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Unfortunately, we really can't. That is the serial number, but that by itself means little. If you can give us a description (caliber, number of shots, ALL markings on the gun) we may be able to make an educated guess. Sorry, but you have to give us something to work from. If you have additional information, you can repost, or leave a message on my message board.

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Unfortunately, we really can't. That is the serial number, but that by itself means little. If you can give us a description (caliber, number of shots, ALL markings on the gun) we may be able to make an educated guess. Sorry, but you have to give us something to work from. If you have additional information, you can repost, or leave a message on my message board.

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Yes, it does. Here are some years in which Father's Day and the Summer (June) Solstice fall on the same day in the US, UK, and Canada (only).

6/21/2015, 6/20/2021, 6/21/2026, 6/20/2032, 6/21/2043, 6/20/2049

6/20/2060, 6/20/2066, 6/21/2071, 6/20/2077, 6/20/2083, 6/20/2088

6/20/2094, 6/21/2105, 6/21/2111, 6/21/2122, 6/20/2128, 6/21/2133

6/21/2139, 6/20/2145, 6/21/2150, 6/20/2156, 6/21/2167, 6/20/2173

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The first 1000 multiples of 84 are: 84, 168, 252, 336, 420, 504, 588, 672, 756, 840, 924, 1008, 1092, 1176, 1260, 1344, 1428, 1512, 1596, 1680, 1764, 1848, 1932, 2016, 2100, 2184, 2268, 2352, 2436, 2520, 2604, 2688, 2772, 2856, 2940, 3024, 3108, 3192, 3276, 3360, 3444, 3528, 3612, 3696, 3780, 3864, 3948, 4032, 4116, 4200, 4284, 4368, 4452, 4536, 4620, 4704, 4788, 4872, 4956, 5040, 5124, 5208, 5292, 5376, 5460, 5544, 5628, 5712, 5796, 5880, 5964, 6048, 6132, 6216, 6300, 6384, 6468, 6552, 6636, 6720, 6804, 6888, 6972, 7056, 7140, 7224, 7308, 7392, 7476, 7560, 7644, 7728, 7812, 7896, 7980, 8064, 8148, 8232, 8316, 8400, 8484, 8568, 8652, 8736, 8820, 8904, 8988, 9072, 9156, 9240, 9324, 9408, 9492, 9576, 9660, 9744, 9828, 9912, 9996, 10080, 10164, 10248, 10332, 10416, 10500, 10584, 10668, 10752, 10836, 10920, 11004, 11088, 11172, 11256, 11340, 11424, 11508, 11592, 11676, 11760, 11844, 11928, 12012, 12096, 12180, 12264, 12348, 12432, 12516, 12600, 12684, 12768, 12852, 12936, 13020, 13104, 13188, 13272, 13356, 13440, 13524, 13608, 13692, 13776, 13860, 13944, 14028, 14112, 14196, 14280, 14364, 14448, 14532, 14616, 14700, 14784, 14868, 14952, 15036, 15120, 15204, 15288, 15372, 15456, 15540, 15624, 15708, 15792, 15876, 15960, 16044, 16128, 16212, 16296, 16380, 16464, 16548, 16632, 16716, 16800, 16884, 16968, 17052, 17136, 17220, 17304, 17388, 17472, 17556, 17640, 17724, 17808, 17892, 17976, 18060, 18144, 18228, 18312, 18396, 18480, 18564, 18648, 18732, 18816, 18900, 18984, 19068, 19152, 19236, 19320, 19404, 19488, 19572, 19656, 19740, 19824, 19908, 19992, 20076, 20160, 20244, 20328, 20412, 20496, 20580, 20664, 20748, 20832, 20916, 21000, 21084, 21168, 21252, 21336, 21420, 21504, 21588, 21672, 21756, 21840, 21924, 22008, 22092, 22176, 22260, 22344, 22428, 22512, 22596, 22680, 22764, 22848, 22932, 23016, 23100, 23184, 23268, 23352, 23436, 23520, 23604, 23688, 23772, 23856, 23940, 24024, 24108, 24192, 24276, 24360, 24444, 24528, 24612, 24696, 24780, 24864, 24948, 25032, 25116, 25200, 25284, 25368, 25452, 25536, 25620, 25704, 25788, 25872, 25956, 26040, 26124, 26208, 26292, 26376, 26460, 26544, 26628, 26712, 26796, 26880, 26964, 27048, 27132, 27216, 27300, 27384, 27468, 27552, 27636, 27720, 27804, 27888, 27972, 28056, 28140, 28224, 28308, 28392, 28476, 28560, 28644, 28728, 28812, 28896, 28980, 29064, 29148, 29232, 29316, 29400, 29484, 29568, 29652, 29736, 29820, 29904, 29988, 30072, 30156, 30240, 30324, 30408, 30492, 30576, 30660, 30744, 30828, 30912, 30996, 31080, 31164, 31248, 31332, 31416, 31500, 31584, 31668, 31752, 31836, 31920, 32004, 32088, 32172, 32256, 32340, 32424, 32508, 32592, 32676, 32760, 32844, 32928, 33012, 33096, 33180, 33264, 33348, 33432, 33516, 33600, 33684, 33768, 33852, 33936, 34020, 34104, 34188, 34272, 34356, 34440, 34524, 34608, 34692, 34776, 34860, 34944, 35028, 35112, 35196, 35280, 35364, 35448, 35532, 35616, 35700, 35784, 35868, 35952, 36036, 36120, 36204, 36288, 36372, 36456, 36540, 36624, 36708, 36792, 36876, 36960, 37044, 37128, 37212, 37296, 37380, 37464, 37548, 37632, 37716, 37800, 37884, 37968, 38052, 38136, 38220, 38304, 38388, 38472, 38556, 38640, 38724, 38808, 38892, 38976, 39060, 39144, 39228, 39312, 39396, 39480, 39564, 39648, 39732, 39816, 39900, 39984, 40068, 40152, 40236, 40320, 40404, 40488, 40572, 40656, 40740, 40824, 40908, 40992, 41076, 41160, 41244, 41328, 41412, 41496, 41580, 41664, 41748, 41832, 41916, 42000, 42084, 42168, 42252, 42336, 42420, 42504, 42588, 42672, 42756, 42840, 42924, 43008, 43092, 43176, 43260, 43344, 43428, 43512, 43596, 43680, 43764, 43848, 43932, 44016, 44100, 44184, 44268, 44352, 44436, 44520, 44604, 44688, 44772, 44856, 44940, 45024, 45108, 45192, 45276, 45360, 45444, 45528, 45612, 45696, 45780, 45864, 45948, 46032, 46116, 46200, 46284, 46368, 46452, 46536, 46620, 46704, 46788, 46872, 46956, 47040, 47124, 47208, 47292, 47376, 47460, 47544, 47628, 47712, 47796, 47880, 47964, 48048, 48132, 48216, 48300, 48384, 48468, 48552, 48636, 48720, 48804, 48888, 48972, 49056, 49140, 49224, 49308, 49392, 49476, 49560, 49644, 49728, 49812, 49896, 49980, 50064, 50148, 50232, 50316, 50400, 50484, 50568, 50652, 50736, 50820, 50904, 50988, 51072, 51156, 51240, 51324, 51408, 51492, 51576, 51660, 51744, 51828, 51912, 51996, 52080, 52164, 52248, 52332, 52416, 52500, 52584, 52668, 52752, 52836, 52920, 53004, 53088, 53172, 53256, 53340, 53424, 53508, 53592, 53676, 53760, 53844, 53928, 54012, 54096, 54180, 54264, 54348, 54432, 54516, 54600, 54684, 54768, 54852, 54936, 55020, 55104, 55188, 55272, 55356, 55440, 55524, 55608, 55692, 55776, 55860, 55944, 56028, 56112, 56196, 56280, 56364, 56448, 56532, 56616, 56700, 56784, 56868, 56952, 57036, 57120, 57204, 57288, 57372, 57456, 57540, 57624, 57708, 57792, 57876, 57960, 58044, 58128, 58212, 58296, 58380, 58464, 58548, 58632, 58716, 58800, 58884, 58968, 59052, 59136, 59220, 59304, 59388, 59472, 59556, 59640, 59724, 59808, 59892, 59976, 60060, 60144, 60228, 60312, 60396, 60480, 60564, 60648, 60732, 60816, 60900, 60984, 61068, 61152, 61236, 61320, 61404, 61488, 61572, 61656, 61740, 61824, 61908, 61992, 62076, 62160, 62244, 62328, 62412, 62496, 62580, 62664, 62748, 62832, 62916, 63000, 63084, 63168, 63252, 63336, 63420, 63504, 63588, 63672, 63756, 63840, 63924, 64008, 64092, 64176, 64260, 64344, 64428, 64512, 64596, 64680, 64764, 64848, 64932, 65016, 65100, 65184, 65268, 65352, 65436, 65520, 65604, 65688, 65772, 65856, 65940, 66024, 66108, 66192, 66276, 66360, 66444, 66528, 66612, 66696, 66780, 66864, 66948, 67032, 67116, 67200, 67284, 67368, 67452, 67536, 67620, 67704, 67788, 67872, 67956, 68040, 68124, 68208, 68292, 68376, 68460, 68544, 68628, 68712, 68796, 68880, 68964, 69048, 69132, 69216, 69300, 69384, 69468, 69552, 69636, 69720, 69804, 69888, 69972, 70056, 70140, 70224, 70308, 70392, 70476, 70560, 70644, 70728, 70812, 70896, 70980, 71064, 71148, 71232, 71316, 71400, 71484, 71568, 71652, 71736, 71820, 71904, 71988, 72072, 72156, 72240, 72324, 72408, 72492, 72576, 72660, 72744, 72828, 72912, 72996, 73080, 73164, 73248, 73332, 73416, 73500, 73584, 73668, 73752, 73836, 73920, 74004, 74088, 74172, 74256, 74340, 74424, 74508, 74592, 74676, 74760, 74844, 74928, 75012, 75096, 75180, 75264, 75348, 75432, 75516, 75600, 75684, 75768, 75852, 75936, 76020, 76104, 76188, 76272, 76356, 76440, 76524, 76608, 76692, 76776, 76860, 76944, 77028, 77112, 77196, 77280, 77364, 77448, 77532, 77616, 77700, 77784, 77868, 77952, 78036, 78120, 78204, 78288, 78372, 78456, 78540, 78624, 78708, 78792, 78876, 78960, 79044, 79128, 79212, 79296, 79380, 79464, 79548, 79632, 79716, 79800, 79884, 79968, 80052, 80136, 80220, 80304, 80388, 80472, 80556, 80640, 80724, 80808, 80892, 80976, 81060, 81144, 81228, 81312, 81396, 81480, 81564, 81648, 81732, 81816, 81900, 81984, 82068, 82152, 82236, 82320, 82404, 82488, 82572, 82656, 82740, 82824, 82908, 82992, 83076, 83160, 83244, 83328, 83412, 83496, 83580, 83664, 83748, 83832, 83916, and 84000.

