



Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control and abnormal cell growth spreading to other locations in the body via lymph or blood resulting in the destruction of adjacent tissues. There are over 100 different types of cancer specific to the type of cells that are affected.

500 Questions

Does glumetza cause pancreatic cancer?

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Glumetza is a brand name for metformin hydrochloride extended-release tablets, a medication commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes. There is currently no evidence to suggest that Glumetza or metformin increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.

In fact, some studies have suggested that metformin may have potential protective effects against certain types of cancer, including pancreatic cancer. Research into the anti-cancer properties of metformin is ongoing, and while some studies have shown promising results, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between metformin use and cancer risk.

It's important to note that all medications, including Glumetza, carry potential risks and side effects, but the decision to use a medication should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional who can weigh the potential benefits against the risks for each individual patient. If you have concerns about the use of Glumetza or its potential effects on cancer risk, it's best to discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Liver cancer symptoms?

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the main symptom of many liver disease is fatigue. Many times there are no symptoms at all, until the disease has been in your system for many years. Other symptoms can include itching, joint pain, and jaundice( yellowing of the skin or eyes).

What is salvestrol therapy?

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Asked by Michaelcleary

Salvestrol therapy is an alternative medicine approach that involves consuming fruits and vegetables high in salvestrols to support the body's natural defense mechanisms against diseases, particularly cancer. Salvestrols are plant compounds that are thought to trigger cancer cell apoptosis or programmed cell death. However, more research is needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of salvestrol therapy.

What is leading cause of death for teenagers?

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As of 2005:

For older teens:

1. Unintentional Injury (which includes car accidents, the leading cause of death)

2. Homicide

3. Suicide

4. Malignant Neoplasms

5. Heart Disease

For younger teens:

1. Unintentional Injury

2. Malignant Neoplasms

3. Suicide

4. Congenital Anomalies

5. Homicide

How many deaths occur due to cheek cancer?

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Cheek cancer is a type of oral cancer, and the number of deaths can vary depending on factors such as the stage at diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate information on mortality rates related to cheek cancer.

Will aspirin help a brain tumor headache go away?

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Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are typically used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. However, they are not typically used as primary treatments for headaches caused by brain tumours. Here are a few reasons why:

Limited Effectiveness: Aspirin and NSAIDs are more effective for headaches related to inflammation or tension, such as migraines or tension headaches. Headaches caused by brain tumors are often due to increased intracranial pressure or other factors directly related to the tumor, and these medications may not provide significant relief in such cases.

Underlying Cause: Brain tumor headaches are usually a symptom of the tumor itself, and treating the headache alone does not address the underlying cause. It's essential to identify and treat the tumor to alleviate associated symptoms.

Potential Risks: Using aspirin or NSAIDs for brain tumor headaches without proper medical evaluation and supervision can be risky. These medications can have side effects, interact with other treatments, and mask important symptoms that need medical attention.

Medical Evaluation: If you experience persistent or severe headaches, especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms like changes in vision, speech difficulties, or neurological symptoms, it's crucial to seek medical evaluation promptly. A healthcare professional can determine the cause of the headaches and recommend appropriate treatments, which may include medications specifically for managing tumor-related symptoms.

It's always best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and management of headaches, especially when they could be related to underlying medical conditions such as brain tumors.

How many people die in the US unsaved each year?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number of people who die unsaved in the US each year. Factors such as personal beliefs, access to healthcare, and individual circumstances can all impact end-of-life decisions. It is important to respect individuals' autonomy and choices regarding their beliefs and end-of-life care.

How many people died in the 1950s because of cancer?

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Around half a million people died from cancer each year in the 1950s in the United States. Cancer was a leading cause of death during that time, with advancements in treatment and awareness growing throughout the decade.

What percent of all cancer deaths in the us are caused by smoking?

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It is estimated that about 30% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. are caused by smoking. Smoking is a major risk factor for many types of cancer, including lung, throat, and mouth cancers.

Traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death in the US?

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Yes, traffic crashes are a major cause of death in the United States. They result in thousands of fatalities annually and significant economic costs. Implementing measures such as enforcement of traffic laws, education, and improving infrastructure can help reduce the number of crashes and fatalities.

What percent of people in the US die from lung cancer each year?

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Approximately 25% of cancer-related deaths in the US are due to lung cancer each year. It is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the country. Early detection and prevention measures, such as avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, can help reduce this statistic.

How many people died of cancer in the years 2005-2008?

