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It can do yes. Weight gain during pregnancy can go anywhere hun. Hips, thighs, bottom, adbomonen etc.

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Q: Does weight gain in the first trimester go to your hips and thighs?
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Related questions

Do you usually gain weight during the first trimester?

Some people gain no weight during the first trimester, particularly if they have morning sickness. Other people gain a small amount, particularly towards the end of the first trimester. The most weight is gained during the second trimester though.

Is it possible to gain 15 to 20 pounds within the first trimester of pregnancy?

Yes, it is possible, but it is not recommended and it is not healthy to gain that much weight during the first trimester. Most of your pregnancy weight gain should happen during the second trimester.

Do you gain wait fast during the first trimester of pregnancy?

Gaining any or some weight during the first trimester depends on your weight to begin with. You can gain none, two pounds, or six. It really does just depend on you starting weight.My source was:'s a great website for weight, how to lose it, and all questions.)

Is a swollen belly normal in the first trimester?

Usually. Any swelling of the face with abdomnal pain or bleeding is BAD, call your doc.

Could you be pregnant if putting weight on quickly Put on 4 pounds in a week?

Unless you are already in the second trimester, it is highly unlikely that your excessive weight gain is being caused by pregnancy. Suring the first trimester, there is minimal weight gain, however, during the second trimester is when most pregnancy weight will be gained.

You miss your period for 3 months and no weight gain are you pregnant?

Weight gain is irrelevant during the first trimester. If you had intercourse and missed a period pregnancy is possible.

If you are 139 lbs and dont want to gain weight in your first trimester how many calories should you eat daily?


Do you gain weight in early pregnant?

No. It usually isn't until the 2nd trimester.

When does a woman start to gain weight and show in pregnancy?

As soon as the 1st trimester!

Can you gain weight and make it only go to your breasts?

No. When you gain weight, you gain it allover and cannot target specific spots. If anything, weight gain is targeted to spots you don't want it to - hips, butt, thighs.

Why when black women eat a lot they gain weight in their butt and thighs but some mulattos gain it all in the midsection?

Weight gain has a lot to do with genetics. People vary, so do their genetics.

What could be wrong if you are eight weeks pregnant and losing weight?

Probably nothing. Many women do not gain weight, and may even lose it in the first trimester. Blame nausea and tiredness.