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Serious allergic reactions to stings will usually manifest in a matter of seconds up to a couple of minutes. According to the Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16th Edition: Ch. 379: Ectoparasite infestations and Arthropod Bites and Stings, "Severe reactions usually begin within 10 min of the sting and only rarely develop after 5 hrs." Although the reactions rarely develop after 5 hrs, the person who has been stung should be closely watched even after 5 hrs.

Any strong reaction to a sting requires urgent medical care.

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As much as a week, depending on your body's reaction to it. Cold compresses, alcohol swabs, may help as well.

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Q: What is the time frame for an allergic reaction to a hornet sting?
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Do you die if a hornet sting you?

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Yes they are. Only 1 out of 100 people have an allergic reaction to a sting.

How do you treat for a hornet sting?

You shouldn't need to take out a hornet sting. The hornet's sting is smooth and firmly attached to its body so it has no difficulty removing it as it flies away. If a sting has been left behind it was probably that of a honey bee.

How long till you can return to work after an allergic reaction to a bee sting?

When you feel well enough.

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It is an allergic reaction. If in the event a child begins to swell after a sting and allergy relief medications (antihistamines) do not bring it down any-phone for an ambulance.

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Do hornet bite?

no they sting you