


Books and Literature

This category is for questions and answers about forms of books and literature. The categories subtopics include authors, poetry, plays, classics, and many other literary elements.

500 Questions

What are the four skills in language and its importance in language process?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four language skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are crucial in the language process as they enable individuals to comprehend and communicate effectively in a language. Developing proficiency in all four skills contributes to overall language fluency and proficiency.

What is secondary purpose?

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Asked by Wiki User

The metro link's secondary purpose is to help people travel and make less traffic congestion. It lets people go about without creating traffic jams and is better for the environment as there are not as many car fumes.

When was The Journals of Gerontology created?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Journals of Gerontology was created in 1946. It is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on research related to aging and geriatrics.

What words are pronounced differently but merely capitalizing the first letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Produce (noun) - refers to items that have been made or grown produce (verb) - means to create or bring forth

Polish (noun) - denotes someone from Poland polish (verb) - signifies to make something shiny or smooth

Who made the very first dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first recorded dictionary was created by the ancient Sumerians around 2300 BC in the form of a bilingual word list. However, one of the most famous early dictionaries is the 1604 publication of the first monolingual dictionary in English, written by Robert Cawdrey.

Which appeal would be most effective for convincing people to vote for a specific person?

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Asked by Wiki User

An appeal that focuses on the candidate's qualifications, track record, and specific plans for addressing important issues is usually the most effective. Emphasizing the candidate's credibility, experience, and ability to bring about positive change can help sway voters. Personal stories or testimonials from people who have been positively impacted by the candidate's work can also be compelling.

What is maletzke's model of communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maletzke's model of communication is a linear model that includes the sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. It emphasizes the importance of feedback in the communication process to ensure that the message is understood as intended by the sender. The model highlights the dynamic nature of communication in which feedback loops allow for adjustments and clarification of the message.

What does intisar mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Intisar is an Arabic name that means "victory" or "triumph." It is a name commonly given to girls in Arabic-speaking countries.

What are the different communication model?

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Shannon and Weaver

Jakobson's model

Nick Boer's model

Lasswell-control analysis


Berlo's model



PMI basic communication model

Transmission model

Constructionist model

Interactive model

Transactional model

Constitutive Metamodel

Intermediary model

Riley's model

Westley and Maclean's Conceptual Model

Newcomb's model of communication

George Gerbner's model

How does the theme of The last lesson by Alphonse Daudet relates to the subject of language and culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alphonse Daudet's 'The Last Lesson' very prominently raises the question of linguistic and cultural hegemony of the colonial and imperial powers and their lust for controlling the world and influencing their cultures and identities.

The Last Lesson raises the burning question very innocently through the words of little Franz that "Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?" This raises the question of immorality of imposing imperial languages and cultures on the colonies. The child questions that when even the birds and animals can't be forced to abandon their language and speak others then what forces the man to think that it would be prudent force other human beings to forcibly accept any language other than theirs.

The language of a country is not only a medium of communication for the people but also the link for identity, once the native language is snatched away from the people. It's not only the loss of convenient communicating medium but also the loss of identity for people for what they have been and what they might become.

When a small child like Franz can think of the irrationality behind snatching away the right of language and identity from people then why can't the war lords and colonizers understand the fact?

Where is Ban Vinai?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ban Vinai is located in Thailand, in the Nong Khai province near the border with Laos. It is a former refugee camp that housed Hmong and other ethnic minorities who fled Laos during the Vietnam War.

Discuss the political and social events of the romantic era and how it is reflected in the writings of this time?

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Asked by Tovebingham

The Romantic era was marked by political upheaval, revolutions, and social change, which greatly influenced the themes and ideas explored in literature of the time. Writers focused on individualism, nature, emotion, and the supernatural as a way to escape the constraints of society and the political climate. This period gave rise to works that expressed themes of freedom, rebellion, and nostalgia for a simpler past, reflecting the tumultuous events and uncertainties of the era.