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In the King James version

this meaning is not to be found, using the words used in the Question.

the phrase - god will send - appears once

  1. Deu 7:20 Moreover the LORD thy God will send the hornet among them, until they that are left, and hide themselves from thee, be destroyed.

the phrase - send you - appears 4 times

  1. Joe 2:19 Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:
  2. Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
  3. Mat 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
  4. Luk 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

the phrase - I will send - appears 55 times

  1. 773 Gen 27:45 Until thy brother's anger turn away from thee, and he forget that which thou hast done to him: then I will send, and fetch thee from thence: why should I be deprived also of you both in one day?
  2. 1097 Gen 37:13 And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem? Come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.
  3. 1137 Gen 38:17 And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it?
  4. 1590 Exo 3:10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
  5. 1732 Exo 8:21 Else, if thou wilt not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground whereon they are.
  6. 2172 Exo 23:27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.
  7. 2173 Exo 23:28 And I will send hornets before thee, which shall drive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee.
  8. 2476 Exo 33:2 And I will send an angel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite:
  9. 3550 Lev 26:25 And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant: and when ye are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.
  10. 3561 Lev 26:36 And upon them that are left alive of you I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall when none pursueth.
  11. 5224 Deu 11:15 And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.
  12. 6298 Jos 18:4 Give out from among you three men for each tribe: and I will send them, and they shall rise, and go through the land, and describe it according to the inheritance of them; and they shall come again to me.
  13. 7408 1 Sam 9:16 To morrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be captain over my people Israel, that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines: for I have looked upon my people, because their cry is come unto me.
  14. 7597 1 Sam 16:1 And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.
  15. 7752 1 Sam 20:21 And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for there is peace to thee, and no hurt; as the LORD liveth.
  16. 9343 1 Kin 18:1 And it came to pass after many days, that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.
  17. 9415 1 Kin 20:6 Yet I will send my servants unto thee to morrow about this time, and they shall search thine house, and the houses of thy servants; and it shall be, that whatsoever is pleasant in thine eyes, they shall put it in their hand, and take it away.
  18. 9443 1 Kin 20:34 And Ben-hadad said unto him, The cities, which my father took from thy father, I will restore; and thou shalt make streets for thee in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria. Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant. So he made a covenant with him, and sent him away.
  19. 9653 2 Kin 5:5 And the king of Syria said, Go to, go, and I will send a letter unto the king of Israel. And he departed, and took with him ten talents of silver, and six thousand pieces of gold, and ten changes of raiment.
  20. 10069 2 Kin 19:7 Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and shall return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.
  21. 17857 Isa 10:6 I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets.
  22. 18360 Isa 37:7 Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.
  23. 18942 Isa 66:19 And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles.
  24. 19171 Jer 8:17 For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD.
  25. 19192 Jer 9:16 I will scatter them also among the heathen, whom neither they nor their fathers have known: and I will send a sword after them, till I have consumed them.
  26. 19353 Jer 16:16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
  27. 19535 Jer 24:10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers.
  28. 19544 Jer 25:9 Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations.
  29. 19551 Jer 25:16 And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, because of the sword that I will send among them.
  30. 19562 Jer 25:27 Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you.
  31. 19653 Jer 29:17 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.
  32. 20008 Jer 43:10 And say unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne upon these stones that I have hid; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.
  33. 20093 Jer 48:12 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander, and shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles.
  34. 20165 Jer 49:37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies, and before them that seek their life: and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger, saith the LORD; and I will send the sword after them, till I have consumed them:
  35. 20563 Eze 5:16 When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of famine, which shall be for their destruction, and which I will send to destroy you: and I will increase the famine upon you, and will break your staff of bread:
  36. 20581 Eze 7:3 Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations.
  37. 21180 Eze 28:23 For I will send into her pestilence, and blood into her streets; and the wounded shall be judged in the midst of her by the sword upon her on every side; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
  38. 21454 Eze 39:6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
  39. 22208 Hos 8:14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.
  40. 22330 Joe 2:19 Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen:
  41. 22368 Amo 1:4 But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, which shall devour the palaces of Benhadad.
  42. 22371 Amo 1:7 But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof:
  43. 22374 Amo 1:10 But I will send a fire on the wall of Tyrus, which shall devour the palaces thereof.
  44. 22376 Amo 1:12 But I will send a fire upon Teman, which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.
  45. 22381 Amo 2:2 But I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the palaces of Kirioth: and Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet:
  46. 22384 Amo 2:5 But I will send a fire upon Judah, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem.
  47. 22492 Amo 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
  48. 23121 Mal 3:1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
  49. 23143 Mal 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
  50. 25454 Luk 11:49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:
  51. 25792 Luk 20:13 Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him.
  52. 26725 Joh 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
  53. 26733 Joh 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
  54. 27150 Act 7:34 I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.
  55. 27725 Act 22:21 And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.

the phrase - send ye - appears once

  1. Isa 16:1 Send ye the lamb to the ruler of the land from Sela to the wilderness, unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.

the phrase - send thee - appears 20 times

  1. 1097 Gen 37:13 And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem? Come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.
  2. 1137 Gen 38:17 And he said, I will send thee a kid from the flock. And she said, Wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou send it?
  3. 1590 Exo 3:10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
  4. 7408 1 Sam 9:16 To morrow about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be captain over my people Israel, that he may save my people out of the hand of the Philistines: for I have looked upon my people, because their cry is come unto me.
  5. 7418 1 Sam 9:26 And they arose early: and it came to pass about the spring of the day, that Samuel called Saul to the top of the house, saying, Up, that I may send thee away. And Saul arose, and they went out both of them, he and Samuel, abroad.
  6. 7597 1 Sam 16:1 And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? Fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons.
  7. 7744 1 Sam 20:13 The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do thee evil, then I will shew it thee, and send thee away, that thou mayest go in peace: and the LORD be with thee, as he hath been with my father.
  8. 7775 1 Sam 21:2 And David said unto Ahimelech the priest, The king hath commanded me a business, and hath said unto me, Let no man know any thing of the business whereabout I send thee, and what I have commanded thee: and I have appointed my servants to such and such a place.
  9. 8389 2 Sam 14:32 And Absalom answered Joab, Behold, I sent unto thee, saying, Come hither, that I may send thee to the king, to say, Wherefore am I come from Geshur? It had been good for me to have been there still: now therefore let me see the king's face; and if there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me.
  10. 9443 1 Kin 20:34 And Ben-hadad said unto him, The cities, which my father took from thy father, I will restore; and thou shalt make streets for thee in Damascus, as my father made in Samaria. Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant. So he made a covenant with him, and sent him away.
  11. 14185 Psa 20:2 Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion;
  12. 18954 Jer 1:7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.
  13. 19550 Jer 25:15 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel unto me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink it.
  14. 19981 Jer 42:5 Then they said to Jeremiah, The LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the LORD thy God shall send thee to us.
  15. 19982 Jer 42:6 Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our God.
  16. 20496 Eze 2:3 And he said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day.
  17. 20497 Eze 2:4 For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them; and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD.
  18. 27150 Act 7:34 I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.
  19. 27725 Act 22:21 And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.
  20. 27840 Act 26:17 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,

---- as can be seen, none of them carry the meaning enquired about.

