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The predicate is that part of the sentence that contains the verb. He ran and jumped and shouted and cried. 'He' is the subject. 'ran and jumped and shouted and cried' is the predicate and because it contains more than one verb, it is a compound predicate.

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14y ago

A compound predicate is a predicate with two parts joined by the word and or another conjunction. Compound predicates share the same subject. Example:

Jan jumped on her bike. Jan rode around the block.

Jan jumped on her bike and rode around the block. The compound predicate is 'jumped on her bike and rode around the block.' The subject in both the sentences is Jan.

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Q: Example of compound predicate
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Examples of compound predicates and compound subjects?

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What is a subject and what is a predicate?

A compound subject is when the verb has multiple subjects. For example the sentence: "I went to the store." has a simple subject. If, however, you say, "John, Mary, and I went to the store." you are talking about a compound subject. . A compound predicate is where the subject takes multiple verbs. For example: John woke up, got up, stretched, and headed to the bathroom.