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yes because detergent is poisious to most all living things

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Q: Does the presence of detergent in water affect plants growth?
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How do detergents effect plant growth?

The detergent does affect plant growth because the detergent has too much chemicals that are very poisonous to the plant!->Tatiana

How does detergent affect the growth of plants?

yes, i did a science project on it, and plants can grow perfectly fine with an 100% natural organic soap. but it can't grow with a regular soap like Dawn classic.

How can detergent affect the DNA of plants?

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Does fertilizer water affect the growth of plants?

Yes,it could effect the growth of plants

Does talking to plants affect there growth?

Yes it does make a difference on plants growth if you talk to them.

Do minerals affect the growth of plants?

Plants require a proper balance of minerals for optimum growth.

What is the effect of detergent to the growth of monggo plants?

because the detergent contains the chemical substance known as surfactant, this substance helps reduce the surface tension of a liquid that is dissolve in, this will help on the growth of monggo plant..

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Which influences the rate of a plant growth in different types of plants?

Nutrients, soil properties, light, water availability, the presence of herbivores, pathogens, parasites, and mutualists

How does the salinity content of soil affect the growth of plants and trees?

The growth of plants and trees is affected by a wide variety of variables. The salinity content of soil can affect the growth of most plants in a negative way, such as turning their leaves a dark green color and stunting their growth.

What mostly can affect the growth of plants?

sun light