


Job Interviews

The first, and often only, chance to make a great face-to-face impression and put yourself ahead of other candidates is the job interview. Ask questions for help with dealing with tough questions and for suggestions on how to make a good first impression.

500 Questions

What is the meaning of opportunity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Opportunity refers to a favorable circumstance or chance that allows for potential success or advancement. It signifies a situation where one can take advantage of to achieve a goal or seize an advantage.

What are the examples of peoples strength?

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Asked by Wiki User

* Hard worker. * Punctual. * Determined. * Able to prioritize. * Believe in myself; self-confidence. * I have ability to cope with failures and try to learn from my mistakes. * I like to work in team and have been an active participant and organizer at several places. * One of my greatest strengths which I've acquired during my education is good analytical and planning skills. This has always benefited me to set goals and try to achieve them. But at the same time I'm driven by the thoughts of success. * Full commitment to my work. * Highly energetic. * Love to learn new things. * Having good interpersonal skills. * Well organized and like to be neat with all of my work. * A good helper towards those who need it. * I am a team player and work well with others. * I have great communication skills * I am a quick learner. I have great problem-solving skills and am willing to learn new things to get the job done.

What is moral?

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Asked by Wiki User

Morality is the force of "how to be" in this human existence. "How TO BE" is the force of "being" in this world. As we exist, we be. How we be is the question of what it means to be moral. Morality would ask the question of human existence, "what is the greatest way "to be" or to live? Life, Death, Right, Wrong, Good, Evil are concepts used in morality to describe opposing ends or dualities. Morality tries to define these concepts. Can they be defined? Or was it something human beings created? Who really knows?

Morality comes in the form of sympathy, empathy, moral philosophy and adopting laws and traditions, it is what regulates our behavior.

AnswerMorality is the highest standard for human behavior. But you cannot understand what is moral before you understand human behavior and what is good and what is right. It is also based upon self understanding because if you do not understand yourself, you will not be able to understand others, their behavior and the nature of being human. It is human nature that creates what we are and our rules for behavior.

All behavior is judged based on how well or how poorly it fulfills our basic and higher human responsibilities. These obligations come in the form of human instincts such as the sex drive, the mothering/parental instincts, self-preservation and others which create all of our most important daily and life long behavioral goals. These instinctual drives, forces, feelings and their accompanying mental yearnings are satisfied or fulfilled through the proper behaviors which are pre-designed to relinquish them.

The proper behaviors that fulfill these human responsibilities in turn then lead to newer, higher goals to fulfill, to complete. However what about human emotions? They are designed as our unthinking signs and indicators as to how well or how poorly we are fulfilling our human instinctual obligations. Our instincts create all of our responsibilities and goals in life and our emotions help to guide to those objectives. This is the reason or purpose to instincts and emotions being part of the human design. What is good fulfills human instinctual obligation on a base level of the individual, in the narrowest scope of the here and now.

Right behavior fulfills human instinctual obligation not just for the individual but for others affected by his words and actions. Those affects last for a longer period of time. What is moral is behavior that fulfills human instinctual responsibility for oneself and all others affected by ones behavior for the longest period of time, preferably a lifetime. What is good fulfills the instinct of say, self preservation. The need to keep warm, clothed and fed.

What is right is to fulfill the requirements of comfort, well being and social acceptability, all facets of that instinct for oneself and ones family and neighbors. What would be moral is to fulfill those same responsibilities for oneself, ones family, neighbors, community and others who would benefit from that persons words, actions and behaviors. Where base instinctual requirements cause the individual to seek immediate gratification, the higher, moral goals would have him create lasting fulfillment. This is a very simple explanation of a very complex answer.

In its most fundamental form, morality is the ethical code of conduct an individual follows that distinguishes "right" from "wrong." Depending upon the culture or society in question, morality and ethical codes can vary. Some people rely on religious doctrines to define their morality, whereas others take a more pragmatic approach. There are also individuals who take morality to an extreme and force their ethical views on others; along with that, people can also disregard and reject morality as a whole (nihilism) because they view it as a hindrance to their lives.