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that it'll be about as useful to you once you have it as it is now.

However . . . As some feckless schlimazl once said, "The customer is always right."

So here you go:

6 , 12 , 18 , 24 , 30 , 36 , 42 , 48 , 54 , 60 , 66 , 72 , 78 , 84 , 90 , 96 , 102 , 108 ,

114 , 120 , 126 , 132 , 138 , 144 , 150 , 156 , 162 , 168 , 174 , 180 , 186 , 192 , 198 ,

204 , 210 , 216 , 222 , 228 , 234 , 240 , 246 , 252 , 258 , 264 , 270 , 276 , 282 , 288 ,

294 , 300 , 306 , 312 , 318 , 324 , 330 , 336 , 342 , 348 , 354 , 360 , 366 , 372 , 378 ,

384 , 390 , 396 , 402 , 408 , 414 , 420 , 426 , 432 , 438 , 444 , 450 , 456 , 462 , 468 ,

474 , 480 , 486 , 492 , 498 , 504 , 510 , 516 , 522 , 528 , 534 , 540 , 546 , 552 , 558 ,

564 , 570 , 576 , 582 , 588 , 594 , 600 , 606 , 612 , 618 , 624 , 630 , 636 , 642 , 648 ,

654 , 660 , 666 , 672 , 678 , 684 , 690 , 696 , 702 , 708 , 714 , 720 , 726 , 732 , 738 ,

744 , 750 , 756 , 762 , 768 , 774 , 780 , 786 , 792 , 798 , 804 , 810 , 816 , 822 , 828 ,

834 , 840 , 846 , 852 , 858 , 864 , 870 , 876 , 882 , 888 , 894 , 900 , 906 , 912 , 918 ,

924 , 930 , 936 , 942 , 948 , 954 , 960 , 966 , 972 , 978 , 984 , 990 , 996 , 1002 , 1008 ,

1014 , 1020 , 1026 , 1032 , 1038 , 1044 , 1050 , 1056 , 1062 , 1068 , 1074 , 1080 , 1086 ,

1092 , 1098 , 1104 , 1110 , 1116 , 1122 , 1128 , 1134 , 1140 , 1146 , 1152 , 1158 , 1164 ,

1170 , 1176 , 1182 , 1188 , 1194 , 1200 , 1206 , 1212 , 1218 , 1224 , 1230 , 1236 , 1242 ,

1248 , 1254 , 1260 , 1266 , 1272 , 1278 , 1284 , 1290 , 1296 , 1302 , 1308 , 1314 , 1320 ,

1326 , 1332 , 1338 , 1344 , 1350 , 1356 , 1362 , 1368 , 1374 , 1380 , 1386 , 1392 , 1398 ,

1404 , 1410 , 1416 , 1422 , 1428 , 1434 , 1440 , 1446 , 1452 , 1458 , 1464 , 1470 , 1476 ,

1482 , 1488 , 1494 , 1500 , 1506 , 1512 , 1518 , 1524 , 1530 , 1536 , 1542 , 1548 , 1554 ,

1560 , 1566 , 1572 , 1578 , 1584 , 1590 , 1596 , 1602 , 1608 , 1614 , 1620 , 1626 , 1632 ,

1638 , 1644 , 1650 , 1656 , 1662 , 1668 , 1674 , 1680 , 1686 , 1692 , 1698 , 1704 , 1710 ,

1716 , 1722 , 1728 , 1734 , 1740 , 1746 , 1752 , 1758 , 1764 , 1770 , 1776 , 1782 , 1788 ,

1794 , 1800 , 1806 , 1812 , 1818 , 1824 , 1830 , 1836 , 1842 , 1848 , 1854 , 1860 , 1866 ,

1872 , 1878 , 1884 , 1890 , 1896 , 1902 , 1908 , 1914 , 1920 , 1926 , 1932 , 1938 , 1944 ,

1950 , 1956 , 1962 , 1968 , 1974 , 1980 , 1986 , 1992 , 1998 , 2004 , 2010 , 2016 , 2022 ,

2028 , 2034 , 2040 , 2046 , 2052 , 2058 , 2064 , 2070 , 2076 , 2082 , 2088 , 2094 , 2100 ,

2106 , 2112 , 2118 , 2124 , 2130 , 2136 , 2142 , 2148 , 2154 , 2160 , 2166 , 2172 , 2178 ,

2184 , 2190 , 2196 , 2202 , 2208 , 2214 , 2220 , 2226 , 2232 , 2238 , 2244 , 2250 , 2256 ,

2262 , 2268 , 2274 , 2280 , 2286 , 2292 , 2298 , 2304 , 2310 , 2316 , 2322 , 2328 , 2334 ,

2340 , 2346 , 2352 , 2358 , 2364 , 2370 , 2376 , 2382 , 2388 , 2394 , 2400 , 2406 , 2412 ,

2418 , 2424 , 2430 , 2436 , 2442 , 2448 , 2454 , 2460 , 2466 , 2472 , 2478 , 2484 , 2490 ,

2496 , 2502 , 2508 , 2514 , 2520 , 2526 , 2532 , 2538 , 2544 , 2550 , 2556 , 2562 , 2568 ,

2574 , 2580 , 2586 , 2592 , 2598 , 2604 , 2610 , 2616 , 2622 , 2628 , 2634 , 2640 , 2646 ,

2652 , 2658 , 2664 , 2670 , 2676 , 2682 , 2688 , 2694 , 2700 , 2706 , 2712 , 2718 , 2724 ,

2730 , 2736 , 2742 , 2748 , 2754 , 2760 , 2766 , 2772 , 2778 , 2784 , 2790 , 2796 , 2802 ,

2808 , 2814 , 2820 , 2826 , 2832 , 2838 , 2844 , 2850 , 2856 , 2862 , 2868 , 2874 , 2880 ,

2886 , 2892 , 2898 , 2904 , 2910 , 2916 , 2922 , 2928 , 2934 , 2940 , 2946 , 2952 , 2958 ,

2964 , 2970 , 2976 , 2982 , 2988 , 2994 , 3000 , 3006 , 3012 , 3018 , 3024 , 3030 , 3036 ,

3042 , 3048 , 3054 , 3060 , 3066 , 3072 , 3078 , 3084 , 3090 , 3096 , 3102 , 3108 , 3114 ,

3120 , 3126 , 3132 , 3138 , 3144 , 3150 , 3156 , 3162 , 3168 , 3174 , 3180 , 3186 , 3192 ,

3198 , 3204 , 3210 , 3216 , 3222 , 3228 , 3234 , 3240 , 3246 , 3252 , 3258 , 3264 , 3270 ,

3276 , 3282 , 3288 , 3294 , 3300 , 3306 , 3312 , 3318 , 3324 , 3330 , 3336 , 3342 , 3348 ,

3354 , 3360 , 3366 , 3372 , 3378 , 3384 , 3390 , 3396 , 3402 , 3408 , 3414 , 3420 , 3426 ,

3432 , 3438 , 3444 , 3450 , 3456 , 3462 , 3468 , 3474 , 3480 , 3486 , 3492 , 3498 , 3504 ,

3510 , 3516 , 3522 , 3528 , 3534 , 3540 , 3546 , 3552 , 3558 , 3564 , 3570 , 3576 , 3582 ,

3588 , 3594 , 3600 , 3606 , 3612 , 3618 , 3624 , 3630 , 3636 , 3642 , 3648 , 3654 , 3660 ,

