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The short answer is: It's possible. the tools that are currently used in scaling cannot harm or erode healthy enamel, so that is the good news. That hygienist can scrape away to her heart's content and not make a dent or a scratch in the enamel of a healthy tooth.

Enamel is the most highly mineralized substance in the human body. at 97% mineral, it is barely living tissue. Your bones, for instance are usually only 45-55% enamel is REALLY tough. Now if there is decayed or damaged enamel, then it is possible for scaling to gouge into or dent into the damaged area. And where there is exposed root surface (as in gum recession) then it is possibey for scaling to gouge or dent into the cementum (the name for the tissue that covers the root). This is why it is extremely important to have a licensed dentist or licensed dental hygienist scale your teeth, because they have been specially trained how to assess and manage these delicate situations so as not to harm or damage your teeth, and in many cases to actually improve your teeth. And I think most dentist's would agree that hygienists are much better trained and equiped to scale teeth than the average dentist. Hygienists go to school for 3-5 years and 2-3 of those years are spent in an ADA accredited dental hygiene school learning to properly scale teeth. Very little of the dentist's education is spent on learning to scale teeth because they have to learn about so much else: fillings, extractions, crowns, bridges, implants, dentures etc. etc. etc. Luckily, most states in the U.S. mandate that only a dentist or hygienist can scale human teeth, but there are a couple of states that allow lesser trained personnel to scale teeth, I believe Arkansas to be one, and Florida is currently trying to pass a law like this.

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Q: Does scaling erode teeth
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To assist you in maintaining excellent dental health, we offer comprehensive dental cleaning and scaling treatments and dentures in Abu Dhabi.

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what are the Benefits of Teeth Scaling?

Avoid Cavities and Tooth Decay Prevent Bad Breadth Avoid Periodontal Disease Remove Stains

What is Teeth Scaling?

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