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Yes, there is carbohydrate in Romaine lettuce

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Q: Does Romain lettuce have carbohydrate
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Is lettuce a protein fat or a carbohydrate?

lettuce is a carbohydrate. Lettuce is truly a low-carb food.

Is lettuce considered a carbohydrate or protein?


What do you stuff romain lettuce with?

Bacon and macaroni/cheese

How many calories in 1 head of romain lettuce?

1 full head of lettuce is between 40 and 60 calories.

What is a guinea pigs favorite vegetable?

Well Actually Its Romain Lettuce And Celery.

What kind of lettuce?

iceburg lettuce grows best although it is not the best kind of lettuce for your health but it grows the best

What names of food they don't have carbohydrate and cholesterol?

lettuce and cucumber

Do ginniea pigs eat letttuce?

Yes, and in my opinion they love it - but you aren't supposed to feed them iceberg lettuce, it's really low in nutition or something. The best lettuce you could feed them would be Romain Lettuce.

Is it good for a guniea pig to eat two full leafs of lettuce a day?

a guinea pig should eat a tables spoon of veggies every day and can have lettuce only if its romain.

What can you feed a big snail?

I have a large apple snail, about a baseball size. I feed it only with Romain lettuce. It survives well.

How many calories are in 1 head of lettuce?

There are 75 calories in 1 medium size head of iceberg lettuce (about 6" diameter).

Are there any carbohydrates in lettuce?

Yes, there are carbs in lettuce. The amount varies according to the type of lettuce. For the carbohydrate content of various types of lettuce, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.