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Q: Environmentalism and conservationism can be a lifestyle that is learned over time in doing what one loves or at the least feels compelled towards can one begin to accept themselves and other phenoma?
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The nobility saw themselves as appointed by God to rule.

What is the lamprey's lifestyle?

Lampreys attach themselves to fish and feed off the blood of fish. The Lamprey has an indirect lifestyle lasting between five and nine years.

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People who cut themselves tend to have mental disorders and medical conditions, usually depression. For others, it is a lifestyle, and they are addicted to the pain.

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No, there is not. Someones' personal "super breed" depends entirely on themselves and their lifestyle.

Why do they call themselves travis porter?

It represents a lifestyle, they feel like everyone has an inner "Travis porter"

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he encouraged african americans to educate themselves and get a better lifestyle

What 1972 magazine promised to tell you not how to make jelly but how to seize control of your life?

The 1972 magazine that made that promise was "Mother Earth News," which focused on self-sufficiency, environmentalism, and DIY living. It aimed to empower readers to take control of their lives through practical advice and alternative lifestyle solutions.

How can a persons lifestyle affect the performance of the respiratory an circulatory system?

Because both systems will modify themselves to accommodate the subjects life style.

How did the colonnists image of themselves clash with their status as colonists?

Many colonists thought of themselves as British not American and were not able to live the lifestyle of the British for very long.

What is a hedonistic lifestyle?

A lifestyle built solely on self pleasure =]

Enlist some risk factors which initiate lifestyle diseases?

Anything that anyone enjoys. Junk science from 'scientists' who want to stop people from enjoying themselves.

How do you tell if your child is a graffiti artist?

It doesn't matter, let your child paint. It's art. It's a lifestyle. It doesn't always have to be with gangs. Let them express themselves.