


Religion & Spirituality

Throughout human history, humans have been searching for meaning. Many people find it in religious or spiritual worship or practice. The questions of religion have occupied humanity since our beginnings. Questions here include the ancient, organized, and new & evolving religions; faith, spirituality, and alternate pathways; as well as those of people still searching. Questions about the origins of religion, comparison of religion, and Atheism are also found here.

500 Questions

What is gnosis?

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Gnosis is a term used to describe spiritual knowledge or insight, often associated with mystical or esoteric teachings. It is a deeper understanding of the divine and one's true nature that transcends intellectual knowledge. Gnosis is believed to lead to self-realization and enlightenment.

Is there any object besides dream catchers that help with bad dreams?

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Yes, other objects that can help with bad dreams include crystals like amethyst or selenite placed under your pillow or near your bed, using essential oils like lavender or chamomile in a diffuser, or even keeping a journal by your bed to write down any troubling thoughts before going to sleep. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

How can you talk in tongues?

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Speaking in tongues is a practice associated with some religious beliefs, where individuals speak in languages they do not know as a form of prayer or worship. It is often believed to be a gift from the Holy Spirit and can be achieved through intense prayer, faith, and connection with the divine. It is a deeply personal and spiritual experience for those who practice it.

What is a foreign culture?

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Any culture outside of one's own can be described as foreign, but most often it is in reference to other cultures outside of one's own national boundaries.

According to scientists how many years have people lived in the Arctic?

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Scientists estimate that people have been living in the Arctic for at least 30,000 years, with some evidence suggesting a presence as far back as 50,000 years ago. This is based on archaeological findings of ancient human settlements and remnants of tools and artifacts.

When and where ifugao live?

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The Ifugao people live in the Ifugao province in the northern part of the Philippines. They are known for their traditional agricultural practices, particularly rice terracing, and for their rich cultural heritage and traditions. Their ancestral land is situated in the Cordillera mountain range.

Did humans evolve from cows?

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Tempting as the thought might be - no. Humans didn't come from cows-as-we-know-them.

But cows and humans are both vertebrates and placental mammals, so way back when there is a common ancestor. A fairly small mammal that branched off time after time- One line eventually turning out cows and another eventually turning out humans.

What are the similarities of history and religion?

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Both history and religion provide explanations for the existence of the world and human beings. They both seek to impart meaning and purpose to life through stories and narratives. Additionally, both history and religion serve as sources of identity and culture for individuals and societies.

Did giants exist?

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No, giant humans have never existed. Neanderthals, who lived in Europe until tens of thousands of years ago, were massively built and far stronger than our species of humans, but certainly no taller than we are.

Why is knowing root words prefixes and suffixes important in science?

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Understanding root words, prefixes, and suffixes is essential in science because it helps decipher the meaning of complex scientific terms. By breaking down these terms into their component parts, one can infer their definitions and grasp concepts more easily. This knowledge also aids in forming new words and understanding relationships between different scientific terms.

When to capitalize a religion?

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Capitalize the name of a religion when referring to it as a specific entity or belief system, such as "Christianity," "Islam," or "Buddhism." Do not capitalize general references to beliefs or practices associated with a religion, such as "biblical teachings" or "meditative practices.”

How do humans communicate?

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Humans communicate through a variety of methods including verbal language, written language, body language, and nonverbal cues. These forms of communication allow individuals to convey thoughts, ideas, emotions, and information to one another. Additionally, technology has provided new ways for humans to communicate over long distances through phone calls, text messages, emails, and video calls.

What religion were the Celts?

