


Academic Writing

Academic writing is a writing form that is usually serious, and intended for a critical and informed audience. It typically has an objective stance, a clear statement of the significance of the topic, and correctly utilizes formal academic rhetoric.

500 Questions

What are some true horror stories?

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There are countless true horror stories that people have experienced, ranging from encounters with supernatural entities, sinister urban legends, and chilling mysteries that remain unsolved. These stories often evoke fear and unease in those who hear them, making them popular subjects in folklore and popular culture. It is important to remember that these stories are often passed down through generations and may evolve over time, blurring the line between fact and fiction.

Do you write a biographical sketch in the third person?

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Of course, as a professional writer with extensive experience, his ability to write biographical essays in the third person is certainly unique.

His ability to create engaging and authentic stories about people's lives helps him express their achievements and bring to life their deepest character traits. Through the use of the third person, he creates distance from the plot and pays more attention to the story, which makes his texts more objective and universal for all types of readers.

With a keen observational mind and deep research, he is able to take information about a person and turn it into a compelling story with a certain emotional appeal. He carefully describes important events and the ups and downs of the hero to reveal their true essence and soul.

In its use of the third person it is well balanced, without veering towards stodgy neutrality or over-romanticism. He creates stories that pull the reader in and allow him to be completely immersed in the world of the biography of the person being told.

His experience and skill in writing biographical essays in the third person make him a sought-after professional in the field. His work has appeared in various publications, and his reputation as an excellent biographer continues to grow with each essay he writes.

He is also willing to adapt to a variety of topics and genres, from famous politicians and historical figures to lesser-known heroes who played an important role in a particular field. In his works there is always a sense of richness, authenticity and, most importantly, the interest of the reader.

Over the years of his professional practice, he continues to amaze his audiences with his skillful use of the third person and clear prose. His biographies become stories that can touch hearts and inspire a new generation of writers. All this makes him one of the greatest biographers of our time.

What is facility in technical writing?

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In conventional academic writing-contexts, 'facility' in technical writing is two-fold. First, it is shown in the command that one demonstrates in the writing (an essay, article, commentary, etc.) of the technical details that have been discussed and described. Second, it is shown in the writing-style, especially by the clarity and expressiveness that are present in what has been written. Greater and lesser 'facility' is also shown in how easily one performs in both of these ways.

Why writing dialogue anew paragraph should be started?

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Starting a new paragraph when writing dialogue helps to clearly indicate a change in speaker, making it easier for the reader to follow the conversation. It also helps to separate the dialogue from the rest of the narrative, enhancing readability and flow.

In writing a critical review of a novel you should choose what as your subject?

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You should choose the aspects of the novel that you found significant or noteworthy, such as the character development, plot structure, thematic elements, writing style, or social commentary. Focus on analyzing and evaluating those specific elements in your review.

Do narratives have paragraphs?

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Yes, narratives often have paragraphs to organize ideas and provide structure to the story. Each paragraph typically focuses on a specific aspect of the narrative, such as describing events, setting, or character development.

What struggle is an example of external conflict that occurrs in The Bet by Anton P. Chekhov?

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An example of external conflict in "The Bet" is the disagreement between the banker and the lawyer regarding the significance of material wealth and solitary confinement. The banker believes that material wealth is the key to a fulfilling life, while the lawyer argues that knowledge and intellectual pursuits are more valuable. This conflict drives the wager they make about the value of material wealth versus freedom.

How is external conflict used?

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External conflict is used in storytelling to create tension and drive the plot forward. By introducing obstacles or challenges that come from external sources such as other characters, nature, or society, the protagonist must work to overcome these conflicts, leading to character development and resolution. External conflict can help engage the audience and add depth to the story by showcasing how the protagonist deals with adversity.

How does the author foreshadow rainsfords experience on the island?

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The author foreshadows Rainsford's experience on the island through the conversation about hunting at the beginning of the story, where Rainsford expresses his lack of empathy for the prey. The mention of Ship-Trap island being a mysterious and dangerous place also sets the tone for what is to come in Rainsford's hunting ordeal. Additionally, the eerie description of General Zaroff and his passion for hunting humans hints at the dangers Rainsford will face on the island.

What should a writer or try to do during the drafting stage of writing a short story?

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During the drafting stage of writing a short story, a writer should focus on getting the ideas down on paper without worrying too much about details like grammar or structure. It's important to let creativity flow and not get bogged down by perfectionism. The goal is to get the story written, even if it's rough, so that revisions can be made later.