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It is estimated that around 7.6 million people died of cancer worldwide each year between 2005 and 2008. The number of cancer deaths can vary by region and country due to factors like access to healthcare and lifestyle choices.

Leading causes of death in the United States?

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The leading causes of death in the United States include heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, and accidents (unintentional injuries). These conditions are responsible for the majority of deaths in the country each year. It is important to note that the prevalence of these causes can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and lifestyle choices.

How many people are killed by pigs each year?

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According to the Shark Foundation, approximately 40 people per year are killed by pigs in the USA and Canada, but that includes fatal car crashes into pigs (which can weigh over 1000 pounds), not just people directly mauled by swine.

The "National Bureau of Swine Violence" and its 20000+ statistic are fake, fake, fake.

What is the death rate of osteosarcoma per year?

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The death rate of osteosarcoma per year is estimated to be around 1-2 per million people globally. However, survival rates for osteosarcoma have significantly improved in recent years due to advancements in treatment strategies such as surgery, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.

How many people are diagnosed with cancer daily from the u.s.?

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On average, over 4,800 people are diagnosed with cancer daily in the United States. This amounts to approximately 1.8 million new cancer cases each year in the country.

What are some of the leading causes of animal deaths?

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Some of the leading causes of animal deaths include diseases, accidents, predation, starvation, and human activities such as hunting, habitat destruction, and pollution. Each species and ecosystem face unique challenges that can impact their survival and longevity.

What is the death rate of children dying from leukemia?

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The death rate for children with leukemia varies depending on the type of leukemia and other factors. Overall, the survival rate for children with leukemia has significantly improved over the years with advances in treatment. Approximately 80-90% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the most common type of leukemia in children, can be cured with current treatments.

How many people die from leukemia each year?

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In 2000, about 209,000 people died from leukemia.

What is the leading cause of death in the world?

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The leading cause of death in the world is cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. These conditions are often linked to lifestyle factors like unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and smoking. Early detection and management of risk factors can help prevent these conditions.

How many people have cancer?

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The current estimated human population for the planet earth in 2010 is 6,865,300,000 by the United States Census Bureau. The United Nations estimates that world population will be over the 7,000,000,000 mark in 2011. Recent U.N. organized surveys performed in multiple countries have found the average percentage of people who suffer from some sort of cancer is 31%. The American Cancer Society has found similar numbers in its studies of North and South America.

Using these two sources of information. One can estimate that 2,128,243,000 individuals in the year 2010, will have some sort of cancer.

What happens to a brain tumor patient if he hit his head really hard?

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If a person with a brain tumour hits their head hard, the consequences can vary depending on factors such as the location, size, and type of tumor, as well as the force of impact. Here are some possible outcomes:

Increased Intracranial Pressure: A hard impact on the head can lead to increased pressure inside the skull. This can be especially problematic for someone with a brain tumor because the tumor may already be causing pressure on surrounding brain tissue.

Worsening Symptoms: The impact can exacerbate existing symptoms related to the brain tumour, such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, seizures, changes in vision, balance problems, or cognitive difficulties.

New Symptoms: It's possible for the impact to cause new symptoms or neurological deficits, depending on the area of the brain affected and the extent of damage.

Bleeding or Swelling: In some cases, a head injury can cause bleeding or swelling in the brain, which can be particularly dangerous for someone with an existing brain tumor.

Emergency Situation: A severe head injury in a brain tumor patient may require immediate medical attention, including imaging studies (such as CT scans or MRIs) to assess the extent of damage and determine the appropriate treatment.

Treatment Adjustments: Depending on the outcome of medical evaluation, treatment for the brain tumor may need to be adjusted to address any new complications or changes in the tumor's status.

It's essential for individuals with brain tumors to take precautions to prevent head injuries, such as wearing protective headgear during activities that carry a risk of head trauma. Any significant impact to the head should be evaluated by a healthcare professional promptly, especially in the context of a pre-existing brain tumor.

What is the scientific name for pancreatic cancer?

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The scientific name for pancreatic cancer is pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

How was brain cancer first discovered?

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Brain cancer was first recognized in the early 19th century through postmortem examinations of patients who had neurological symptoms. As medical knowledge grew, advances in imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scans helped in the early detection and diagnosis of brain tumors. This led to further understanding of the different types of brain cancer and development of treatment options.

What is the scientific name for epstein-barr virus?

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The scientific name for Epstein-Barr virus is Human gammaherpesvirus 4.