3666 , 3672 , 3678 , 3684 , 3690 , 3696 , 3702 , 3708 , 3714 , 3720 , 3726 , 3732 , 3738 ,

3744 , 3750 , 3756 , 3762 , 3768 , 3774 , 3780 , 3786 , 3792 , 3798 , 3804 , 3810 , 3816 ,

3822 , 3828 , 3834 , 3840 , 3846 , 3852 , 3858 , 3864 , 3870 , 3876 , 3882 , 3888 , 3894 ,

3900 , 3906 , 3912 , 3918 , 3924 , 3930 , 3936 , 3942 , 3948 , 3954 , 3960 , 3966 , 3972 ,

3978 , 3984 , 3990 , 3996 , 4002 , 4008 , 4014 , 4020 , 4026 , 4032 , 4038 , 4044 , 4050 ,

4056 , 4062 , 4068 , 4074 , 4080 , 4086 , 4092 , 4098 , 4104 , 4110 , 4116 , 4122 , 4128 ,

4134 , 4140 , 4146 , 4152 , 4158 , 4164 , 4170 , 4176 , 4182 , 4188 , 4194 , 4200 , 4206 ,

4212 , 4218 , 4224 , 4230 , 4236 , 4242 , 4248 , 4254 , 4260 , 4266 , 4272 , 4278 , 4284 ,

4290 , 4296 , 4302 , 4308 , 4314 , 4320 , 4326 , 4332 , 4338 , 4344 , 4350 , 4356 , 4362 ,

4368 , 4374 , 4380 , 4386 , 4392 , 4398 , 4404 , 4410 , 4416 , 4422 , 4428 , 4434 , 4440 ,

4446 , 4452 , 4458 , 4464 , 4470 , 4476 , 4482 , 4488 , 4494 , 4500 , 4506 , 4512 , 4518 ,

4524 , 4530 , 4536 , 4542 , 4548 , 4554 , 4560 , 4566 , 4572 , 4578 , 4584 , 4590 , 4596 ,

4602 , 4608 , 4614 , 4620 , 4626 , 4632 , 4638 , 4644 , 4650 , 4656 , 4662 , 4668 , 4674 ,

4680 , 4686 , 4692 , 4698 , 4704 , 4710 , 4716 , 4722 , 4728 , 4734 , 4740 , 4746 , 4752 ,

4758 , 4764 , 4770 , 4776 , 4782 , 4788 , 4794 , 4800 , 4806 , 4812 , 4818 , 4824 , 4830 ,

4836 , 4842 , 4848 , 4854 , 4860 , 4866 , 4872 , 4878 , 4884 , 4890 , 4896 , 4902 , 4908 ,

4914 , 4920 , 4926 , 4932 , 4938 , 4944 , 4950 , 4956 , 4962 , 4968 , 4974 , 4980 , 4986 ,

4992 , 4998 , 5004 , 5010 , 5016 , 5022 , 5028 , 5034 , 5040 , 5046 , 5052 , 5058 , 5064 ,

5070 , 5076 , 5082 , 5088 , 5094 , 5100 , 5106 , 5112 , 5118 , 5124 , 5130 , 5136 , 5142 ,

5148 , 5154 , 5160 , 5166 , 5172 , 5178 , 5184 , 5190 , 5196 , 5202 , 5208 , 5214 , 5220 ,

5226 , 5232 , 5238 , 5244 , 5250 , 5256 , 5262 , 5268 , 5274 , 5280 , 5286 , 5292 , 5298 ,

5304 , 5310 , 5316 , 5322 , 5328 , 5334 , 5340 , 5346 , 5352 , 5358 , 5364 , 5370 , 5376 ,

5382 , 5388 , 5394 , 5400 , 5406 , 5412 , 5418 , 5424 , 5430 , 5436 , 5442 , 5448 , 5454 ,

5460 , 5466 , 5472 , 5478 , 5484 , 5490 , 5496 , 5502 , 5508 , 5514 , 5520 , 5526 , 5532 ,

5538 , 5544 , 5550 , 5556 , 5562 , 5568 , 5574 , 5580 , 5586 , 5592 , 5598 , 5604 , 5610 ,

5616 , 5622 , 5628 , 5634 , 5640 , 5646 , 5652 , 5658 , 5664 , 5670 , 5676 , 5682 , 5688 ,

5694 , 5700 , 5706 , 5712 , 5718 , 5724 , 5730 , 5736 , 5742 , 5748 , 5754 , 5760 , 5766 ,

5772 , 5778 , 5784 , 5790 , 5796 , 5802 , 5808 , 5814 , 5820 , 5826 , 5832 , 5838 , 5844 ,

5850 , 5856 , 5862 , 5868 , 5874 , 5880 , 5886 , 5892 , 5898 , 5904 , 5910 , 5916 , 5922 ,

5928 , 5934 , 5940 , 5946 , 5952 , 5958 , 5964 , 5970 , 5976 , 5982 , 5988 , 5994 , 6000 ,

6006 , 6012 , 6018 , 6024 , 6030 , 6036 , 6042 , 6048 , 6054 , 6060 , 6066 , 6072 , 6078 ,

6084 , 6090 , 6096 , 6102 , 6108 , 6114 , 6120 , 6126 , 6132 , 6138 , 6144 , 6150 , 6156 ,

6162 , 6168 , 6174 , 6180 , 6186 , 6192 , 6198 , 6204 , 6210 , 6216 , 6222 , 6228 , 6234 ,

6240 , 6246 , 6252 , 6258 , 6264 , 6270 , 6276 , 6282 , 6288 , 6294 , 6300 , 6306 , 6312 ,

6318 , 6324 , 6330 , 6336 , 6342 , 6348 , 6354 , 6360 , 6366 , 6372 , 6378 , 6384 , 6390 ,

6396 , 6402 , 6408 , 6414 , 6420 , 6426 , 6432 , 6438 , 6444 , 6450 , 6456 , 6462 , 6468 ,

6474 , 6480 , 6486 , 6492 , 6498 , 6504 , 6510 , 6516 , 6522 , 6528 , 6534 , 6540 , 6546 ,

6552 , 6558 , 6564 , 6570 , 6576 , 6582 , 6588 , 6594 , 6600 , 6606 , 6612 , 6618 , 6624 ,

6630 , 6636 , 6642 , 6648 , 6654 , 6660 , 6666 , 6672 , 6678 , 6684 , 6690 , 6696 , 6702 ,

6708 , 6714 , 6720 , 6726 , 6732 , 6738 , 6744 , 6750 , 6756 , 6762 , 6768 , 6774 , 6780 ,

6786 , 6792 , 6798 , 6804 , 6810 , 6816 , 6822 , 6828 , 6834 , 6840 , 6846 , 6852 , 6858 ,

6864 , 6870 , 6876 , 6882 , 6888 , 6894 , 6900 , 6906 , 6912 , 6918 , 6924 , 6930 , 6936 ,

6942 , 6948 , 6954 , 6960 , 6966 , 6972 , 6978 , 6984 , 6990 , 6996 , 7002 , 7008 , 7014 ,

7020 , 7026 , 7032 , 7038 , 7044 , 7050 , 7056 , 7062 , 7068 , 7074 , 7080 , 7086 , 7092 ,

7098 , 7104 , 7110 , 7116 , 7122 , 7128 , 7134 , 7140 , 7146 , 7152 , 7158 , 7164 , 7170 ,

7176 , 7182 , 7188 , 7194 , 7200 , 7206 , 7212 , 7218 , 7224 , 7230 , 7236 , 7242 , 7248 ,

7254 , 7260 , 7266 , 7272 , 7278 , 7284 , 7290 , 7296 , 7302 , 7308 , 7314 , 7320 , 7326 ,

7332 , 7338 , 7344 , 7350 , 7356 , 7362 , 7368 , 7374 , 7380 , 7386 , 7392 , 7398 , 7404 ,

7410 , 7416 , 7422 , 7428 , 7434 , 7440 , 7446 , 7452 , 7458 , 7464 , 7470 , 7476 , 7482 ,

7488 , 7494 , 7500 , 7506 , 7512 , 7518 , 7524 , 7530 , 7536 , 7542 , 7548 , 7554 , 7560 ,

7566 , 7572 , 7578 , 7584 , 7590 , 7596 , 7602 , 7608 , 7614 , 7620 , 7626 , 7632 , 7638 ,

7644 , 7650 , 7656 , 7662 , 7668 , 7674 , 7680 , 7686 , 7692 , 7698 , 7704 , 7710 , 7716 ,

