


History of the United States

Find questions about the important events of the United States of America from the US Civil War to US Presidents.

500 Questions

Social ranking on the basis of caste is?

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Social ranking on the basis of caste is a system of hierarchy prevalent in some societies, particularly in South Asia, where individuals are categorized and treated differently based on their birth into a particular social group. This system can lead to discrimination, inequality, and limited social mobility for those belonging to lower castes. Efforts are being made to address and eradicate this discriminatory practice.

What were the states rights' in the 1830's?

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In the 1830s, states' rights referred to the belief that individual states had the authority to nullify or ignore federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. This view was most prominently advocated by politicians like John C. Calhoun in response to issues such as tariffs and slavery, leading to tensions between the federal government and states.

When was the oval office built?

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The Oval Office was built in 1909 as part of the West Wing expansion of the White House during President William Howard Taft's administration. It replaced the previous Oval Office located in the center of the building.

Does anyone remember spot-lite 66 roller rink?

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Yes, some people may remember Spot-Lite 66 roller rink as a popular roller skating rink. It was located in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma and was a favorite spot for roller skating enthusiasts in the area.

What means you forbid?

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Forbid means to prohibit or disallow something from happening or being done. It is to refuse permission for something to occur.

What does the word mean in Inuit?

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In Inuit, the word "Inuit" means "the people." It is the plural form of "Inuk," which means "person."

What do goshutes wear?

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The Goshute people traditionally wore clothing made from animal hides and plant fibers, such as buckskin and woven reed or grasses. Men typically wore breechcloths and leather moccasins, while women wore dresses or skirts made from hides or woven material. They also adorned themselves with jewelry made from shells, beads, and feathers. Today, Goshute people may wear modern clothing like jeans and t-shirts, but may still incorporate traditional clothing for ceremonial or cultural events.

What type of medicine did the Makah Indian tribe use?

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The Makah tribe traditionally used a variety of medicinal plants for healing purposes, such as cedar, devil's club, and licorice root. They also used practices like sweat lodges, ceremonies, and spiritual healing to treat ailments and promote well-being. Traditional healers in the Makah tribe played a key role in diagnosing and treating illnesses.

What were some natural resources that apalachee Indians used?

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The Apalachee Indians used natural resources such as wood for building homes and canoes, clay for pottery making, plants for food and medicine, and animal hides for clothing and shelter. They also relied on resources like fish and game for their diet.

What is social ranking?

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Social ranking refers to the hierarchical positioning of individuals within a society or group based on factors such as wealth, power, or prestige. It determines an individual's status, influence, and opportunities within a given social context. Social ranking can impact relationships, access to resources, and overall quality of life.

What did the Makah tribe eat?

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The Makah tribe primarily ate seafood such as whale, seal, sea otter, fish, and shellfish. They also supplemented their diet with berries, roots, and other plants they gathered in their region.

Word for being paid by the amount of work produced?

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When a person is paid by the amount of work produced it is called 'piece work' or 'by the piece'. Some people in sales also work on commission which means they are paid for what they sell.

Who were the first known inhabitants of California?

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The first known inhabitants of California were various Native American tribes, including the Chumash, Ohlone, Miwok, and Yokuts, among others. These indigenous peoples have lived in California for thousands of years before European settlers arrived.

In what ways did prehistoric engineers affect your life today?

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Prehistoric engineers laid the foundation for many technological advancements that influence our lives today. Their innovations in areas such as agriculture, tool-making, and shelter construction set the stage for future developments that have shaped modern society. Additionally, their knowledge of the environment and natural resources continues to inform our understanding of sustainability and conservation.

Who were the first Floyd's in America?

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The first recorded Floyd in America was a Bartholomew Floyd, who arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1620. Additionally, another early Floyd settler was John Floyd, who arrived in Virginia in the 1700s.

The first people to live in North America are called?

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The first people to live in North America are commonly referred to as Native Americans or Indigenous peoples.

What tools do anthropologists use?

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Anthropologists use a variety of tools, including participant observation, interviews, surveys, fieldwork, and data analysis techniques like quantitative and qualitative methods. They also utilize specialized equipment like cameras, GPS devices, and audio recorders to document cultures and societies. Additionally, anthropologists utilize theoretical frameworks and concepts to interpret and understand human behavior and social practices.

What is the population of the original 13 colonies?

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The population of the original 13 colonies in 1776 was estimated to be around 2.5 million people.

What was the population of the 13 colonies in the 17th century?

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The population of the 13 colonies in the 17th century ranged from around 50,000 in 1625 to approximately 250,000 by the end of the century. The majority of the population consisted of English settlers, with smaller numbers of individuals from other European countries and enslaved Africans.

Who was the first governer of Texas?

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The first governor of Texas was James Pinckney Henderson, who served from 1846 to 1847. Prior to becoming governor, he played a crucial role in the annexation of Texas to the United States.

Why did your earliest ancestors begin to include meat in their diets?

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Early ancestors likely included meat in their diets due to its high caloric and nutrient content, which would have provided valuable energy for survival and brain development. Meat also became increasingly important as a food source as our ancestors evolved to become better hunters and gatherers, allowing them to diversify their diet and increase their chances of survival.

Who was the first inhabitants of Texas?

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The first inhabitants of Texas were Native American tribes, such as the Comanche, Apache, and Caddo. These tribes established settlements in the region long before European explorers arrived.

When did the Scopes Monkey Trial begin?

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The Scopes Monkey Trial ended on July 21, 1925. Scopes was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $100. However, because of a technicality, the verdict was overturned. The official name of the trial was The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes.

How did the Pilgrims dress?

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The Pilgrims dressed in modest clothing, often in dark colors such as black, grey, or brown. Men typically wore knee-length trousers, tunics, and hats, while women wore long skirts, aprons, and bonnets. They favored simple and practical attire to reflect their religious beliefs and values.

What is a forefather?

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A forefather is an ancestor or paternal relative who came before a person in a family lineage. They are typically considered to be a founding or early member of a particular group or community.