


The order of worship varies depending on the parent church. Some are heavily proscribed, with specific order and even defining the scripture that is to be read on each day. Others are open to interpretation without restrictions.

500 Questions

Non-liturgical Latin poems set to simple melodies?

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One example of non-liturgical Latin poems set to simple melodies are the "Carmina Burana" composed by Carl Orff in the 20th century. These poems were taken from a collection of medieval texts and set to music in a more contemporary style. They are often performed with a focus on rhythmic intensity and dramatic delivery.

What liturgical color symbolizes penance?

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Purple is the liturgical color that symbolizes penance in the Christian tradition. It is often used during Lent, a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for Easter.

What is cathalicism?

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Catholicism is one of the largest Christian denominations, with its roots dating back to the time of Jesus Christ. It is centered around the teachings of Jesus, as interpreted by the Pope and other church leaders. Catholicism believes in the sacraments, the authority of the Pope, and the belief in salvation through faith and good works.

Beethoven's greatest liturgical music is to be found in his?

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Beethoven's greatest liturgical music is found in his Mass in D major. Beethoven is one of the world's greatest musicians of all time. Most of his music is considered classical music.

What makes the liturgical calendar different from the calendars?

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The yearly calendar begins JANUARY 1 but the liturgical calendar begins on the first Sunday of Advent

What are the different ways of celebrating the liturgy called?

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Roman Catholic AnswerThey used to be called Low Mass (the priest sang nothing), High Mass (a Mass sung by the priest without a deacon or subdeacon), Solemn Mass (Mass celebrated with a deacon and subdeacon), and a Pontifical Mass (Solemn Mass by a pope, cardinal, bishop, or abbot with prescribed ritual). After Vatican II, they no longer use the term Low or High Mass. A Solemn Mass is Mass celebrated with a deacon or acolyte, usually with incense, and a Pontifical Mass remains the same.

What is liturgy and devotional music in cordillera?

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A Cordillera is an extensive chain of mountains or mountain ranges. There are a number of Cordillera's, so without even knowing the continent or more specifics your question is impossible to answer.

Cordillera (from Wikipedia)

Arctic Cordillera, the mountain ranges along the northeastern edge of the Arctic Archipelago and the northeasternmost part of the Ungava Peninsula in Labrador and Quebec, Canada

American Cordillera, the mountain ranges forming the western backbone of North America and South America

Annamese Cordillera (Annamite Range), Laos and eastern Vietnam

Baetic Cordillera, Spain

Central Cordillera (New Guinea Highlands)

Cordillera Cantábrica and Cantabria (including the Picos de Europa)

Cordillera Central, several mountain ranges share the name

Cordillera Occidental, Andes, Colombia and Ecuador

Cordillera Occidental, Peru

Cordillera Oriental, several mountain ranges share the name

Pacific Cordillera, an alternate name for the Western Cordillera in North America, usually used in Canada. Sometimes mis-used for the Pacific Coast Ranges.

Mexican Cordillera, consisting of the Juarez Segment, the Huayacocotla Segment, the Victoria Segment, and the Nuevoleones Cordillera

Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), encompassing the Cordillera Central mountains of the Philippines

Cordillera de los Andes, South America

Cordillera de la Costa (Chilean Coast Range)

Cordillera de la Costa (Venezuelan Coastal Range)

Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela

Gran Cordillera Region (Northern Philippines)

East Australian Cordillera

Southern Pacific Cordillera, Mindanao, Philippines

Zagros Cordillera, Middle East, Southeast of Turkey, Northeast of Iraq, and Northwest to Southeast Iran

Albors Cordillera, Northwest-Northeast Iran (also written as Elburz)

How many parts are there in the liturgy of the word in the mass?

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There are four stages in the Mass namely: - its opening rites,

- the proclamation of the word,

- the liturgy of the Eucharist, and

- the concluding rites.

What are the parts of Liturgy?

