


Investing and Financial Markets

Investment of capital in money markets, capital markets, commodities markets, and foreign exchange markets

500 Questions

What is the Difference between merchant banking and investment banking?

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Asked by Wiki User

Merchant banking involves providing financial services to corporations and high-net-worth individuals, such as managing mergers and acquisitions, underwriting securities, and offering advisory services. Investment banking, on the other hand, focuses on helping companies raise capital through issuing securities in the capital markets, providing financial advice, and facilitating mergers and acquisitions. In essence, merchant banking is more focused on providing comprehensive financial services, while investment banking specializes in capital raising and advisory services.

Scientific name of pechay?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scientific name of pechay is Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis.

How does a change in the required rate of return affect project's Internal Rate Of Return?

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Asked by Wiki User

A change in the required rate of return will affect a project's Internal Rate of Return (IRR) by potentially shifting the project's feasibility. If the required rate of return increases, the project's IRR needs to be higher to be considered acceptable. Conversely, a decrease in the required rate of return could make the project's IRR more attractive.

What if an organization neglected to manage its working capital?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neglecting to manage working capital can lead to liquidity issues, inability to pay obligations, reduced profitability, and potential bankruptcy. It can also result in missed growth opportunities and decreased investor confidence. Effective working capital management is crucial for ensuring the smooth operations and financial health of an organization.

How would you define leadership?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leadership is the ability to inspire and guide a group of individuals towards a common goal. It involves providing direction, making decisions, and motivating others to achieve success. Effective leadership also entails fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.

What is international capital market?

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Asked by Wiki User

The international capital market refers to the global financial system that allows investors to buy and sell financial securities (such as stocks and bonds) across different countries. It provides a platform for businesses and governments to raise capital from investors worldwide and facilitates the flow of funds across borders. It plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth and development on a global scale.

What is working capital?

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Asked by Wiki User

Working capital is a measure of a company's operational efficiency and short-term financial health, calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current assets. It represents the funds available for day-to-day operations and is important for assessing a company's liquidity and ability to cover short-term obligations. A positive working capital indicates that a company has more current assets than liabilities, while a negative working capital may suggest potential financial difficulties.

What are the theories of political environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Dependency theory: Focuses on the relationship between developed and developing countries, suggesting that underdevelopment in the Global South is a result of exploitation and dependency on the Global North.
  2. Modernization theory: Posits that societies progress from traditional to modern through stages of economic development, social change, and democratization.
  3. World-systems theory: Analyzes the global political economy as a system of core, semi-peripheral, and peripheral countries, emphasizing the structural inequalities and power dynamics between them.

What are fiduciary relationships among countries alliances based on?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fiduciary relationships among countries alliances are typically based on trust, mutual respect, and shared values. They involve a commitment to act in each other's best interests and uphold common goals and principles. Such relationships often entail a higher level of accountability and transparency in decision-making processes.

What is the time frame for brain death due to lack of oxygen?

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Brain death due to lack of oxygen can occur within minutes, typically 4-6 minutes, after the brain is deprived of oxygen. The exact time frame can vary depending on factors such as the individual's health, age, and the cause of oxygen deprivation. Immediate medical intervention is crucial to prevent irreversible brain damage.

Objective of fdi?

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Asked by Wiki User

The objective of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is to promote economic growth, transfer technology and expertise, create job opportunities, and improve infrastructure in a host country. FDI also helps in increasing productivity, fostering competition, and boosting innovation in the local market.

What is a director emeritus?

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Asked by Wiki User

A director emeritus is an honorary title given to former directors of an organization who have retired or stepped down from their position. They may be consulted for advice or guidance due to their previous contributions and expertise. It does not carry any voting rights or official responsibilities.

How do you cash in a postal savings certificate from 1946?

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Asked by Wiki User

To cash in a postal savings certificate from 1946, you would need to visit the post office branch where the certificate was issued. Due to the age of the certificate, you may be required to provide additional identification and documentation to verify ownership and authenticity. It's recommended to contact the post office in advance to inquire about their specific procedures for redeeming such old certificates.

What is the purpose of the endosperm?

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Asked by Wiki User

The endosperm provides nutrients for the developing plant embryo. It primarily stores carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to support the growth and development of the embryo until it can photosynthesize and produce its own food.

Who are on the board of directors for The Carlyle Group?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of September 2021, the board of directors for The Carlyle Group includes the co-founders, David M. Rubenstein, William E. Conway Jr., and Daniel A. D'Aniello, as well as other executives such as Glenn Youngkin and Kewsong Lee.

What does AG after Glencore International means?

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Asked by Wiki User

AG after Glencore International typically stands for Aktiengesellschaft, which is a German term meaning "stock corporation" or "public limited company." This indicates that Glencore International is a type of corporation under German law.

What are the principles of cash management?

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Asked by Lu112907

speed up collection of receivables

keep inventory levels low

delay payment of liabilities

plan the timing of capital expenditures

invest idle cash

create a cash budget

The way of make money without investment?

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Asked by Wiki User

One gets nothing for nothing.

An investment of some sort is needed if one is to acquire money.

One either invests ones time, skills and knowledge and earns wages/salary

or one invests risk and robs people

However there are few ways available but not so fast. You need to spend some time but no need to invest.

What is literary analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Literary analysis is the process of examining (or critiquing) the various components of a literary work, and how those components are used by the author.

Give an Example for transnational corporation?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example of a transnational corporation is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola operates in over 200 countries worldwide, with production facilities, distribution networks, and marketing efforts that span across borders. The company's products are tailored to local tastes and preferences, demonstrating its global reach and presence.

Example of closing remarks for a seminar?

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Asked by Wiki User

In closing, I would like to thank all the participants for their valuable contributions and active engagement throughout this seminar. Together, we have shared insights, learned from each other, and strengthened our understanding of the topic. Let's continue to apply these newfound knowledge and ideas in our respective fields to drive positive change and progress. Thank you once again and looking forward to future collaborations.

How does the lady of shalott is treated in the poem by tennyson as a commodity or as a work of art?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Lady of Shalott is portrayed more as a work of art than a commodity in Tennyson's poem. She is depicted as a tragic figure, devoted to her art rather than as a mere object to be possessed or traded. Her artistic endeavors are central to her identity and ultimately lead to her demise.

How much are oil companies subsidized by the government?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oil companies in the United States receive various subsidies from the government, ranging from direct payments to tax breaks and incentives. Estimates suggest these subsidies can amount to anywhere from $4 billion to $20 billion annually. The exact amount can vary depending on the inclusion of different types of support and how it is calculated.

What is the significance of FDI for India?

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Asked by Wiki User

FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) is significant for India as it brings in external capital, technology, and expertise, which can boost economic growth, create jobs, and improve infrastructure. It also helps in increasing export competitiveness, fostering innovation, and enhancing overall productivity in various sectors of the economy.