7722 , 7728 , 7734 , 7740 , 7746 , 7752 , 7758 , 7764 , 7770 , 7776 , 7782 , 7788 , 7794 ,

7800 , 7806 , 7812 , 7818 , 7824 , 7830 , 7836 , 7842 , 7848 , 7854 , 7860 , 7866 , 7872 ,

7878 , 7884 , 7890 , 7896 , 7902 , 7908 , 7914 , 7920 , 7926 , 7932 , 7938 , 7944 , 7950 ,

7956 , 7962 , 7968 , 7974 , 7980 , 7986 , 7992 , 7998 , 8004 , 8010 , 8016 , 8022 , 8028 ,

8034 , 8040 , 8046 , 8052 , 8058 , 8064 , 8070 , 8076 , 8082 , 8088 , 8094 , 8100 , 8106 ,

8112 , 8118 , 8124 , 8130 , 8136 , 8142 , 8148 , 8154 , 8160 , 8166 , 8172 , 8178 , 8184 ,

8190 , 8196 , 8202 , 8208 , 8214 , 8220 , 8226 , 8232 , 8238 , 8244 , 8250 , 8256 , 8262 ,

8268 , 8274 , 8280 , 8286 , 8292 , 8298 , 8304 , 8310 , 8316 , 8322 , 8328 , 8334 , 8340 ,

8346 , 8352 , 8358 , 8364 , 8370 , 8376 , 8382 , 8388 , 8394 , 8400 , 8406 , 8412 , 8418 ,

8424 , 8430 , 8436 , 8442 , 8448 , 8454 , 8460 , 8466 , 8472 , 8478 , 8484 , 8490 , 8496 ,

8502 , 8508 , 8514 , 8520 , 8526 , 8532 , 8538 , 8544 , 8550 , 8556 , 8562 , 8568 , 8574 ,

8580 , 8586 , 8592 , 8598 , 8604 , 8610 , 8616 , 8622 , 8628 , 8634 , 8640 , 8646 , 8652 ,

8658 , 8664 , 8670 , 8676 , 8682 , 8688 , 8694 , 8700 , 8706 , 8712 , 8718 , 8724 , 8730 ,

8736 , 8742 , 8748 , 8754 , 8760 , 8766 , 8772 , 8778 , 8784 , 8790 , 8796 , 8802 , 8808 ,

8814 , 8820 , 8826 , 8832 , 8838 , 8844 , 8850 , 8856 , 8862 , 8868 , 8874 , 8880 , 8886 ,

8892 , 8898 , 8904 , 8910 , 8916 , 8922 , 8928 , 8934 , 8940 , 8946 , 8952 , 8958 , 8964 ,

8970 , 8976 , 8982 , 8988 , 8994 , 9000 , 9006 , 9012 , 9018 , 9024 , 9030 , 9036 , 9042 ,

9048 , 9054 , 9060 , 9066 , 9072 , 9078 , 9084 , 9090 , 9096 , 9102 , 9108 , 9114 , 9120 ,

9126 , 9132 , 9138 , 9144 , 9150 , 9156 , 9162 , 9168 , 9174 , 9180 , 9186 , 9192 , 9198 ,

9204 , 9210 , 9216 , 9222 , 9228 , 9234 , 9240 , 9246 , 9252 , 9258 , 9264 , 9270 , 9276 ,

9282 , 9288 , 9294 , 9300 , 9306 , 9312 , 9318 , 9324 , 9330 , 9336 , 9342 , 9348 , 9354 ,

9360 , 9366 , 9372 , 9378 , 9384 , 9390 , 9396 , 9402 , 9408 , 9414 , 9420 , 9426 , 9432 ,

9438 , 9444 , 9450 , 9456 , 9462 , 9468 , 9474 , 9480 , 9486 , 9492 , 9498 , 9504 , 9510 ,

9516 , 9522 , 9528 , 9534 , 9540 , 9546 , 9552 , 9558 , 9564 , 9570 , 9576 , 9582 , 9588 ,

9594 , 9600 , 9606 , 9612 , 9618 , 9624 , 9630 , 9636 , 9642 , 9648 , 9654 , 9660 , 9666 ,

9672 , 9678 , 9684 , 9690 , 9696 , 9702 , 9708 , 9714 , 9720 , 9726 , 9732 , 9738 , 9744 ,

9750 , 9756 , 9762 , 9768 , 9774 , 9780 , 9786 , 9792 , 9798 , 9804 , 9810 , 9816 , 9822 ,

9828 , 9834 , 9840 , 9846 , 9852 , 9858 , 9864 , 9870 , 9876 , 9882 , 9888 , 9894 , 9900 ,

9906 , 9912 , 9918 , 9924 , 9930 , 9936 , 9942 , 9948 , 9954 , 9960 , 9966 , 9972 , 9978 ,

9984 , 9990 , 9996 , 10002 , 10008 , 10014 , 10020 , 10026 , 10032 , 10038 , 10044 , 10050 ,

10056 , 10062 , 10068 , 10074 , 10080 , 10086 , 10092 , 10098 , 10104 , 10110 , 10116 ,

10122 , 10128 , 10134 , 10140 , 10146 , 10152 , 10158 , 10164 , 10170 , 10176 , 10182 ,

10188 , 10194 , 10200 , 10206 , 10212 , 10218 , 10224 , 10230 , 10236 , 10242 , 10248 ,

10254 , 10260 , 10266 , 10272 , 10278 , 10284 , 10290 , 10296 , 10302 , 10308 , 10314 ,

10320 , 10326 , 10332 , 10338 , 10344 , 10350 , 10356 , 10362 , 10368 , 10374 , 10380 ,

10386 , 10392 , 10398 , 10404 , 10410 , 10416 , 10422 , 10428 , 10434 , 10440 , 10446 ,

10452 , 10458 , 10464 , 10470 , 10476 , 10482 , 10488 , 10494 , 10500 , 10506 , 10512 ,

10518 , 10524 , 10530 , 10536 , 10542 , 10548 , 10554 , 10560 , 10566 , 10572 , 10578 ,

10584 , 10590 , 10596 , 10602 , 10608 , 10614 , 10620 , 10626 , 10632 , 10638 , 10644 ,

10650 , 10656 , 10662 , 10668 , 10674 , 10680 , 10686 , 10692 , 10698 , 10704 , 10710 ,

10716 , 10722 , 10728 , 10734 , 10740 , 10746 , 10752 , 10758 , 10764 , 10770 , 10776 ,

10782 , 10788 , 10794 , 10800 , 10806 , 10812 , 10818 , 10824 , 10830 , 10836 , 10842 ,

10848 , 10854 , 10860 , 10866 , 10872 , 10878 , 10884 , 10890 , 10896 , 10902 , 10908 ,

10914 , 10920 , 10926 , 10932 , 10938 , 10944 , 10950 , 10956 , 10962 , 10968 , 10974 ,

10980 , 10986 , 10992 , 10998 , 11004 , 11010 , 11016 , 11022 , 11028 , 11034 , 11040 ,

11046 , 11052 , 11058 , 11064 , 11070 , 11076 , 11082 , 11088 , 11094 , 11100 , 11106 ,

11112 , 11118 , 11124 , 11130 , 11136 , 11142 , 11148 , 11154 , 11160 , 11166 , 11172 ,

11178 , 11184 , 11190 , 11196 , 11202 , 11208 , 11214 , 11220 , 11226 , 11232 , 11238 ,

11244 , 11250 , 11256 , 11262 , 11268 , 11274 , 11280 , 11286 , 11292 , 11298 , 11304 ,

11310 , 11316 , 11322 , 11328 , 11334 , 11340 , 11346 , 11352 , 11358 , 11364 , 11370 ,

11376 , 11382 , 11388 , 11394 , 11400 , 11406 , 11412 , 11418 , 11424 , 11430 , 11436 ,

11442 , 11448 , 11454 , 11460 , 11466 , 11472 , 11478 , 11484 , 11490 , 11496 , 11502 ,

11508 , 11514 , 11520 , 11526 , 11532 , 11538 , 11544 , 11550 , 11556 , 11562 , 11568 ,

11574 , 11580 , 11586 , 11592 , 11598 , 11604 , 11610 , 11616 , 11622 , 11628 , 11634 ,

11640 , 11646 , 11652 , 11658 , 11664 , 11670 , 11676 , 11682 , 11688 , 11694 , 11700 ,

11706 , 11712 , 11718 , 11724 , 11730 , 11736 , 11742 , 11748 , 11754 , 11760 , 11766 ,

11772 , 11778 , 11784 , 11790 , 11796 , 11802 , 11808 , 11814 , 11820 , 11826 , 11832 ,

