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Depends on the type of eye injury and if there is a possible spinal injury. If there is a foreign object stuck or impaled in the eye, put a paper cup over it and secure it to the patients head. Dont try to remove it. If the patient could have a spinal injury, move them as little as possible.

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Q: Eye injury how to position a patient?
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What angle do you transport a patient with an eye injury?

Upside down is generally the best.

Position of victim for specific injuries?

Position of comfort. Most patients will place themselves in a position that is comfortable and reduces pain of their injuries. Make sure that with a suspected spinal injury you keep the patient from moving.

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Hi. I would transport the patient in the lateral position, making sure they are facing you should you need to suction their airway or perform other procedures. In regards to airway and breathing, it all depends on whether the patient is maintaining their own airway or not. A patient can quickly obstruct their airway with their tongue, or can slowly aspirate secretions or vomits down their trachea should they be left in the supine position.

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Signs of an internal injury: 1. Localised swelling2. Discolouration of the skin Symptoms of an internal injury: 1. Localised pain 2. The patient will protect and guard the injury siteOther signs include: 1. The patient with blood coming out the ears and nose - Head Injury 2. The patient that coughs up blood - Thoracic Injury 3. The patient with blood in their stool - Abdominal Injury

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Any eye injury can be painful because nerves in the eye are damaged. An eye injury for an hamster can be painful. The injury may need professional medical attention depending on the degree of damage.

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The first thing to remember is that you are giving first aid. You are not there to carry out medical procedures that a trained doctor is able to do. Ensure the air ways are clear, remove dentures if present. If a spinal or neck injury is suspected, keep the patient immobile. Stem any bleeding. Ensure an ambulance has been called. Keep the patient talking and not going into shock. If you need to, place the patient into the recovery position, and keep a close eye on the patient's condition.

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