


Socialism is an economic and political philosophy characterized by public or government ownership of property and goods.

500 Questions

What is the ultimate goal of socialist economy?

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The ultimate goal of a socialist economy is to achieve social equality by collectively owning and controlling the means of production, distribution, and exchange. This system aims to prioritize the needs of the society as a whole over individual profit, with the aim of reducing income inequality and promoting social welfare.

Who is Karl Marx and what is the idea behind socialism?

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Karl Marx was a German philosopher, economist, and political theorist known for his ideas on communism and socialism. Socialism is an economic and political system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, with the goal of promoting equality and reducing wealth disparities. Marx believed that socialism was a necessary step towards achieving communism, a classless society where private property is abolished.

Which socialism did Karl Marx subscribe to?

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Karl Marx subscribed to a form of socialism known as revolutionary or Marxist socialism. This ideology emphasizes the need for the working class to overthrow the capitalist system through a revolution in order to establish a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.

How is socialism similar to compitalism?

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Both socialism and capitalism involve economic systems where goods and services are produced and distributed, but they differ in terms of ownership and distribution of resources. In socialism, the means of production are owned and controlled by the state or the community, whereas in capitalism, they are owned by individuals or private companies. Additionally, both systems aim to improve the living standards of their citizens, but they have different approaches to achieving this goal.

Who supported socialism?

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Many famous historical figures have supported socialism, including Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, and Rosa Luxemburg. Modern figures such as Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn also advocate for socialist policies. Socialism has had varied support throughout history, with different interpretations and implementations.

What is the primary goal of Socialism?

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the people and employers

What is the purpose of socialism?

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The purpose of socialism is to create a more equitable and just society by advocating for collective ownership and distribution of resources. It aims to address inequality and provide equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background. The ultimate goal is to diminish the influence of capitalism and empower the working class.

How did socialism promised to improved working conditions?

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Asked by Daffy91

Socialism promised to improve working conditions by advocating for worker's rights and protections. It sought to eliminate exploitation and oppression of workers by advocating for higher wages, shorter working hours, safer working conditions, and benefits such as healthcare and retirement security. Socialism aimed to give workers more control over their workplaces and to promote economic equality.

Mussolini introduced socialism to what country?

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Mussolini introduced fascism to Italy, not socialism. Fascism is an authoritarian ideology that emphasizes the power and importance of the state, while socialism advocates for the democratic ownership and control of the means of production.

How did Bismarcks Anti-socialist Campaign backfired?

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Bismarck's Anti-Socialist campaign backfired because it actually increased support for the Socialists. Instead of quelling their movement, the repressive measures used by Bismarck, such as banning socialist publications and imprisoning socialist leaders, made the Socialists appear as victims of an authoritarian regime. As a result, more people sympathized with their cause and supported the Socialist Party in elections.

In what way is communism a higher stage of socialism?

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Communism is considered a higher stage of socialism because it aims for a classless, stateless society where the means of production are collectively owned. In communism, there is no private property and all individuals have equal access to resources and goods. It is envisioned as a more advanced form of socialism where exploitation and inequality have been fully eliminated.

Did socialism help Mussolini rise to power?

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No, socialism did not help Mussolini rise to power. In fact, Mussolini was a former socialist who later abandoned socialist principles to establish his fascist regime in Italy. Mussolini used a combination of political maneuvering, support from conservative elites, and the fear of socialist and communist uprisings to gain power.

How is economic competition applied to socialism and communism?

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In socialism, economic competition is limited as key industries are commonly owned and controlled by the state or the community, aimed at minimizing income inequality and ensuring fair distribution of resources. However, some level of competition might exist within smaller-scale enterprises or cooperatives. In communism, economic competition is essentially abolished as the goal is to establish a classless society where resources are shared equally and production is based on need rather than profit.

How do the justice systems in capitalism and socialism differ?

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In capitalism, the justice system emphasizes the protection of individual rights and private property. It tends to prioritize free markets and competition, with punishments aimed at compensating victims and deterring future crime. In socialism, the justice system focuses on social justice and equality. It tends to prioritize the collective well-being and aims to address systemic injustices through redistributive measures, rehabilitation, and reintegration of offenders into society.

What type of government is socialism?

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Socialism is the kind of government based upon the belief that it is the responsiblity of a society to care for all of its members, hence, the government involves itself in such things has helping the unemployed to get jobs, providing health care for the sick, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, etc.

Can weed make someone with autism more social?