11838 , 11844 , 11850 , 11856 , 11862 , 11868 , 11874 , 11880 , 11886 , 11892 , 11898 ,

11904 , 11910 , 11916 , 11922 , 11928 , 11934 , 11940 , 11946 , 11952 , 11958 , 11964 ,

11970 , 11976 , 11982 , 11988 , 11994 , 12000 , 12006 , 12012 , 12018 , 12024 , 12030 ,

12036 , 12042 , 12048 , 12054 , 12060 , 12066 , 12072 , 12078 , 12084 , 12090 , 12096 ,

12102 , 12108 , 12114 , 12120 , 12126 , 12132 , 12138 , 12144 , 12150 , 12156 , 12162 ,

12168 , 12174 , 12180 , 12186 , 12192 , 12198 , 12204 , 12210 , 12216 , 12222 , 12228 ,

12234 , 12240 , 12246 , 12252 , 12258 , 12264 , 12270 , 12276 , 12282 , 12288 , 12294 ,

12300 , 12306 , 12312 , 12318 , 12324 , 12330 , 12336 , 12342 , 12348 , 12354 , 12360 ,

12366 , 12372 , 12378 , 12384 , 12390 , 12396 , 12402 , 12408 , 12414 , 12420 , 12426 ,

12432 , 12438 , 12444 , 12450 , 12456 , 12462 , 12468 , 12474 , 12480 , 12486 , 12492 ,

12498 , 12504 , 12510 , 12516 , 12522 , 12528 , 12534 , 12540 , 12546 , 12552 , 12558 ,

12564 , 12570 , 12576 , 12582 , 12588 , 12594 , 12600 , 12606 , 12612 , 12618 , 12624 ,

12630 , 12636 , 12642 , 12648 , 12654 , 12660 , 12666 , 12672 , 12678 , 12684 , 12690 ,

12696 , 12702 , 12708 , 12714 , 12720 , 12726 , 12732 , 12738 , 12744 , 12750 , 12756 ,

12762 , 12768 , 12774 , 12780 , 12786 , 12792 , 12798 , 12804 , 12810 , 12816 , 12822 ,

12828 , 12834 , 12840 , 12846 , 12852 , 12858 , 12864 , 12870 , 12876 , 12882 , 12888 ,

12894 , 12900 , 12906 , 12912 , 12918 , 12924 , 12930 , 12936 , 12942 , 12948 , 12954 ,

12960 , 12966 , 12972 , 12978 , 12984 , 12990 , 12996 , 13002 , 13008 , 13014 , 13020 ,

13026 , 13032 , 13038 , 13044 , 13050 , 13056 , 13062 , 13068 , 13074 , 13080 , 13086 ,

13092 , 13098 , 13104 , 13110 , 13116 , 13122 , 13128 , 13134 , 13140 , 13146 , 13152 ,

13158 , 13164 , 13170 , 13176 , 13182 , 13188 , 13194 , 13200 , 13206 , 13212 , 13218 ,

13224 , 13230 , 13236 , 13242 , 13248 , 13254 , 13260 , 13266 , 13272 , 13278 , 13284 ,

13290 , 13296 , 13302 , 13308 , 13314 , 13320 , 13326 , 13332 , 13338 , 13344 , 13350 ,

13356 , 13362 , 13368 , 13374 , 13380 , 13386 , 13392 , 13398 , 13404 , 13410 , 13416 ,

13422 , 13428 , 13434 , 13440 , 13446 , 13452 , 13458 , 13464 , 13470 , 13476 , 13482 ,

13488 , 13494 , 13500 , 13506 , 13512 , 13518 , 13524 , 13530 , 13536 , 13542 , 13548 ,

13554 , 13560 , 13566 , 13572 , 13578 , 13584 , 13590 , 13596 , 13602 , 13608 , 13614 ,

13620 , 13626 , 13632 , 13638 , 13644 , 13650 , 13656 , 13662 , 13668 , 13674 , 13680 ,

13686 , 13692 , 13698 , 13704 , 13710 , 13716 , 13722 , 13728 , 13734 , 13740 , 13746 ,

13752 , 13758 , 13764 , 13770 , 13776 , 13782 , 13788 , 13794 , 13800 , 13806 , 13812 ,

13818 , 13824 , 13830 , 13836 , 13842 , 13848 , 13854 , 13860 , 13866 , 13872 , 13878 ,

13884 , 13890 , 13896 , 13902 , 13908 , 13914 , 13920 , 13926 , 13932 , 13938 , 13944 ,

13950 , 13956 , 13962 , 13968 , 13974 , 13980 , 13986 , 13992 , 13998 , 14004 , 14010 ,

14016 , 14022 , 14028 , 14034 , 14040 , 14046 , 14052 , 14058 , 14064 , 14070 , 14076 ,

14082 , 14088 , 14094 , 14100 , 14106 , 14112 , 14118 , 14124 , 14130 , 14136 , 14142 ,

14148 , 14154 , 14160 , 14166 , 14172 , 14178 , 14184 , 14190 , 14196 , 14202 , 14208 ,

14214 , 14220 , 14226 , 14232 , 14238 , 14244 , 14250 , 14256 , 14262 , 14268 , 14274 ,

14280 , 14286 , 14292 , 14298 , 14304 , 14310 , 14316 , 14322 , 14328 , 14334 , 14340 ,

14346 , 14352 , 14358 , 14364 , 14370 , 14376 , 14382 , 14388 , 14394 , 14400 , 14406 ,

14412 , 14418 , 14424 , 14430 , 14436 , 14442 , 14448 , 14454 , 14460 , 14466 , 14472 ,

14478 , 14484 , 14490 , 14496 , 14502 , 14508 , 14514 , 14520 , 14526 , 14532 , 14538 ,

14544 , 14550 , 14556 , 14562 , 14568 , 14574 , 14580 , 14586 , 14592 , 14598 , 14604 ,

14610 , 14616 , 14622 , 14628 , 14634 , 14640 , 14646 , 14652 , 14658 , 14664 , 14670 ,

14676 , 14682 , 14688 , 14694 , 14700 , 14706 , 14712 , 14718 , 14724 , 14730 , 14736 ,

14742 , 14748 , 14754 , 14760 , 14766 , 14772 , 14778 , 14784 , 14790 , 14796 , 14802 ,

14808 , 14814 , 14820 , 14826 , 14832 , 14838 , 14844 , 14850 , 14856 , 14862 , 14868 ,

14874 , 14880 , 14886 , 14892 , 14898 , 14904 , 14910 , 14916 , 14922 , 14928 , 14934 ,

14940 , 14946 , 14952 , 14958 , 14964 , 14970 , 14976 , 14982 , 14988 , 14994 , 15000 ,

15006 , 15012 , 15018 , 15024 , 15030 , 15036 , 15042 , 15048 , 15054 , 15060 , 15066 ,

15072 , 15078 , 15084 , 15090 , 15096 , 15102 , 15108 , 15114 , 15120 , 15126 , 15132 ,

15138 , 15144 , 15150 , 15156 , 15162 , 15168 , 15174 , 15180 , 15186 , 15192 , 15198 ,

15204 , 15210 , 15216 , 15222 , 15228 , 15234 , 15240 , 15246 , 15252 , 15258 , 15264 ,

15270 , 15276 , 15282 , 15288 , 15294 , 15300 , 15306 , 15312 , 15318 , 15324 , 15330 ,

15336 , 15342 , 15348 , 15354 , 15360 , 15366 , 15372 , 15378 , 15384 , 15390 , 15396 ,

15402 , 15408 , 15414 , 15420 , 15426 , 15432 , 15438 , 15444 , 15450 , 15456 , 15462 ,

15468 , 15474 , 15480 , 15486 , 15492 , 15498 , 15504 , 15510 , 15516 , 15522 , 15528 ,

15534 , 15540 , 15546 , 15552 , 15558 , 15564 , 15570 , 15576 , 15582 , 15588 , 15594 ,

15600 , 15606 , 15612 , 15618 , 15624 , 15630 , 15636 , 15642 , 15648 , 15654 , 15660 ,

15666 , 15672 , 15678 , 15684 , 15690 , 15696 , 15702 , 15708 , 15714 , 15720 , 15726 ,

15732 , 15738 , 15744 , 15750 , 15756 , 15762 , 15768 , 15774 , 15780 , 15786 , 15792 ,

15798 , 15804 , 15810 , 15816 , 15822 , 15828 , 15834 , 15840 , 15846 , 15852 , 15858 ,