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Wikipedia: "The Celts had an indigenous polytheisticreligion and culture." "Polytheism is the belief in or worship of multiple deities, such as gods and goddesses." "While the regions under Roman rule adopted Christianity along with the rest of the Roman Empire, unconquered areas of Ireland and Scotland moved from Celtic polytheism to Celtic Christianity in the fifth century AD." "Celtic Christianity, or Insular Christianity (sometimes called the Celtic Church or the British Church or Irish Church) broadly refers to the Early Medieval Christian practice that developed in Britain and Ireland before and during the post-Roman period, when Germanic invasions sharply reduced contact between the broadly Celtic populations of Britons and Irish with Christians on the Continent until their subsequent conversion in the 5th and 6th centuries."

Who were the first two people in the world?

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The book of Genisis in the Christian Scriptures tell us that God made Adam, the first man. When He realized that Adam may be lonely in the Garden of Eden, he waited till Adam was sleeping and took from him a rib bone and from this He created Eve, the first woman, to be Adam's companion. I cannot speak for any other for other religious belief systems.

What did early africans eat in 4000 BC?

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In 4000 BC, early Africans in regions such as Egypt, Nubia, and the Sahel region primarily consumed a diet based on grains like barley and emmer wheat, legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, fruits like dates and figs, and various vegetables. Meat from animals like cattle, goats, and fish was also part of their diet, although likely less common due to limited availability and hunting challenges.

What is culturalism?

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Culturalism is the belief that cultural identity is essential and plays a critical role in shaping individual behavior and societal norms. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting different cultural backgrounds and traditions in fostering social harmony and diversity. However, culturalism has also been criticized for sometimes leading to stereotypes and generalizations about specific cultural groups.

Can humans be cyborgs?

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Yes, humans can become cyborgs by integrating technology into their bodies to enhance or augment their capabilities. This can include devices such as pacemakers, cochlear implants, or prosthetic limbs that function as part of the human body.

Humans are often called the naked apes Since we have extensive hair follicles all over our body why do you suppose we lack body hair?

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One theory is that humans lost most of their body hair during the course of evolution as a way to regulate body temperature more efficiently. This allowed our ancestors to engage in endurance running activities, as reduced hair allowed for better heat dissipation while running. Additionally, the loss of body hair may have had social implications related to communication and the use of clothing for protection and adornment.

Did we evolve from chimpanzees or did God create us?

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The theory of evolution proposes that humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor and have evolved separately over millions of years. This scientific explanation is supported by evidence from fields like genetics, anatomy, and fossil records. The idea of God creating humans is a belief held by various religious traditions. Both perspectives are often seen as addressing different aspects of existence - the scientific and the spiritual.

Was the first man on earth Asian African American or Chinese?

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It is not possible to determine the specific race or ethnicity of the first human as that information is not recorded in history. The concept of race developed over time as human populations migrated and evolved in different regions of the world.

What are the division of anthropology?

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Anthropology is typically divided into four main subfields: cultural anthropology (the study of living cultures and societies), archaeology (the study of past human cultures through material remains), physical/biological anthropology (the study of human biology and evolution), and linguistic anthropology (the study of human languages).

How did conscience evolve in humans?

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Conscience likely evolved in humans as a way to promote social cohesion and cooperation within groups. It helps to regulate behaviors and limit harm to others, enhancing survival and reproductive success. Over time, those individuals with a strong sense of conscience may have been more likely to form successful social bonds and pass on their genes, leading to the prevalence of a conscience in human populations.

What is syncretism?

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Syncretism is the merging or combination of different beliefs, practices, or cultures into a new unified form. It often occurs when different religions or traditions come into contact and influence each other, leading to a blending of ideas and traditions.

Who are the dravidians?

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The Dravidians are a diverse group of people predominantly found in southern India and parts of Sri Lanka. They speak languages that belong to the Dravidian language family. Dravidian culture is known for its rich history, architecture, and literature.

What is Anthropology and its importance to religion?

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Anthropology is the study of humans, their cultures, societies, and behaviors. It is important to religion as it helps us understand how beliefs, practices, and rituals are shaped by cultural factors and how they influence society. Anthropologists study religion to analyze its role in shaping human identity, social structures, and worldviews across different cultures and times.