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Q: Earth orbits the sunrath than the sun orbiting earth because?
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What is the ring that orbits the earth?

are there rings orbiting earth

How moon revolving the sun?

The Moon Technically orbits the Sun by orbiting the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun, but it really doesn't.

Does the moon and earth rotate?

Yes. Both rotate or "scientifically" orbit.The Moon orbits The Earth and The Earth orbits The Sun. While orbiting The Earth The Moon also turns on its axis. While orbiting The Sun The Earth also turns on its axis.

How long dos it take for the moon to orbiting the sun?

The moon doesn't orbit the sun, it orbits Earth and Earth orbits the sun

Why is Mars so slow at orbiting the Earth?

Mars does not orbit the Earth. Mars orbits the Sun, as does the Earth.

What two opposing forces keep the moon from orbiting?

None. The moon orbits the Earth, Earth orbits the Sun. Inertia and the gravity keep the moon in the Earth's orbit.

Why doesn't the earth's gravaty pull the moon into the earth?

Earth gravity is pulling the moon, that is why it orbits. The only reason the moon doesn't get pulled closer is because it is orbiting to fast to be pulled.

Do the earth and the moon orbit the sun since the moon orbits the earth and the earth the sun?

Yes, while the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon carries on orbiting the Earth, as it is not as affected by the distant gravity of the Sun as it is by the nearer gravity of Earth.

Why does sataurn have rings?

it is dust and rocks/debris orbiting the planet, it is like how the moon orbits earth.

How many orbits are there in the moon is it 9 or 6?

The Moon has been orbiting the Earth for Billions of years

What do polar orbiting satellites do?

Polar orbits pass over the north and south poles of the Earth.

What do planets do when they orbit the earth?

There are no planets orbiting the Earth because all eight of them orbit the Sun. But the Moon orbits the Earth, and all it does is go round and round in a rather complicated orbit which is disturbed by the Sun's gravity.