15864 , 15870 , 15876 , 15882 , 15888 , 15894 , 15900 , 15906 , 15912 , 15918 , 15924 ,

15930 , 15936 , 15942 , 15948 , 15954 , 15960 , 15966 , 15972 , 15978 , 15984 , 15990 ,

15996 , 16002 , 16008 , 16014 , 16020 , 16026 , 16032 , 16038 , 16044 , 16050 , 16056 ,

16062 , 16068 , 16074 , 16080 , 16086 , 16092 , 16098 , 16104 , 16110 , 16116 , 16122 ,

16128 , 16134 , 16140 , 16146 , 16152 , 16158 , 16164 , 16170 , 16176 , 16182 , 16188 ,

16194 , 16200 , 16206 , 16212 , 16218 , 16224 , 16230 , 16236 , 16242 , 16248 , 16254 ,

16260 , 16266 , 16272 , 16278 , 16284 , 16290 , 16296 , 16302 , 16308 , 16314 , 16320 ,

16326 , 16332 , 16338 , 16344 , 16350 , 16356 , 16362 , 16368 , 16374 , 16380 , 16386 ,

16392 , 16398 , 16404 , 16410 , 16416 , 16422 , 16428 , 16434 , 16440 , 16446 , 16452 ,

16458 , 16464 , 16470 , 16476 , 16482 , 16488 , 16494 , 16500 , 16506 , 16512 , 16518 ,

16524 , 16530 , 16536 , 16542 , 16548 , 16554 , 16560 , 16566 , 16572 , 16578 , 16584 ,

16590 , 16596 , 16602 , 16608 , 16614 , 16620 , 16626 , 16632 , 16638 , 16644 , 16650 ,

16656 , 16662 , 16668 , 16674 , 16680 , 16686 , 16692 , 16698 , 16704 , 16710 , 16716 ,

16722 , 16728 , 16734 , 16740 , 16746 , 16752 , 16758 , 16764 , 16770 , 16776 , 16782 ,

16788 , 16794 , 16800 , 16806 , 16812 , 16818 , 16824 , 16830 , 16836 , 16842 , 16848 ,

16854 , 16860 , 16866 , 16872 , 16878 , 16884 , 16890 , 16896 , 16902 , 16908 , 16914 ,

16920 , 16926 , 16932 , 16938 , 16944 , 16950 , 16956 , 16962 , 16968 , 16974 , 16980 ,

16986 , 16992 , 16998 , 17004 , 17010 , 17016 , 17022 , 17028 , 17034 , 17040 , 17046 ,

17052 , 17058 , 17064 , 17070 , 17076 , 17082 , 17088 , 17094 , 17100 , 17106 , 17112 ,

17118 , 17124 , 17130 , 17136 , 17142 , 17148 , 17154 , 17160 , 17166 , 17172 , 17178 ,

17184 , 17190 , 17196 , 17202 , 17208 , 17214 , 17220 , 17226 , 17232 , 17238 , 17244 ,

17250 , 17256 , 17262 , 17268 , 17274 , 17280 , 17286 , 17292 , 17298 , 17304 , 17310 ,

17316 , 17322 , 17328 , 17334 , 17340 , 17346 , 17352 , 17358 , 17364 , 17370 , 17376 ,

17382 , 17388 , 17394 , 17400 , 17406 , 17412 , 17418 , 17424 , 17430 , 17436 , 17442 ,

17448 , 17454 , 17460 , 17466 , 17472 , 17478 , 17484 , 17490 , 17496 , 17502 , 17508 ,

17514 , 17520 , 17526 , 17532 , 17538 , 17544 , 17550 , 17556 , 17562 , 17568 , 17574 ,

17580 , 17586 , 17592 , 17598 , 17604 , 17610 , 17616 , 17622 , 17628 , 17634 , 17640 ,

17646 , 17652 , 17658 , 17664 , 17670 , 17676 , 17682 , 17688 , 17694 , 17700 , 17706 ,

17712 , 17718 , 17724 , 17730 , 17736 , 17742 , 17748 , 17754 , 17760 , 17766 , 17772 ,

17778 , 17784 , 17790 , 17796 , 17802 , 17808 , 17814 , 17820 , 17826 , 17832 , 17838 ,

17844 , 17850 , 17856 , 17862 , 17868 , 17874 , 17880 , 17886 , 17892 , 17898 , 17904 ,

17910 , 17916 , 17922 , 17928 , 17934 , 17940 , 17946 , 17952 , 17958 , 17964 , 17970 ,

17976 , 17982 , 17988 , 17994 , 18000 , 18006 , 18012 , 18018 , 18024 , 18030 , 18036 ,

18042 , 18048 , 18054 , 18060 , 18066 , 18072 , 18078 , 18084 , 18090 , 18096 , 18102 ,

18108 , 18114 , 18120 , 18126 , 18132 , 18138 , 18144 , 18150 , 18156 , 18162 , 18168 ,

18174 , 18180 , 18186 , 18192 , 18198 , 18204 , 18210 , 18216 , 18222 , 18228 , 18234 ,

18240 , 18246 , 18252 , 18258 , 18264 , 18270 , 18276 , 18282 , 18288 , 18294 , 18300 ,

18306 , 18312 , 18318 , 18324 , 18330 , 18336 , 18342 , 18348 , 18354 , 18360 , 18366 ,

18372 , 18378 , 18384 , 18390 , 18396 , 18402 , 18408 , 18414 , 18420 , 18426 , 18432 ,

18438 , 18444 , 18450 , 18456 , 18462 , 18468 , 18474 , 18480 , 18486 , 18492 , 18498 ,

18504 , 18510 , 18516 , 18522 , 18528 , 18534 , 18540 , 18546 , 18552 , 18558 , 18564 ,

18570 , 18576 , 18582 , 18588 , 18594 , 18600 , 18606 , 18612 , 18618 , 18624 , 18630 ,

18636 , 18642 , 18648 , 18654 , 18660 , 18666 , 18672 , 18678 , 18684 , 18690 , 18696 ,

18702 , 18708 , 18714 , 18720 , 18726 , 18732 , 18738 , 18744 , 18750 , 18756 , 18762 ,

18768 , 18774 , 18780 , 18786 , 18792 , 18798 , 18804 , 18810 , 18816 , 18822 , 18828 ,

18834 , 18840 , 18846 , 18852 , 18858 , 18864 , 18870 , 18876 , 18882 , 18888 , 18894 ,

18900 , 18906 , 18912 , 18918 , 18924 , 18930 , 18936 , 18942 , 18948 , 18954 , 18960 ,

18966 , 18972 , 18978 , 18984 , 18990 , 18996 , 19002 , 19008 , 19014 , 19020 , 19026 ,

19032 , 19038 , 19044 , 19050 , 19056 , 19062 , 19068 , 19074 , 19080 , 19086 , 19092 ,

19098 , 19104 , 19110 , 19116 , 19122 , 19128 , 19134 , 19140 , 19146 , 19152 , 19158 ,

19164 , 19170 , 19176 , 19182 , 19188 , 19194 , 19200 , 19206 , 19212 , 19218 , 19224 ,

19230 , 19236 , 19242 , 19248 , 19254 , 19260 , 19266 , 19272 , 19278 , 19284 , 19290 ,

19296 , 19302 , 19308 , 19314 , 19320 , 19326 , 19332 , 19338 , 19344 , 19350 , 19356 ,

19362 , 19368 , 19374 , 19380 , 19386 , 19392 , 19398 , 19404 , 19410 , 19416 , 19422 ,

19428 , 19434 , 19440 , 19446 , 19452 , 19458 , 19464 , 19470 , 19476 , 19482 , 19488 ,

19494 , 19500 , 19506 , 19512 , 19518 , 19524 , 19530 , 19536 , 19542 , 19548 , 19554 ,

19560 , 19566 , 19572 , 19578 , 19584 , 19590 , 19596 , 19602 , 19608 , 19614 , 19620 ,

19626 , 19632 , 19638 , 19644 , 19650 , 19656 , 19662 , 19668 , 19674 , 19680 , 19686 ,

19692 , 19698 , 19704 , 19710 , 19716 , 19722 , 19728 , 19734 , 19740 , 19746 , 19752 ,

19758 , 19764 , 19770 , 19776 , 19782 , 19788 , 19794 , 19800 , 19806 , 19812 , 19818 ,

19824 , 19830 , 19836 , 19842 , 19848 , 19854 , 19860 , 19866 , 19872 , 19878 , 19884 ,

19890 , 19896 , 19902 , 19908 , 19914 , 19920 , 19926 , 19932 , 19938 , 19944 , 19950 ,

