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The bile produced in the liver eats the fats in the food and the enzymes produced in the pancreas breaks down the fats before the the bile eats it because the enzymes break down the fats in to smaller particles
It helps neutralize the stomach acid so it wont burn it.
as part of the digestive system, the pancreas produces enzymes that flow into the small intestine and help break down starches, proteins, and fats.

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6y ago

The key chemicals in the mouth are enzymes and amylase. While the key chemicals in the stomach are HCl and pepsin. ... Explain how bile produced by the liver and enzymes produced in the pancreas function in the small intestine. The pancreas produces enzymes that go into the small intestine to break up starches and fats.

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Q: Explain how bile produces by the liver and enzymes produced in the pancreas function in the small intestine?
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The organ that produces and secretes enzymes that are essential for proper digestion is the pancreas. The enzymes that the pancreas produces and secretes are trypsinogen, , chymotrypsinogen, pancreatic lipase and amylase.

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Main funtion of the pancreas?

It produces digestive enzymes.the pancreas of a frog release enzymes into the small intestine to help break down food complex substances into simple creates digestive enzymes that go into the small intestineThe frogs pancreas is a large gland that secrets digestive juices.The frogs pancreas is a large gland that secrets digestive juices.The pancreas' function is to produce and secrete digestive enzymes.The pancreas' function is the same in most vertebrates - to produce and deliver digestive enzymes to the body.The pancreas in frogs produces enzymes that are released into the small intestine to help with digestion. It also contains clusters of cells called islets which produce hormones such as insulin and glucagon. These two hormones help control the level of glucose in the blood.