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Yes and software version

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Q: Does restoring an iPhone update it's firmware?
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How do you update the firmware of an iPhone?

Update the software in iTunes and it will do it for you.

How do you get extra features on an Apple iPhone?

Update to the Latest Firmware.

Can you update to 3.1 on iPhone if its jailbroken?

yes. the current update is 3.1.3 and to update to it you have to restore you iphone, update it then re-jailbreak it. but at this moment in time this is not an jailbreak for firmware 3.1.3.

Does upgrading iPhone get rid of jailbreak?

Upgrading an iPhone will update the firmware (the iOS) and will therefore remove the jailbreak. If you wish to stay jailbroken, it is highly recommended to not update until news of a new jailbreak arrives for the upgrade.

Can you update firmware 3.95 to custom firmware?

Not sure. Why not downgrade?

Can Linux restore iPhone firmware 2.2?

No. Linux cannot overwrite iPhone's firmware, as it is encrypted. Only iTunes can do that.

How do you update firmware on Samsung rant?

Home/Menu > Settings/Tools > Update Phone (Option 8) > Update Firmware (Option 1). Hope that helped.

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How do you update xbox360 firmware?

It does it it self.

When is the next firmware update for the Samsung p2?

Samsung has stop producing P2 and the latest firmware update is 5.10. No more updating, I suppose.

When is the next PS3 update?

Firmware update 2.70 released today next update may

Can you downgrade an iPod touch without restoring?

No. You must restore to Downgrade the Firmware!