Has Johann Heinrich Zedler's 'Grosses vollstaendiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschafften und Kuenste' been translated to English if not is there a chance of that happening in a few years?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, Johann Heinrich Zedler's 'Grosses vollstaendiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenschafften und Kuenste' has not been fully translated into English. The extensive nature of the work makes translation challenging, but there is always a possibility of it being translated in the future, depending on interest and resources available for such a project.

How has crime and punishment changed over the years?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crime and punishment have evolved over the years with changes in societal norms, cultural attitudes, and advancements in technology. Modern justice systems emphasize rehabilitation and reintegration, whereas in the past punishment was often harsher and focused on retribution. Additionally, there has been a shift towards more evidence-based and data-driven approaches to crime prevention and enforcement.

What is the Importance of manpower?

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Asked by Wiki User

Manpower is crucial for the success of any organization as it represents the workforce that drives productivity and innovation. A skilled and motivated workforce can lead to increased efficiency, higher quality output, and a competitive edge in the market. Investing in manpower development and management is essential for long-term growth and sustainability.

Which language came first Hebrew or Latin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hebrew is much older. Hebrew has been around for thousands of years. The oldest Hebrew inscription dates back to the 10th century BCE.

Latin only originated around the 1st century BCE.

How have crime and punishment change overtime?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crime and punishment have evolved over time due to changes in societal norms, advancements in technology, and shifts in legal systems. In the past, punishment was often more brutal and focused on retribution, whereas today there is more emphasis on rehabilitation and prevention. Additionally, there has been a move towards more evidence-based practices and alternative forms of punishment such as restorative justice.

Is probation the most common form of US punishment for a crime?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, probation is one of the most common forms of punishment in the United States. It allows individuals to serve their sentence in the community under supervision, rather than in prison. Probation is often used for non-violent offenses and first-time offenders.

How do I register a brand name internationally?

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Asked by Wiki User

To register a brand name internationally, you can file for a trademark through the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) using the Madrid System. This allows you to apply for trademark protection in multiple countries through one single application. Alternatively, you can work with a local intellectual property attorney in each country where you want to register your brand name.

What is a semicolon used for?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two common situations that generally require using semicolons:

  1. Use semicolons to separate independent clauses that do not have a coordinating conjunction between them.

    Example: Joan went down to the beach with her mystery novel; Tina stayed in the house to finish her homework.

    Note, however, that words like however and therefore are not coordinating conjunctions but rather conjunctive adverbs, and you still need a semicolon between clauses if the second one begins with a conjunctive adverb.

    Example: Joan had finished her homework; therefore, she felt entitled to relax at the beach with her novel.

    If you use a comma instead of a semicolon in these places, it is an error called a commasplice.

    If you omit the semicolon and do not use any punctuation in its place, it is an error called a run-on sentence.

  2. Use semicolons to separate items in a list when these items are long and complex, especially if the items themselves contain commas.

    Example: Please bring one of the following: an appetizer, especially "finger food" that does not require utensils; a salad or vegetable dish, hot or cold; or sweet individual treats like cookies, brownies, small pastries, or cupcakes.

How is language a powerful weapon and in the hands of a skilled person can it be used to manipulate others?

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Asked by Wiki User

Language is a powerful tool for communication and persuasion. Skilled individuals can use language to influence or manipulate others by framing ideas in a certain way, appealing to emotions, or creating a sense of urgency. Through the use of rhetoric and persuasive techniques, language can be a potent weapon for shaping perceptions and behavior.

Words with sed in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Sediment - particles that settle at the bottom of a liquid.
  2. Sedative - a drug or substance that has a calming effect.
  3. Seduction - the act of persuading someone to do something through charm or attraction.

What is a criminal sands hearing?

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Asked by Wiki User

A criminal sentencing hearing is a court proceeding where a judge determines and imposes the punishment or sentence for a person convicted of a crime. It involves considering factors such as the nature of the crime, the defendant's criminal history, and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances before deciding on an appropriate sentence.

What is semantic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Semantics refers to the study of meaning in language. It involves understanding how words, phrases, and sentences convey information and how language is used to communicate ideas and concepts. Semantics also explores the relationships between words and their meanings.