

Dose radioactive alway mean dangerous

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Dose radioactive alway mean dangerous
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Although all people do contain a small amount of radioactive isotopes in their bodes, making them slightly radioactive, it is not nearly a large enough dose to have any noticeable effects. But if you mean a person who is highly radioactive, then the most likely way for that to happen is if a radioactive substance were to enter that person's body. The effects of that would depend on the dose and the substance. For instance, plutonium, which emits alpha, beta and gamma rays causes radiation sickness and an increased chance of cancer. And radium which emits more alpha rays then beta or gamma rays and is much more radioactive then plutonium causing much the same effects and decays into radium. As radium is chemically similar to calcium, it can cause great harm by replacing calcium in the persons bones.

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