

Does the earth's moon spin on its axis?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Definitely yes. But very slowly.

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One side is heavier than the other and is pulled by gravity to always face the Earth.

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Q: Does the earth's moon spin on its axis?
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What is one complete spin onEarth's axis called?

rotationis one complete spin on earths axis!!!

What does the moon spin on?

Its axis.

Are the earths spin axis and rotation axis the same thing?

Yes. When we're talking about the Earth, 'spin' and 'rotate' are the same thing.

What is the earths axis parallel to?

orbit of the moon

How many days does it take for the moon to spin around?

It takes one month for the moon to spin on it's axis.

Does the moon spin on a excel?

Yes, but it is called "axis".

Is the moon slowing earths rotation axis?

no and yes

What is a full spin on the earths axis called?

one rotation is one day.

What is one complete spin on earths axis called?

That's "rotation".

How does a moon's motion compare to a planet's motion?

They both spin on an axis.

Does the earth spin on its axis every28 days?

No. Each of those "days" of which the question speaks is the length of time it takes for the earth to spin on its axis. The question is actually referring to the moon, which takes 27.32 days to spin once on its axis.

Does the moon spin on its axis faster than the earth?

No. It's much slower. The Earth takes a day to spin round. The Moon takes a month.