19956 , 19962 , 19968 , 19974 , 19980 , 19986 , 19992 , 19998 , 20004 , 20010 , 20016 ,

20022 , 20028 , 20034 , 20040 , 20046 , 20052 , 20058 , 20064 , 20070 , 20076 , 20082 ,

20088 , 20094 , 20100 , 20106 , 20112 , 20118 , 20124 , 20130 , 20136 , 20142 , 20148 ,

20154 , 20160 , 20166 , 20172 , 20178 , 20184 , 20190 , 20196 , 20202 , 20208 , 20214 ,

20220 , 20226 , 20232 , 20238 , 20244 , 20250 , 20256 , 20262 , 20268 , 20274 , 20280 ,

20286 , 20292 , 20298 , 20304 , 20310 , 20316 , 20322 , 20328 , 20334 , 20340 , 20346 ,

20352 , 20358 , 20364 , 20370 , 20376 , 20382 , 20388 , 20394 , 20400 , 20406 , 20412 ,

20418 , 20424 , 20430 , 20436 , 20442 , 20448 , 20454 , 20460 , 20466 , 20472 , 20478 ,

20484 , 20490 , 20496 , 20502 , 20508 , 20514 , 20520 , 20526 , 20532 , 20538 , 20544 ,

20550 , 20556 , 20562 , 20568 , 20574 , 20580 , 20586 , 20592 , 20598 , 20604 , 20610 ,

20616 , 20622 , 20628 , 20634 , 20640 , 20646 , 20652 , 20658 , 20664 , 20670 , 20676 ,

20682 , 20688 , 20694 , 20700 , 20706 , 20712 , 20718 , 20724 , 20730 , 20736 , 20742 ,

20748 , 20754 , 20760 , 20766 , 20772 , 20778 , 20784 , 20790 , 20796 , 20802 , 20808 ,

20814 , 20820 , 20826 , 20832 , 20838 , 20844 , 20850 , 20856 , 20862 , 20868 , 20874 ,

20880 , 20886 , 20892 , 20898 , 20904 , 20910 , 20916 , 20922 , 20928 , 20934 , 20940 ,

20946 , 20952 , 20958 , 20964 , 20970 , 20976 , 20982 , 20988 , 20994 , 21000 , 21006 ,

21012 , 21018 , 21024 , 21030 , 21036 , 21042 , 21048 , 21054 , 21060 , 21066 , 21072 ,

21078 , 21084 , 21090 , 21096 , 21102 , 21108 , 21114 , 21120 , 21126 , 21132 , 21138 ,

21144 , 21150 , 21156 , 21162 , 21168 , 21174 , 21180 , 21186 , 21192 , 21198 , 21204 ,

21210 , 21216 , 21222 , 21228 , 21234 , 21240 , 21246 , 21252 , 21258 , 21264 , 21270 ,

21276 , 21282 , 21288 , 21294 , 21300 , 21306 , 21312 , 21318 , 21324 , 21330 , 21336 ,

21342 , 21348 , 21354 , 21360 , 21366 , 21372 , 21378 , 21384 , 21390 , 21396 , 21402 ,

21408 , 21414 , 21420 , 21426 , 21432 , 21438 , 21444 , 21450 , 21456 , 21462 , 21468 ,

21474 , 21480 , 21486 , 21492 , 21498 , 21504 , 21510 , 21516 , 21522 , 21528 , 21534 ,

21540 , 21546 , 21552 , 21558 , 21564 , 21570 , 21576 , 21582 , 21588 , 21594 , 21600 ,

21606 , 21612 , 21618 , 21624 , 21630 , 21636 , 21642 , 21648 , 21654 , 21660 , 21666 ,

21672 , 21678 , 21684 , 21690 , 21696 , 21702 , 21708 , 21714 , 21720 , 21726 , 21732 ,

21738 , 21744 , 21750 , 21756 , 21762 , 21768 , 21774 , 21780 , 21786 , 21792 , 21798 ,

21804 , 21810 , 21816 , 21822 , 21828 , 21834 , 21840 , 21846 , 21852 , 21858 , 21864 ,

21870 , 21876 , 21882 , 21888 , 21894 , 21900 , 21906 , 21912 , 21918 , 21924 , 21930 ,

21936 , 21942 , 21948 , 21954 , 21960 , 21966 , 21972 , 21978 , 21984 , 21990 , 21996 ,

22002 , 22008 , 22014 , 22020 , 22026 , 22032 , 22038 , 22044 , 22050 , 22056 , 22062 ,

22068 , 22074 , 22080 , 22086 , 22092 , 22098 , 22104 , 22110 , 22116 , 22122 , 22128 ,

22134 , 22140 , 22146 , 22152 , 22158 , 22164 , 22170 , 22176 , 22182 , 22188 , 22194 ,

22200 , 22206 , 22212 , 22218 , 22224 , 22230 , 22236 , 22242 , 22248 , 22254 , 22260 ,

22266 , 22272 , 22278 , 22284 , 22290 , 22296 , 22302 , 22308 , 22314 , 22320 , 22326 ,

22332 , 22338 , 22344 , 22350 , 22356 , 22362 , 22368 , 22374 , 22380 , 22386 , 22392 ,

22398 , 22404 , 22410 , 22416 , 22422 , 22428 , 22434 , 22440 , 22446 , 22452 , 22458 ,

22464 , 22470 , 22476 , 22482 , 22488 , 22494 , 22500 , 22506 , 22512 , 22518 , 22524 ,

22530 , 22536 , 22542 , 22548 , 22554 , 22560 , 22566 , 22572 , 22578 , 22584 , 22590 ,

22596 , 22602 , 22608 , 22614 , 22620 , 22626 , 22632 , 22638 , 22644 , 22650 , 22656 ,

22662 , 22668 , 22674 , 22680 , 22686 , 22692 , 22698 , 22704 , 22710 , 22716 , 22722 ,

22728 , 22734 , 22740 , 22746 , 22752 , 22758 , 22764 , 22770 , 22776 , 22782 , 22788 ,

22794 , 22800 , 22806 , 22812 , 22818 , 22824 , 22830 , 22836 , 22842 , 22848 , 22854 ,

22860 , 22866 , 22872 , 22878 , 22884 , 22890 , 22896 , 22902 , 22908 , 22914 , 22920 ,

22926 , 22932 , 22938 , 22944 , 22950 , 22956 , 22962 , 22968 , 22974 , 22980 , 22986 ,

22992 , 22998 , 23004 , 23010 , 23016 , 23022 , 23028 , 23034 , 23040 , 23046 , 23052 ,

23058 , 23064 , 23070 , 23076 , 23082 , 23088 , 23094 , 23100 , 23106 , 23112 , 23118 ,

23124 , 23130 , 23136 , 23142 , 23148 , 23154 , 23160 , 23166 , 23172 , 23178 , 23184 ,

23190 , 23196 , 23202 , 23208 , 23214 , 23220 , 23226 , 23232 , 23238 , 23244 , 23250 ,

23256 , 23262 , 23268 , 23274 , 23280 , 23286 , 23292 , 23298 , 23304 , 23310 , 23316 ,

23322 , 23328 , 23334 , 23340 , 23346 , 23352 , 23358 , 23364 , 23370 , 23376 , 23382 ,

23388 , 23394 , 23400 , 23406 , 23412 , 23418 , 23424 , 23430 , 23436 , 23442 , 23448 ,

23454 , 23460 , 23466 , 23472 , 23478 , 23484 , 23490 , 23496 , 23502 , 23508 , 23514 ,

23520 , 23526 , 23532 , 23538 , 23544 , 23550 , 23556 , 23562 , 23568 , 23574 , 23580 ,

23586 , 23592 , 23598 , 23604 , 23610 , 23616 , 23622 , 23628 , 23634 , 23640 , 23646 ,

23652 , 23658 , 23664 , 23670 , 23676 , 23682 , 23688 , 23694 , 23700 , 23706 , 23712 ,

23718 , 23724 , 23730 , 23736 , 23742 , 23748 , 23754 , 23760 , 23766 , 23772 , 23778 ,

23784 , 23790 , 23796 , 23802 , 23808 , 23814 , 23820 , 23826 , 23832 , 23838 , 23844 ,

23850 , 23856 , 23862 , 23868 , 23874 , 23880 , 23886 , 23892 , 23898 , 23904 , 23910 ,

23916 , 23922 , 23928 , 23934 , 23940 , 23946 , 23952 , 23958 , 23964 , 23970 , 23976 ,

23982 , 23988 , 23994 , 24000 .

You're welcome, I'm sure.

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