

Mythology Island

The goal of Mythology Island is recover the Five Sacred Items from the realms of gods and goddesses for the god Zeus.

500 Questions

How do you do a mythology biographical poem on Poseidon?

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To create a mythology biographical poem on Poseidon, you can highlight key aspects of his life and character, such as being the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses. Incorporate his relationships with other gods, such as Zeus and Hades, as well as his notable myths and symbols like the trident and dolphins. Use descriptive language and poetic devices to bring his story to life in a lyrical and engaging way.

What do you do after Zeus takes away the items?

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After Zeus takes away the items, you can try to negotiate with him or seek help from other gods or allies. It is important to understand the reasons behind Zeus's actions and find a way to resolve the situation peacefully.

How do find drachma in mythology island?

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In order to find the drachma on Mythology Island in the game Poptropica, you will need to complete various tasks and puzzles. The drachma can be obtained by solving a puzzle involving the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. Once you defeat the Minotaur and free the captured boy, he will give you the drachma as a reward.

How long is the River Styx on Mythology Island?

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The River Styx on Mythology Island is not explicitly mentioned in terms of its specific length. However, in Greek mythology, the River Styx is said to encircle the Underworld multiple times, so it can be inferred that it is a vast and lengthy river.

How do you put the hydro scale on the alter on the mythology island?

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To put the hydro scale on the altar in Mythology Island on Poptropica, you first need to obtain the hydro scale from Poseidon. To do this, solve the underwater labyrinth puzzle and find Poseidon's throne room. Once you have the hydro scale, return to the altar in the Grove of Temples and place it on the pedestal to activate the power of the gods.

Where is the key to the gate on mythology island on Poptropica?

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The key to the gate on Mythology Island in Poptropica is located inside the Tree of Immortality, which is found in the Grove of Temples. You need to solve puzzles and defeat enemies to reach the Tree and obtain the key.

How do you get past the bone puzzle in the labyrinth on Mythology island?

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To get past the bone puzzle in the labyrinth on Mythology Island, you need to match the bones to the skeletons. Look for clues and patterns in the shape and size of the bones to figure out which skeleton they belong to. Once you correctly match all the bones, the door will open, allowing you to proceed in the labyrinth.

How do you take six bones but still leave ten in mythology island on poptropica?

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To take six bones and still leave ten on Mythology Island in Poptropica, you would need to already have a surplus of bones in your inventory. For example, if you had 16 bones to begin with, you could take six of them and still have ten left.

Mythology island how do you solve bones puzzle?

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To solve the bones puzzle on Mythology Island, you need to arrange the bones in the correct order to form a skeleton. Start by placing the skull on top, followed by the spine, ribs, arm bones, leg bones, and finally the feet. Make sure to align the bones properly to complete the puzzle successfully.

How do you take away the 6 bones on Mythology Island?

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To remove the 6 bones on Mythology Island, you need to complete various tasks and puzzles related to Greek mythology. These include finding and returning Hermes' staff, retrieving the Trident for Poseidon, getting the Scale of the Hydra, solving the labyrinth puzzle, rescuing Hercules, and freeing Zeus from his chains. Once all the tasks are completed, the 6 bones will be automatically removed from the island.

How do you get the five sacred items on mythology island?

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To get the five sacred items on Mythology Island, you need to complete various tasks:

  1. Zeus's Crown: You will find it on top of the mountain after solving some puzzles and defeating the monsters.
  2. Poseidon's Trident: Dive into the water near Poseidon's Palace and retrieve the trident from the clutches of a giant octopus.
  3. Hades's Crown: Travel to the Underworld and defeat the three-headed dog, Cerberus, to obtain Hades's Crown.
  4. Aphrodite's Flower: Solve a puzzle at the Garden of the Sphinx to find the flower.
  5. Ares's War Helmet: Defeat all the warriors in Olympus Village and then claim the helmet from Ares himself.

How do you get to the secret path in mythology island?

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To access the secret path in Mythology Island on Poptropica, you need to first complete the main quest and defeat Zeus in the final battle. After that, return to the base of Mount Olympus and follow the path on the left side of the screen. You will find the entrance to the secret path, allowing you to explore Greek mythology further.