What is an example of a false statement regarding the writing process?

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A false statement about the writing process could be that all writers must stick to a strict outline or follow a specific formula to be successful. In reality, the writing process is unique to each individual, and some writers may prefer a more flexible approach without strict guidelines.

What aspect of romantic writing did realist writers disapprove of?

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Realist writers disapproved of the idealized and exaggerated depictions of love, emotions, and relationships found in romantic writing. They aimed to portray relationships in a more realistic and truthful light, free from melodrama and grandiose declarations.

Is a woodcutter vs tiger considered an external conflict?

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Yes, a woodcutter vs tiger is considered an external conflict because it involves a struggle between two distinct entities, the woodcutter and the tiger, that are external to each other. This type of conflict typically involves physical confrontation and opposition between the characters.

Why MrsJones was wise to trust Roger?

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Mrs. Jones was wise to trust Roger because he showed genuine remorse for attempting to steal from her and expressed a desire to improve his life. By giving him the chance to earn the money instead of turning him in, Mrs. Jones showed compassion and understanding, which ultimately helped Roger learn from his mistake and better himself. Trusting him not only allowed Roger to redeem himself but also allowed Mrs. Jones to make a positive impact on his life.

What genre is not an example of fictional writing?

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Non-fiction is a genre that does not involve fictional writing. Non-fiction works are based on real events, facts, and information, rather than imaginary or invented stories. Examples include biographies, essays, and textbooks.

Which month is not abbreviated in Works Cited entry?

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The month of May is not abbreviated in a Works Cited entry.

What is the feeling or reaction within the reader while reading a piece of writing?

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The reader's feeling while reading a piece of writing can vary depending on the content, style, and their personal connection to the material. They may experience emotions such as joy, sadness, excitement, anger, or empathy, leading to a range of reactions from laughter to tears to reflection. Ultimately, the impact of writing on a reader is subjective and can be influenced by their individual perspectives and experiences.

What does a reader use to describe the tone of a piece of writing?

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Readers use adjectives to describe the tone of a piece of writing, such as formal, casual, ominous, humorous, or sarcastic. Tone can also be inferred through the author's choice of words, characterization, and overall message conveyed in the text.

Do you use italics for story titles?

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You capitalize every word of the title of a poem except small words like "the and "a" unless they are the first word.

Where the Sidewalk Ends
Abu Ben Adam
The Ant
The Praying Mantis
Very Like a Whale

How do you list academic titles after your name?

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List academic titles in order of importance and relevance to the context. For example, list the highest degree first, followed by any post-doctoral titles or certifications. Separate each title with a comma, and be sure to use the appropriate abbreviations (e.g., Ph.D., M.D., Ed.D.). If there are several titles, you may choose to select the most relevant ones for the occasion.

What is the character sketch of Dr Grimesby Royltt?

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Dr. Grimesby Roylott is a cunning and manipulative character in Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Adventure of the Speckled Band." He is portrayed as a menacing and violent man who is willing to do anything to protect his wealth and maintain control over his stepdaughters. Roylott is described as physically imposing, with a quick temper and a tendency towards cruelty.

What internal and external conflicts threaten to divide the triumvirate of Antony octavius and lepidus?

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Internal conflicts, such as power struggles and personal ambitions, among Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus threaten to divide the triumvirate. External conflicts, such as disagreements over military strategies and territorial disputes, also pose challenges to their alliance. Additionally, mistrust and conflicting loyalties within their respective circles further strain their unity.

How do you apply postmodern theories to literature?

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Postmodern theories can be applied to literature by focusing on themes such as fragmentation, intertextuality, metafiction, and questioning of grand narratives. Writers may use unconventional narrative techniques, blending of genres, or deconstruction of language to challenge traditional notions of authorship, truth, and reality. Postmodern literature often emphasizes individual perspective and the idea that meaning is subjective and reliant on context.

What is the rising action of cryptid hunters?

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The rising action of "Cryptid Hunters" involves the siblings, Grace and Marty, discovering a hidden laboratory that reveals the existence of cryptids (mythical creatures), encountering dangerous individuals who also seek these creatures, and embarking on a journey to find and protect the cryptids from falling into the wrong hands.

How do you reference an author that quoted in a book he didnt write?

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You can reference the author by mentioning their name and the book where the quote appears. For example, "(Author's Name, as cited in Book Title)." This helps to acknowledge the original source of the quote while indicating that you found it in a different work.