Essentially, morality has no direct, objective definition and even if it does, people will likely value their own reasoning over the latter. Everyone defines morality and ethics differently, based on anecdotal events, spiritual beliefs, and subjectivity. Something that may be "moral" to one person (e.g., abstinence) might be "immoral" to another due to the discrepancies between the two. Nonetheless, it's difficult to define morality because in fact, you are the one who defines it for yourself. Whether you're right or wrong, though... That depends on the perspective.
Thinking about the impact that what you say and do has on the world and others. To try and eliminate your selfish motivations.

Out of 50 men in a town 30 are Lions club members 10 are Lions members as well as Rotary club members There are 3 who do not belong either Then how many Rotary club members are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 20 Rotary club members in the town. This can be calculated by subtracting the Lions club members who are also Rotary club members (10) from the total Lions club members (30), leaving 20 Lions club members who are not part of the Rotary club.

Future direction of recruitment and selection methods?

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Asked by Wiki User

More and more companies will begin using social media to vet potential employees. Many companies appreciate the ability to use these channels because they are inexpensive and they can gather a lot of information about whether a person would be a good fit for the organization.

What term is IPTV?

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Asked by Wiki User

IPTV is a system of distribution of audiovisual material that takes advantage of the bandwidth to transmit the contents. Unlike streaming via OTT (Over The Top), IPTV uses a dedicated bandwidth exclusively for this purpose, so that the channels have the updated speeds, so that there are no sudden crashes or cuts in the transmission. IPTV still contrversal, you find illegal and legal iptv providers. to test IPTV with VLC you can check this website for Test Links

Every theory, is a formation of two variables (strength and weaknesses). In the light of this, discuss fully or in details sighting relevant illustrations those weaknesses attached to systemic function?

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Asked by Akachukwu Ikwunne

The systemic function, which involves analyzing systems as a whole and their interactions, has both strengths and weaknesses. One major weakness of this approach lies in its complexity. Systems, whether biological, ecological, social, or technological, are often composed of many interdependent and interconnected parts, making their study and understanding difficult. This complexity can make precise modeling of systems challenging, and consequently, predictions based on these models may be inaccurate.

Take, for example, the study of an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a complex system composed of a multitude of organisms interacting with each other and their environment. While the systemic function allows understanding these interactions and environmental impacts, it may also encounter limitations due to the variability and dynamics inherent in these systems. For instance, the effects of a disturbance, such as an invasive species or climate change, may be difficult to predict due to the feedback loops and nonlinear interactions within the ecosystem.

Another weakness of the systemic function is its potential for excessive simplification. In an attempt to make systems more understandable, there may be a temptation to simplify interactions and relationships between components. However, this simplification can lead to a reductionist view of systems, neglecting important aspects or underestimating the true complexity of interactions.

Finally, the systemic function may be limited by researchers' biases and prejudices. Data interpretation and model construction are often influenced by researchers' individual perspectives, which can result in erroneous or biased conclusions. For example, in the field of social sciences, systemic analysis of social structures may be affected by researchers' cultural or ideological biases, thereby limiting the scope and validity of conclusions.

In summary, while the systemic function offers a powerful approach to understanding complex systems, it also has weaknesses such as the inherent complexity of systems, excessive simplification, and potential biases of researchers. It is important to recognize these limitations and adopt a critical approach in applying the systemic function to understanding natural and social phenomena.

Why would you rehire this candidate?

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Asked by Wiki User

You might rehire a candidate if they left the job with proper notice and did a good job while they were employed. You might also rehire a person who has the skills required for the job even if he or she was forced to leave for a period of time.

Is Douglas someone you admire Why or why not?

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Asked by Wiki User

no, because he just want to buy shoes for Tennis

What do you know about our company?

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Asked by Wiki User

check the company website and note important features of company..just note down.its latest report of itemes..and its powerful tool. ...

What are outbound telemarketing services?

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Asked by Wiki User

Outbound telemarketing services mean calling people to talk about products or services. It's a way for businesses to find new customers or sell more. They use things like cold calls or follow-up calls. Having a good telemarketing system can make this easier. Have you ever used outbound telemarketing?