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In this context we are referring to Divine Liturgy. The word ' liturgy ' comes from the Greek language and pertains to a public place, building or services generally used for religious gatherings and meetings. Most often these meetings involve performing a eucharistic rite. The word 'eucharist' means to have communion with God and a 'rite' is a ceremony asscociated with public worship. Celebrating a communion with God.

They were referring to 'What are the PARTS OF THE LITURGY' not 'Parts of Liturgy'. So, this is not helpful...sorry.

And they are:


Responsorial Psalm

Second Reading

Alleuia or Gospel Acclamation



Profession of Faith

Prayer of the Faithful


Preparation of the Gifts

Prayer over the Offerings

Eucharistic Prayer

Communion Rite

Lord's Prayer

Rite of Peace

Breaking of the Bread

Holy Communion

What is a liturgical play?

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Liturgical drama or religious drama, in its various Christian contexts, originates from the mass itself, and usually presents a relatively complex ritual that includes theatrical elements.

What is liturgical worship?

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A form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted.

What is the liturgical colour for The Easter Tridium?

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You can wear any color you like on Easter Vigil. Traditionally, it would be associated with brighter colors, like the way priests would wear white. It is also in the season of spring, another reason for wearing brighter colors.

What is brought to the altar along with the unconsecrated bread and wine at the beginning of the liturgy of the eucharist?

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Normally, the procession up to the altar at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist is to bring the gifts to be used for the sacrifice, in other words, the bread and the wine, as you mention in your question. However, if there is a collection at that Mass, then the collection would also be brought to the altar as it represents the gifts of the people as well.

Why is ordinary time an important part to the liturgical year?

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Because Ordinary Time is when the Scriptures are read sequentially, in Order. Which is why it's called "Ordinary." The word in this context doesn't mean "not special." It means "Time that's counted."

In Year A Matthew is read through. Year B, Mark; Year C, Luke.

Ordinary Time includes all those weeks that do not fall into the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent or Easter.

What is the liturgical season before Christmas?

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It is a time of hope, of joyful anticipation.It is an eschatological time.

It is not a time of penitence. Some people get confused by this since both Advent and Lent call for Violet vestments. To help distinguish the nature of these two periods, liturgists have suggested wearing a more purple-violet during Lent and penitential seasons, and more of a blue-violet during Advent.

Advent begins on the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Andrew (November 30). Since he was the first called of the apostles, it was deemed fitting that the Sunday near his feast mark the beginning of the (western) Liturgical Year, and of the time of expectation for the coming of Christ.

Why is Easter the most important season in the liturgical year?

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A Catholic answer (Catholics in communion with the Pope)After the fall and break-up of the Roman Empire, the Catholic Church eventually became the custodian of the law, education, and administration throughout much of Europe. In many places, this included the keeping of the calendar, religious and civil. Eventually, with the separation of the church from the secular state, it became necessary to keep two calendars: one civil or secular, the other religious or liturgical. The liturgical calendar tracks the progress of the liturgical year, which includes mostly celebrations and commemorations of certain major events in the lives of Jesus Christ, of Mary, and of the saints, such as (January) the Feast of Mary, Mother of God; (Feb) Saint Bernadette's day; (March) Saint Patrick's Day; (April) Easter Sunday (May) Feast of the Pentecost, and so on, all the way to December and Christmas Day.

Why is liturgy important to Christianity?

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Liturgy of the Eucharist is important because through the Eucharist we remember and celebrate God's work of Salvation to mankind. Moreover, the holy Eucharist strengthens us always to resist to sin. Furthermore, this question could not be answered in a sentence nor a paragraph. It should be discussed in order for the reader to understand more clearly the answer.

Catholic Reply:

Yes, all is true which was said above but so much more. The important point is that, at the Consecration, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ and at communion we become united physically and spiritually with Him.

Why is white appropriate for Easter andchristmas in the catholic liturgical calendar?

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White is worn as a sign of joy. Easter and Christmas are the most joyous of holy days: Jesus resurrection and birth.