


Democracy is a type of government characterized by a "rule of the people." In most democracies, citizens are equal and have the ability to vote for their political leaders.

500 Questions

Was Voltaire a vocal proponent of democracy?

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Voltaire expressed mixed views on democracy. While he criticized absolute monarchy and supported some democratic ideals, he also believed that democracy could lead to mob rule and instability. He often favored a more enlightened despotism as a form of government.

How would someone who advocated social democracy have responded to Marx's prediction?

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A social democrat might have acknowledged the concerns raised by Marx regarding capitalism and inequality, but would have likely emphasized the need for gradual reforms and regulation within the system rather than advocating for a complete overthrow of capitalism. They would likely argue for policies that address income inequality, social welfare, and workers' rights within a democratic framework.

Which aspects of U.S. politics is most closely tied to the concepts of indirect democracy?

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Americans have political representation in both the House of Representative and the Senate

What affects has Voltaire had on modern democracy?

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Voltaire's ideas advocating for freedom of speech, tolerance, and separation of church and state have had a significant influence on modern democratic principles. His work challenging authoritarianism and advocating for individual rights has helped shape modern notions of democracy and human rights. Voltaire's emphasis on reason, scientific inquiry, and individual liberty continues to inspire democratic movements worldwide.

What does Gandhi mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ghandi does not mean anything, Ghandi is a name, if you want to learn about him then search him up on Google

What are the dilemmas of multiparty democracy?

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  1. Fragmentation: Multiparty democracy can lead to a fragmented political landscape with numerous parties competing for power. This can result in unstable governments, difficulty forming coalitions, and slow decision-making processes.

  2. Polarization: Multiparty democracy can also lead to increased polarization and extremism, as parties may cater to their ideological base in order to differentiate themselves. This can hinder cooperation and compromise among parties, and make it difficult to find common ground on important issues.

  3. Representativeness: In multiparty democracies, there is a risk that smaller parties may not have a strong voice or representation in government. This can lead to certain segments of the population feeling marginalized and dissatisfied with the democratic process.

What do Most democracies outside the US have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most democracies outside the US have parliamentary systems, where the executive branch is led by a prime minister who is chosen by the legislature. They also tend to have proportional representation electoral systems, where seats in the legislature are allocated based on the proportion of votes a party receives. Additionally, many democracies outside the US have multi-party systems, allowing for a greater diversity of political parties and views.

What The movement toward democracy in many parts of the world should lead to?

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The movement toward democracy in many parts of the world should lead to increased political participation, protection of human rights, and greater accountability and transparency in governance. It should also pave the way for more inclusive and representative systems of government that prioritize the needs and aspirations of all citizens. Ultimately, the aim is to foster a culture of democratic values and principles that promotes peace, stability, and socio-economic development.

What is a limited democracy?

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A limited democracy is a form of government where the power of elected officials is constrained by a constitution or other form of legal framework. In this system, there are limits on the government's authority, and certain individual rights and freedoms are protected. This is in contrast to an absolute democracy, where there are no constraints on the government's power.

What is cacique democracy?

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Cacique democracy is a term used to describe a system of political power in which local leaders, known as caciques, have significant influence over the political process. These leaders often exert control over the election process and have the ability to manipulate the outcome in their favor. Cacique democracy is typically associated with corruption, clientelism, and the concentration of power in the hands of a few dominant individuals.

What type of democracy is Angola?

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Angola is considered to be a presidential republic with a multiparty system. The President of Angola is both the head of state and the head of government, elected by popular vote. However, the political landscape in Angola has been dominated by one party, the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), since independence in 1975, leading to limited political pluralism and competition.

Does the astecz have a monarchey or democracy or other?

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The Aztec civilization had a complex political system that can be described as a stratified society with elements of both monarchy and democracy. At the top of the hierarchy, there was an emperor who held political power and claimed divine authority. However, important decisions were often made through a council of nobles and advisors, and there were also mechanisms for commoners to voice their opinions and participate in decision-making processes.

