


Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal disease caused by the variola virus.

500 Questions

Did rose wilder have smallpox?

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Yes, Rose Wilder, who was the daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder, had smallpox when she was a child. She survived the illness but was left with facial scars as a result.

Can you say viruela for chickenpox?

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No, "viruela" is not Spanish for chickenpox. Viruela is smallpox, while varicela is chickenpox in Spanish.

Is smallpox virus or bacteria?

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Smallpox was a virus.

Why was there opposition to Jenner about vaccination and inoculation?

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Actually smallpox inoculation had been done for more than 3000 years before Jenner in India and other places. It involved using pustules from a recovering smallpox victim to induce what was hoped to be a mild case of smallpox and immunity. However sometimes inoculation caused a full blown case of smallpox with all the scarring and occasionally death. But people were familiar with it and felt they understood its benefits and risks.

Jenner introduced vaccination involving pustules from cows (in Latin vacca) with active cowpox. People were neither familiar or comfortable with this new method. Perhaps it might not produce immunity as effectively or long lasting as successful inoculation did. Might it produce unexpected side effects? Nobody (including Jenner) knew for certain and many rumors about vaccination began circulating.

What is the purpose of smallpox?

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Smallpox is a disease that has been successfully eradicated - the last naturally occurring case of smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977. With recent world events and the biological warfare threat, this conquered disease has again risen to the forefront of public health. Smallpox is a highly contagious skin disease that can result in death.

What came first penicillin or smallpox vaccine?

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Edward Jenner came up with a smallpox vaccine in 1797, but it had been observed in 430 BC that those that had smallpox became immune to latter outbreaks and could nurse the sick. In 1939, Florey and Chain developed penicillian.

Who invented the small pox vaccination?

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Edward Jenner found that people who contracted the cowpox virus didn't contract smallpox so he tested it out on a farmer's son who had contracted smallpox that week and he applied the liquid inside a cowpox sore to a cut and then after he healed from cowpox, he injected the liquid from a smallpox sore and the boy didn't contract smallpox.Which is how he found the vaccine...

How old was Queen Elizabeth the 1 when she got the smallpox?

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She actually survived it! Not many people did back then.

Was smallpox deadly?

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A long time ago smallpox was deadly, but now there are mandatory vaccines that you get.

Why was smallpox created?

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No. The government did not create smallpox. It has been around for over 12,000 years.

Is chickenpox related to smallpox?

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No. Chickenpox did not come from smallpox they are 2 separate viruses.

What common victims that small pox preys upon?

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Anyone and everyone who comes into contact with smallpox is at risk unless they have immunity to the illness. The good news is that smallpox has virtually been eliminated due to widespread use of vaccinations. Vaccinations worked so well that they are no longer needed.

Can cow pox be given to people to prevent smallpox?

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Edward Jenner was born on May 17, 1749, in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England, the son of the Rev. Stephen Jenner, vicar of Berkeley. It was he, who discovered the cure for small pox.

The story of smallpox says that he spoke to a milkmaid who claimed that she would never suffer from smallpox since she had previously suffered from cowpox. Jenner investigated this and found that just as the milkmaid had said, anyone who had suffered from the fairly trivial cowpox, seemed to be immune from the far deadlier smallpox. He then started to experiment with creating what would later be called a "Vaccine". He took cultures from the scabs of cowpox and from it created a fluid which could be used to purposefully infect a patient with a less virile version of cowpox.

The weakened version of the cowpox vaccine was sufficiently related to the smallpox virus to allow cowpox infected patients immune systems to learn how to react to smallpox and create antibodies to fight off the infection.

In 1802 Jenner was awarded £10,000 by the British Parliament for the discovery and a few years later he was given a further £20,000 (A vast sum of money at that time). Even though he was now a wealthy man, Jenner continued with his experiments and developed his vaccination system. He suffered from a stroke in later life and eventually died January 26, 1823.

How did Dr Edward Jenner discover a vaccine for smallpox?

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He noticed, in his village where he was a doctor, that the dairymaids (woman who milk the cow) who had previously had Cowpox didn't get Smallpox. He got inspired by that and thought that they might have become immune to it. He also successfully tested this on a boy.

One day Edward was studying a milk woman who was milking a cow when he noticed she had cow pox that you get from cows. Smallpox was very common in those days so he started to wonder why most milk woman had not caught it yet? So he decided to test it on someone . he found a little boy just 8 and a bit years old and he agreed to help him. He deliberately gave him cow pox and the boy was ill with cow pox but he got better quickly . next he gave him some pus out of a small pox boil to see if he caught it. The boy was fine and Edward had found the cure.

Should scientists be allowed to genetically engineer the smallpox virus?

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Theoretically. Genetic engineering means changing the RNA/DNA of species, which could be the small pox. You could likely change it so that it's 'new' in some way, e.g. bypasses current immunities. However, that would require quite a bit of research and I'm pretty sure that's not allowed.

Which is NOT relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox variola?

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A positive Tzank smear is not relevant to a laboratory diagnosis of smallpox variola.

How many aboriginals have died from smallpox?

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94% of Inca population

3.5million Aztecs died from the Europeans when Cortez found Mexico (later he defeated the Aztecs, claiming the gold, silver and other goodies)

What other diseases can potentially be mistaken for smallpox?

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Cowpox. Edward Jenner inoculated a boy with cowpox in early discovery of smallpox vaccine, it is part of the Vaccinia virus family

How did the people in the 1700 cure smallpox?

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Most of the time they would bleed the patient with a tool called a lancet. Hope this helps!

What were lots of doctors including Jenner doing to protect patients from smallpox?

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they were finding out about immunity and immunisation