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Yes. Lightning provides the intense energy needed to combine atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen into nitrates. The rain then carries these nitrates down to the earth's surface enriching the soil. Acting as a fertilizer, nitrates in an indirect way helps make the grass green.

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Lightning does not have nitrogen in it- but it DOES change the form of the nitrogen in the air (which plants cannot use) to a form that they CAN use.

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Q: Does the nitrogen in lightning turn grass green?
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When does the grass turn green?

The grass turns green when it is exposed to sunlight.

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What causes tomato leaves to turn pale green?

lack of nitrogen

What color makes grass green?

the cholrophine in it when water runs though it it will turn green if not watered it will turn brown cause its dying

Does human urine hurt grass-plants Mine seems to turn the grass brown rye-bermuda. Any reasons for this Or is it the same rationale as for dogs Nitrogen?

Because you have a lot of chemicals in your urine.

How does watering brown grass turn it green?

To begin,grass needs two things to generate chlorophyll,the chemical that gives it its green hue,which are water and sunlight.When grass is depleted of water,it cannot be green,because it needs both water and sunlight to be so.When someone waters grass,it once again has both things it requires to generate chlorophyll,and so will be verdant green once more.

When lighting hits sand does it turn it green?

There are different kinds of sand which produce different kinds of glass when melted, but sand can certainly produce a green glass when melted by lightning.

What kind of grass goes dormant and turns completely brown in the winter?

Grass is always a healthy green when, well, healthy. When dying from lack of water, CO2, etc., it will turn orange, yellow, etc.

What happens if you get too little of nitrogen?

Humans do not require nitrogen, generally. But nitrogen in the atmosphere is important to modify oxygen in the atmosphere. In the context of "too little" nitrogen in the atmosphere, the result can cause the ignition of almost every combustible on Earth, needing only a lightning strike to trigger it! Worse for humanity, if nitrogen in the atmosphere dropped from its present (approx. 78%) ratio down to 67%, lightning in the atmosphere would create nitrous oxide, killing all humanity in minutes! Not to worry, though, long before that happened, the first calamity would already have occurred! But feel better - The most common usage of "too little" nitrogen is regarding soil. Too little nitrogen can turn green lawns into yellow. Nitrogen is the most important element in soil fertility, and is basic to chlorophyll, necessary for foliage (including trees) to create oxygen for us all.

When will the sun turn into liguid nitrogen?

The Sun will never turn into liquid nitrogen.

Where does grass turn into fairies?

Grass doesn't turn into fairies.

Can a dull mower blade cause your grass to turn yellow?

A dull mower blade will "tear" the grass instead of "cut" it. The jagged blades of grass will dry up and cause your lawn to look brownish or even yellowish - much like when cut grass clippings turn from green to brown/yellow as they dry up.