What was used as a sort of school of political democracy for the members of the lower orders in the colonies-turned-states?

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Asked by Wiki User

Town meetings and local assemblies were used as a sort of school of political democracy for the members of the lower orders in the colonies-turned-states. These meetings provided opportunities for citizens to participate in the decision-making process and learn about political issues. By attending these meetings and engaging in discussions and debates, individuals in the lower orders could gain knowledge and experience with democratic practices.

What is democracy and where did it start?

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Democracy is a form of government where power is vested in the people, who exercise it through voting and participation in decision-making. It originated in ancient Greece around the 5th century BCE, specifically in Athens. It has since evolved and been adopted by various civilizations and countries around the world.

Joseph Schumpeter defined democracy as the competitive struggle for people's?

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votes through political parties, resulting in periodic elections and peaceful transitions of power. He argued that democracy is characterized by a dynamic process of creative destruction, where new ideas challenge and replace existing ones, leading to progress and innovation in society.

What is representitive democracy?

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Representative democracy is a form of government in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. These representatives, typically organized in a legislative body, create and pass laws, govern the country, and represent the interests and concerns of their constituents. This system allows for broader participation in decision-making than direct democracy, where citizens directly vote on each issue.

Where was Democracy born?

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Democracy was born in ancient Athens, Greece. It emerged in the 5th century BCE as a system of government where citizens had the right to participate in decision-making through voting and direct involvement in political affairs. This concept of democracy, although limited to a small group of male citizens, became a foundational principle for modern democratic systems around the world.

Was Jefferson or hamilton a better spokesperson for democracy?

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Both Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton were important spokespersons for democracy, but they had different visions for the country. Jefferson advocated for a more agrarian society, championing individual liberty and states' rights. Hamilton, on the other hand, supported a stronger central government and emphasized economic development. Ultimately, the answer to who was a better spokesperson for democracy depends on one's perspective and priorities.

Explain 3 ways in which the ideas of John Locke were important to the development of democracy?

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  1. John Locke's concept of natural rights, specifically the rights to life, liberty, and property, laid the foundation for the idea that individuals have inherent rights that cannot be taken away by government. This belief became a cornerstone of modern democracies, as it established the principle of individual freedom and limited government power.

  2. Locke's theory of social contract emphasized that government should derive its authority from the consent of the governed. This notion challenged the divine right of kings and supported the idea that political power should be based on the will of the people. This idea influenced the development of democratic systems and helped establish the idea that political legitimacy comes from the consent of the governed.

  3. Locke's belief in the separation of powers and checks and balances influenced the development of democratic systems. His idea of dividing government power into separate branches, with checks on each other's authority, was key in establishing a system of government where power is distributed and constrained, preventing any one branch from becoming tyrannical. This concept is central to many democratic systems today.

How many types of govemnent are in democracy list them?

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Asked by keshav printshop

There are two main types of democracy: direct democracy and representative democracy. Direct democracy involves citizens directly participating in decision-making, typically through voting or referendums. Representative democracy, on the other hand, involves citizens electing representatives who make decisions on their behalf in legislative bodies such as parliaments or congresses.

What best describes the enlightenment's impact on democracy?

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The Enlightenment had a significant impact on democracy by promoting ideas such as individual rights, popular sovereignty, and the rule of law. Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu influenced the development of democratic principles, challenging the divine right of kings and emphasizing the consent of the governed. Their ideas laid the foundation for the establishment of modern democratic systems.

What were the 4 pillars of democracy in ancient Athens?

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The four pillars of democracy in ancient Athens were the Assembly, where all citizens could participate and vote on important decisions; the Council of 500, which prepared legislation and oversaw daily government affairs; the Courts, where citizens served as jurors and decided legal cases; and the system of Ostracism, where citizens could vote to exile a public figure they deemed dangerous to democracy.

Who influenced the foundation of modern democracy with his belief in government by consent?

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John Locke. He was an English philosopher who argued that governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed. He believed in the importance of individual rights and the idea that people have the right to overthrow a government that violates those rights.