How do you write a bio poem?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a bio poem, follow these steps:

Start with your name.

Write three adjectives describing yourself.

List three things you enjoy.

Share two accomplishments.

Include one hope or aspiration.



Creative, adventurous, kind

Enjoys hiking, playing guitar, and reading

Achieved a degree in engineering, won a poetry contest

Hopes to travel the world.

What is call center?

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Asked by Wiki User

A call center is a business entity or organization that is engaged in selling telecalling services to clients. Call centres are primarily divided into two types:

  1. outbound call centres
  2. inbound call center.

An inbound call center has processes that manage incoming telecom calls. On the other hand, an outbound call center makes outgoing calls to customers or prospective customers. In the past few years, there has been a rapid growth in the call center industry and most organizations outsource their back office operations to third party service providers. However, in some cases organizations decide to develop their own in-house call centres to have more control over the process and quality. Such call centres are called captive call centres.

CyfutureBPO is one of the best call centre which provides complete services which help customers to solve their query.

What are some good questions to ask an author about their book?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. What inspired you to write this book?
  2. Can you share the main themes or messages you hope readers take away from the story?
  3. How did you develop the characters in your book?
  4. What was the most challenging part of the writing process for this book?

What was Mr Justice Wargrave motive?

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Asked by Wiki User

*SPOILER ALERT!* If you are referring to the Justice Wargrave in "And Then There Were None", his motive was simply to bring justice to the murders where the "murderers" had gotten of Scots-free. Even though some of them didn't actually kill someone, he felt a need to kill all of the people that had killed someone and gotten off free. However, he also was motivated by the morbid and sick thought of wanting to commit the perfect murder: one where no one could ever solve it.

Personal satisfaction gained from consumption?

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Asked by Wiki User

Personal satisfaction from consumption can come from a variety of factors such as meeting a need or desire, enjoying a pleasurable experience, or achieving a sense of status or identity. It is subjective and can vary from person to person based on their unique preferences and values.

What is frair Laurences special skill or area of knowledge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Friar Laurence's special skill is his knowledge of various plants and herbs, particularly those with medicinal properties. He is also known for his ability to counsel and provide guidance to those seeking his help.

How well do you communicate in writing and orally Give you some examples?

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Asked by Wiki User

I excel in communication both in writing and orally. In writing, I am able to convey complex ideas clearly and succinctly through reports, emails, and documentation. Orally, I am skilled at articulating thoughts and ideas effectively in meetings, presentations, and discussions, ensuring that my message is understood by the audience.

What to say when your interviewer asks you your strength and weaknesses?

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Asked by Wiki User

When asked about your strengths, focus on skills or qualities relevant to the job you're applying for. For weaknesses, mention an area you are actively working to improve, such as time management or public speaking, and share steps you've taken to address it, like taking a training course or seeking mentorship. Emphasize your willingness to learn and grow.

Give you an example of when somebody have experienced a setback?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of someone experiencing a setback could be losing their job unexpectedly or failing an important exam after studying diligently for it. Such setbacks can be challenging and disheartening, but with resilience and perseverance, individuals can overcome them and emerge stronger.

How do you answer why did you leave previous job?

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Asked by Wiki User

When asked why you left your previous job, it's best to maintain a positive tone and focus on reasons like seeking new opportunities for growth, a desire for more challenging projects, or a better fit for your skills and career goals. Avoid speaking negatively about your previous employer or coworkers.

What do you learn about Gilgameshs strength and weaknesses by contrasting him with enkidu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gilgamesh is strong and fearless but lacks humility and self-awareness, while Enkidu is physically powerful and loyal but is humble and in tune with nature. Together, they complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, ultimately balancing each other out and enhancing their characters.

How would you describe the rational-maximizer paradigm?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The rational-maximizer paradigm assumes that individuals make decisions by weighing the costs and benefits to maximize their utility or outcome. It suggests that individuals act in their self-interest and make rational choices based on available information. This paradigm is commonly used in economics and decision theory to predict human behavior in various contexts.