

Women's Rights

Women's Rights refers to the long fight to secure equal societal privilege for women to that given naturally to men. While the first thought quickly goes to suffrage, there are numerous other rights that women have been fighting for, such as: the right to serve in the armed forces, rights to be protected from rape and jail perpetrators, the right to open/run businesses and have careers, the right to an education, and innumerable other rights that many men take for granted.

500 Questions

Where was Voltaire on women's rights?

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Voltaire was an advocate for women's rights, believing that women should have the same legal and social rights as men. He wrote about gender equality in several of his works, advocating for women's education and independence. He believed that women should have the same opportunities as men to develop their talents and contribute to society.

What limitations on women's rights did many activist find unacceptable?

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Right to own property, Right to vote, Equal pay

What is result of the women's rights movement?

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Now they have to work so a family has 2 incomes to survive

Should every woman have the right to have a baby?

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Everyone who is capable of loving the child, is able to provide for that child, will protect the child from abuse and neglect, and is willing to parent their children should have the right to have children.

So: no, not everyone... but most

Have womens rights improved in Afghanistan?

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Since the Taliban has been kicked out and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has taken over, womens rights have definitly improved. The edvidence to prove this is that

  1. 400,000 women have started school this year.
  2. seven million children are at school and 37% are female.
  3. women can now be in the military.
  4. And women with husbands that tolerate it, can show their faces, instead of always wearing a burka.

How was Abigail Adams an advocate for womens rights?

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Abigail Adams was an advocate of married women's property rights and more opportunities for women, particularly in the field of education. Women, she believed, should not submit to laws not made in their interest, nor should they be content with the simple role of being companions to their husbands. They should educate themselves and thus be recognized for their intellectual capabilities, so they could guide and influence the lives of their children and husbands. She is known for her March 1776 letter to John Adams and the Continental Congress, requesting that they, "...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation.[1]

John declined Abigail's "extraordinary code of laws," but acknowledged to Abigail, "We have only the name of masters, and rather than give up this, which would completely subject us to the despotism of the petticoat, I hope General Washington and all our brave heroes would fight."


Why did Abigail Adams fight for women's rights?

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Abigail Adams was one of the very many founders of the group called the daughters of liberty.This group of women helped us win the american revolution by boycotting british goods.

What are women's rights currently in Canada?

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Women have equal rights to men in all areas of society. It is illegal to discriminate based on gender in Canada. It's all in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

What were the womens rights in the Gilded Age?

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Before World War 2, women had the right to vote in a few countries such as Australia and New Zealand. That was the only rights give at that time as they were minimally involved in the political process.

How do you use womens rights movement in a sentence?

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That feminist over there slapped a guy for being courteous and holding a door open for her, when 10 seconds earlier, she slapped a different man for not holding the door for her.

What was the women's rights movement about in the 1800s?

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton , Lucretia Mott,Susan B. Anthony & Sojourner truth

How have womens rights changed since the 1800's?

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The role of women has changed greatly in American society. Prior to World War II, women generally stayed in the home. During the war, women began working outside the home every day, doing the jobs left vacant by the men out fighting. Following the war, women refused to go back to being housewives. They enjoyed the independence of working. This eventually lead to the Women's Lib movement of the 1960s.

Why were woman not allowed to get an education in the 1800s?

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Married women were not allowed to teach in the 1800's, because married women usually get pregnant at some point in their marriage, and the schoolboards did not want to pay them for maternity leave, or have to find another teacher a such short notice. Also, i think mood swings might have been a part of it, but that's probably just a myth.

How were the Abolitionist movement and the Women's Rights movement related?

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They saw that they both were disenfranchised at that time in history. The desire to be heard and heeded and treated equally was something they shared, and you know what they say about strength in numbers.

Interestingly, later (and by later I mean early 1900s, not today) women's rights advocates also shared a lot of members in common with prohibition, but that's another story.

What are the pros and cons of women's rights movement?

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pros - conflicts will likely be solved without war (or at least attempted to be solved without war) cons -may not be as intimidating? -probably very many sexist people will protest

How did the women's rights movement begin?

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Women were not allowed to vote. They usually could not get higher education. Often, they could not get jobs, and when they did, they got paid less than men for the same work. They could not own property, in many countries, including England, for a while. In some places, if they had money and got married, the money became the property of their husbands. They women's right movement started because they were sick of the unfairness.

There is a link below.

What are women's rights in Portugal?

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Every right other women from western countries have.

Why did the professors insist that the vote on Elizabeth Blackwell's admission be unanimous?

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The admission of Blackwell was unanimous because the students vote yes and because the professors thought that a majority of students will be against that a girl will come to a Medical School.

Group of women who fought for equal rights?

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National American Women Suffrage Association

Here are some others:


Who were the major supporters of women's rights?

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A notable woman named Elizabeth Cady Stanton presented the Declaration of Sentiments at the Seneca Falls convention in 1848. Other women: Susan B. Anthony, the Grimke sisters, Lucy Stone. Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Did Hitler expand women's rights?

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Yes. Today the world uses the same Women rights that Hitler has created.

Germany had the most equal genders when Hitler was in power.


also made rights for Workers, Animals, and the environment.

What event in 1848 resulted in a direct improvement in women's rights in New York?

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The passage of the Married Women's Property Act resulted in improvement of women's rights in New York.