How do you unlock Mythology Island?

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To unlock Mythology Island on Poptropica, go to the Main Street of any island and access the travel map. Search for and select Mythology Island. Once you arrive on the island, follow the storyline and complete various quests to progress.

Where do you get the recorder in mythology island in poptropica?

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You can find the recorder in the Ancient Greece area of Mythology Island. It is located in the Tree of Immortality on Mount Olympus. Climb up to the top of the tree and you will find the recorder hanging from a branch.

How do you arrange the bones in the labyrinth on Mythology Island?

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To arrange the bones in the labyrinth on Mythology Island, first, move the large bone that blocks the path to the left. Then, push the smaller bone to the right, allowing you to access the second area. Finally, move the third bone at the bottom to the left, clearing the way to the exit.

Who do you get to help you move the rock on Mythology Island on Poptropica?

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In order to move the rock on Mythology Island in Poptropica, you need to find Hercules, who is located in the Hercules' Hero Hut area. Hercules will lend you his strength and help you move the rock.

Where is the golden apple on Mythology Island?

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In Mythology Island, the golden apple can be found in the Grove of Temples. You will need to solve puzzles and complete challenges in the different temple areas to finally reach the golden apple. Good luck!

How do you get the stone moved on poptropica mythology island?

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To move the stone on Poptropica Mythology Island, you need to complete a series of tasks. First, you need to retrieve the five sacred items: the Hydra's scale, the Minotaur's ring, the Golden Apple, the Mirror of Truth, and the Thread of Ariadne. Once you have all five items, return to the Minotaur's Labyrinth and place them on the pedestals to activate the stone-moving mechanism.

How do you find the key to the hefty padlock on mythology island?

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To find the key to the hefty padlock on Mythology Island, you need to complete various tasks and puzzles. One way is to talk to Zeus in Olympus, who will give you a challenging puzzle to solve. Once you solve it, Zeus will reward you with the key to the padlock.

What offerings do you give on mythology?

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I can provide information and answer questions on various mythologies from around the world, including Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, and more. I can share stories, explain the symbolism and significance of different myths, discuss the gods and goddesses, and explore the cultural and historical context of mythology.

How do you unlock the gate on mythology island?

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To unlock the gate on Mythology Island, you need to find and collect five sacred items: The Golden Apple, Hydra's Scale, Poseidon's Trident, Aphrodite's Token, and Hades' Crown. Once you have all five items, return to the gates and use them to unlock the gate and progress in the game.

How do you get to the temple of muses on mythology island?

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To reach the Temple of Muses on Mythology Island, you need to solve the Temple of Muses puzzle first. This involves placing the correct musical instruments in the correct order on the pedestals inside the temple. Once you solve the puzzle, a secret passage will open, allowing you to enter the temple and proceed with the quest.

Where do you get the flute on mythology island?

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Go to the right of Main Street, to the Grove of Temples.

In the Temple of Muses in the Grove of Temples, you can get a free reed pipe (flute) from the display to the far right. You play the notes by pushing the colored holes : blue, green, yellow, or red. Go to the statue of Euterpe, muse of music, and she will teach you the song to lull Cerberus. (blue-green-yellow-blue-red-green)

You will also need the reed pipe to enter the lair of the Minotaur (it has a musical lock that can be opened by playing blue-blue-green-yellow-yellow-red-blue-green).

What are the flute colors on Mythology Island?

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Blue, green, yellow, blue, red, and green. Those are the colors but you might have to find out youself in order for it to work..... If so, you have to go to the music building, to the far right, and jump up onto the second building. Talk to the statue closest to the edge, you have to pass a test and then you get the colors.

Where does Zeus steal the 5 sacred items on Mythology island?

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Once you have all five items, you take them back to the Tree of Immortality, where Athena helps you decipher the message written on them. Once it is found, Zeus appears and steals the items (and does not give you immortality or anything else).

Once the items are stolen, Hercules will agree to help stop Zeus, but you will need the Touchscreen Mirror from Aphrodite's test on the beach in Poseidon's realm. Hercules is not in the mood to walk very far.