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No. Sad but true. The parent receiving the support does not have to provide proof of how it is being spent. Child support is in place to help house, feed, clothe and educate the child. If it pays an electric bill, then that is what it pays.

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Q: Does the father have the right to know where child support is going in Illinois?
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The relationship with the child's father should be encouraged. If there are school activities for the child, the father should participate. Unless, the child is in serious endangerment when she is with the father.

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what is going to happen when i give up my right as a father? will i still have to pay child support?

What do I need to do to claim child support benefit?

Child support benefits can obtained going through your local Department of Human Resources. They will help you receive child support from your children's father.

If you are not the biological father of a child but the parent wants child support would you be liable in the state of Nevada for paying child support?

So what relationship are you to the parent or the child? If you were married when the child was born, you are assumed to be the father. Unless someone else is listed on the birth certificate, you're going to be expected to support the child.

I am 15 my child's father is 16 going on 17 on my due date. How old do you have to be to take your child's father to court and file for child support?

You can and should file as soon as the child is born.

Does the father have to pay child support if he is going to college?

If he has income other than SSI/public assistance.

IF Son is going to college does father continue to pay child support on PA?

Pennsylvania does not currently have that law.

Does a father still have to pay child support for a 15 year old that is going to become a dad himself?


Will my kids father going into bankruptcy stop you from receiving child support?

Child support is not discharged in bankruptcy. However, there is sometimes a temporary hold on collecting any debt. And if the obligor has filed bankruptcy, it seems likely that he doesn't have money for child support.

If the mother of a child took the father off child support can they put him back on?

The only time you can take a father off of child support is if the mother agrees with it, but that rarely happens, so I'm going to have to say no, it's very rare, the closest you can get to not paying AT ALL, is reducing the pay .

How can you know if a child has been taken away from her mother if the mother does not want to tell the father of the child or the father's family?

One would assume the father has access rights and would figure out the child no longer resides with the mother. He will be notified that the child support will be going to a different receiver. see links below

Can the father of the child who does not have custody win back custody if mother cannot support child financially if the father is going in the navy?

Money will rarely if ever be a consideration for the court with regard to the best interest of the child. That is why the non-custodial parent will pay child support. If the mother is a good parent other than that, it is very unlikely that a court would remove the child from her.