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No, Xanax does not contain codeine. The active ingredient in Xanax is AKA Alprazoam, and the rest is filler ingredients. Codeine is a pain killer, Xanax is a benzo. Completely unique medications for completely unique conditions. Stay away from both unless you are prescribed them by a doctor. Codeine can damage your kidneys, and Xanax is highly addictive.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No, xanax is an anti-anxiety medication which contains the benzodiazepine alprazolam. An opiate would be Oxytonins (generic oxycodone).

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10y ago

Yes, but be careful, as the 2 drugs compound the effects of each other.

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11y ago

Xanax doesn't have morphine or codeine in it.

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15y ago

No, xanax (alprazolam) does not contain any codeine.

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Q: Does Xanax have morphine or codine?
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No, it is a semi sythetic derivitive of codine and metaboizes into oxymorphone after ingested.

Ingredient in painkiller?

Most painkillers have deviations of Codine or percocet, and stronger ones with morphine.

Does Vicodin have morphine in it?

Yes it is an opiate just like morphine and heroin.

Can you take Xanax and codine together?

Yes. A few years ago my doctor was prescribing me both at the same time. (Xanax for PTSD and codeine for pain, each to be taken several times daily.)

Can you drink beer while using morphine?

Yes i have and also taken 1mg xanax but in moderation........................

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Using some over the counter medicines like Codine can show up as Morphine.Codine is derived from opium as is morphine and some drug tests,mix them up. If you were say using Heroin and Morphine showed in the test that could well be the Heroin was cut with various chemicals not least some morphine.

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it will cause a seizure. stop mixing xanax with morphine you dirt bags. do you have a death wish?

Is there a combination of prescription drugs that would show up positive on drug screen for codeine and morphine when you haven't taken morphine or codeine?

This is a list of drugs that just have morphine codine in them. Oxycodone(OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan), Hydromorphone(Dilaudid, Palladone), and diacetylmorphine methylmorphine Hydrocodoneor OxycodoneI could go on and on but it all boild down to Codine and Morphine are name brands (chemicals) like Levi (blue jeans) Any company can use the chemical and alter the percentaded according to their product and develop their own brand.Any company can make a pair of blue jeans but the cut, brand and color can be altered and named

Which pain pills get you high?

percocet, xanax, oxycontin,methadone,hydrocodone,morphine,roxys.all i can think of @ tha moment

What is the primary active ingredient in opium?

The active ingredient in Opium is morphine and codine. and the part of the opium utilized for medical purposes are its latex from the Opium poppies. Holla at your boy Big Mike University of Houston Victoria.

Can 700 mg of morphine and 50 mg of Xanax kill a person?

We don't know, but you definitely have the makings of an exciting experiment there.

What is the duration of Codine?

The duration of Codine is 1.63 hours.