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Yes, it is clear to me that marijuana can positively reduce both the social anxiety and the strange sense of having an empathy deficit and lack of emotional intelligence. Hey... we really are all connected... !

Is Saudi Arabia socialism?

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it is very unclear what economic system Saudi Arabia and the other middle east oil nations follows. Me as a politician would call Saudi Arabia state capitalism. the government is big and controls the market as well as the government don't follow socialism or communism. individuals are allowed to trade and cell their products, but the government still colpletly controlls the trade as in a planned echonomy.

What is a slogan for socialism?

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Slogans for social issues can relate to politics, religion, military, money, family and more. These slogans can give advice or criticism and could potentially cause arguments, especially if they occur on social media or forums.

Which statement explains why utopian socialism faced opposition in the 19th century?

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Many people were unwilling to get rid of the idea of personal property.

Is socialism related to communism?

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Maybe a bit. You could say communism is an extreme form of socialism.

Is Sweden a Socialist country?

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No. Since about 1935 Sweden has had a capitalist economy governed by social democratic policies, including with high, redistributive income tax rates and general welfare benefits (even when under conservative governments). After 1935, a collective bargaining scheme was set up which gave both unions and businesses representation and a forum to mediate disputes. This form of class collaboration was intended to stave off socialist ideas of abolishing capitalism for a socialist economic system. The majority of industries in Sweden are privately-owned, with very few collectively-owned and publicly-owned firms.

The Swedish economic model, which has been similar to other Scandinavian countries and therefore are called the "Scandinavian model" or "Nordic model", has the goal of creating a welfare state, not a state based on collective ownership.

Large private-owned companies from Sweden is i.e. IKEA, H&M and Ericsson. The existence of large privately-owned companies is not compatible with the definition of socialism.

What did Hitler think of communism and socialism?

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Hitler did not like either. Actually, Communists were one of the first people to become victims of German concentration camps. With socialism, well, that wasn't one of Hitler's traits. He is an example of what happens if someone is never in physical contact with another person. (at least, no contact for a long time.)

- Actually, Hitler was well aware of the German Social Democratic party (which was, and still is, the primary German socialist political party; they are usually called SPD, which is short for the German for "Social Democratic Party of Germany")- as a German politician, he had to deal with them, at least until the Nazis were able to come to power and eliminate them. The SPD was another of the first parties to be banned using the powers granted by the Enabling Act of the 1933. Its members were imprisoned or forced into exile.

What system combine both capitalism and socialism?

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According to pure Marxist theory this is an impossible condition. Capitalism sets up the conditions for Communism, then Communism totally and completely automatically replaces Capitalism at the right historical time. This is a totally deterministic and inevitable transition that cannot be avoided anywhere in the world, according to Marx.

Differentiate among private enterprise communism socialism and mixed economies?

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Private enterprise refers to private ownership of capital and enterprise and the operation of such as a means to generate a profit for private owners or shareholders. An economy dominated by private enterprise is called capitalism. Private enterprise usually relies heavily upon free market principles, but is compatible with regulated markets as well as semi-planned economies as in the case of corporatist economic systems. The basic principles behind free-market private enterprise are that people are free to contract with other people with minimal government regulation.

Communism refers to a state of society where private property in the means of production and wage labor are abolished. Communism is also defined as a doctrine for the liberation of the working class, and is heavily based on the theories of Marxism. Communist theory declares private property in productive property and common resources to be theft, and that profit derived from private owners and shareholders to be exploitation of the producers (proletariat). Free market principles are rejected for a planned economy where the flow of goods and services is controlled by the community, usually through democratic means via council democracy.

Socialism is an economic system whereby either the state or worker cooperatives own and control the means of production, strategic resources and major industry. The principle of socialism is to organize the economy in a rational manner that avoids the pitfalls of capitalism and the free market through planned or state directed economic systems. Socialism can also utilize the market mechanism to distribute goods and services in the form of market socialism, where the state or public retains ownership of major economic institutions. The revenue generated by the state economy would be used to finance government programs, potentially eliminating the need for taxation. A private sector for non-heavy industry can exist in a socialist system, but the state, public or cooperative sector would play the dominant role in the economy.

Most economies are considered mixed economies in the Western world today. Mixed economies include welfare states, social market economies and highly regulated capitalist economies. Features of mixed economies are regulation of private enterprise, progressive taxation, a re-distribution of wealth through welfare programs and social safety nets. Some mixed economies have a large public sector that coexists with a dominant private sector.

Is Romania socialist or capitalist?

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capitalism: wages, production for sale, class ownership of the means of production