other ways to get rid of the calories you consume?

No, there is no other way to get rid of the calories you consume than to exercise or at least moving your body. It is never recommended that you purge laxatives.

How close to a healthy weight do people with bulimia usually stay?

Purging doesn't get rid of all the calories, actually hardly any unfortunately. Thus, most bulimics are either a healthy weight or overweight.

What is purging of archaic or inaccurate information?

To purge is to cleanse or to get rid of, so it means to get rid of (delete) old, archaic or inaccurate information.

How many calories are absorbed after purging?

It depends on whether the food has reached your small intestines or not. If you want to control calories it is much healthier to stick to a balanced diet and to exercise. Purging can damage your esophagus as well as your teeth because of the acidic contents of your stomach that aid digestion.

How many calories can you poop?

Once food has reached that point, all of the calories have been absorbed. You don't get rid of the calories when you use the bathroom (be it naturally or by using laxatives).

If you have bulimia is drastic weight loss ever not seen?

This is actually really common with bulimia (binging and purging), which is often why it's hard to detect. From my understanding, a person with bulimia usually consumes enough calories to maintain their weight. When a person binges, they are consuming excess calories, so when they purge they are getting rid of these EXCESS calories, preventing them from gaining weight, but not making them lose weight.

You think you have bulimia but you are not bingeing just purging?

If you feel bad for eating and then resorting to purging then you are most probaly bulimic, but all kinds of purging is wrong.. please go get some help!

Why does bulimia lead to weight gain?

Well, the constant bingeing and purging for one... it is said that a third of the calories consumed during a binge are not purged... so if you binge and have about 900 calories, and you purge, you still wont have gotten rid of all the calories. you will still have 300 in you. that's clearly very little, but if you have a massive binge, then you hold in more calories. also, the digestive process begins the minute you put food in your mouth, and if your binges last a long time, then by the time you're done eating, a lot of the stuff you have eaten will have probably been broken down already... it sucks, but that's what happens!

What should you do first cardio or weight lifting to burn more calories?

cardio gets rid of more calories, weight lifting defines and builds muscle. it only slightly gets rid of calories.