


Credit Reports

A report detailing one's borrowing and repayment record used to determine one's credit reputation. It is used by lending institutions to find the subject's credit worthiness.

500 Questions

Write 3.8 in hundredths?

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Asked by Wiki User

i think it is 3.80 the 0 is inthe hundredths place not sure if this is right though i think it is 3.80 the 0 is inthe hundredths place not sure if this is right though

Where can you use a visa debit card?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most places that accept VISA credit cards will also accept VISA debit cards.

Once a debt is given to a collection agency can you get the creditor to take it out of the creditor's hands?

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Asked by Wiki User

Once a debt is handed over to a collection agency, it's typically out of the original creditor's hands. However, it may be possible to negotiate with the creditor to recall the debt from the collection agency, but this process can be challenging and may require convincing the creditor of your ability to repay the debt directly. It's advisable to communicate directly with both the creditor and the collection agency to explore your options and find a resolution.

What does melinda write her extra credit report about in the novel speak?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda writes her extra credit report about the suffragettes, who fought for women's right to vote in the early 20th century. She draws parallels between the suffragettes' struggle for empowerment and her own journey to find her voice and stand up against injustice.

What is the contraction of it will?

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Asked by Wiki User

The contraction of "it will" is "it'll."

What is gutter poetry and where can you find some?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gutter poetry is a style of poetry that focuses on raw, unfiltered emotions and experiences, often exploring themes of urban life, hardship, and vulnerability. You can find examples of gutter poetry in independent zines, small press publications, online poetry platforms, and through underground poetry events and open mics.

Is the Drudge Report generally considered to be reputable?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Drudge Report has faced criticism for promoting conspiracy theories and misinformation. It is not considered a reputable source for news and is known for sensationalizing stories for clicks and views. It is important to verify information from multiple sources before accepting it as true.

Are children allowed debit cards?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, children can have debit cards with parental permission. Parents can set up joint accounts or authorize their child to have a debit card linked to their own account. Regulations vary by country and financial institutions may have age restrictions for issuing debit cards to minors.

What are the concepts of oppose in balance news reporting?

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Asked by Wiki User

Opposing viewpoints in balanced news reporting involve presenting multiple perspectives or sides of a story fairly and accurately. This helps provide a comprehensive view of the issue and allows audiences to make informed judgments. It also ensures that bias is minimized and the principles of journalistic integrity are upheld.

What is the mission of Consumer Reports?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consumer Reports aims to empower consumers by providing them with unbiased product testing, research, and information to make informed purchasing decisions. Their mission is to work towards creating a fairer, safer, and more transparent marketplace for consumers.

What is the difference between the 3 credit agencies and is one better than the other?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three major credit reporting agencies are Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. They each collect and report credit information but may have slightly different data and scoring models. There is no one "better" agency, as each lender may use a different agency when assessing creditworthiness. It's important to check your credit report from all three agencies regularly to ensure accuracy.

What is the difference between a bibliography and credits?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bibliography is a list of works referenced in a scholarly work or research paper, whereas credits typically refer to acknowledging individuals or entities involved in creating a creative or collaborative work, such as a film or TV show. Bibliographies provide detailed information about sources, while credits highlight contributions made by individuals or organizations.

What different kind of book reports are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some different types of book reports include summary reports, analysis reports, thematic reports, and comparative reports. Summary reports provide a brief overview of the book's main points, while analysis reports delve into deeper insights and interpretations. Thematic reports focus on specific themes or motifs within the book, and comparative reports compare and contrast two or more books.

What is an example of a credit reference?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of a credit reference is a financial institution or lender that can provide information about your credit history and payment behavior to another party, such as a landlord or potential lender. This information helps the receiving party assess your creditworthiness and ability to repay debts.

Why can't some credit references be verified?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some credit references may not be verifiable because the information provided does not match what the credit bureau has on file, the reference may no longer be in business, or the reference may not respond to verification requests. Additionally, incorrect contact information or outdated records can also hinder the verification process.

What do credit agencies do?

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Asked by Wiki User

The credit agency records all your major transactions relating to your credit cards, loans as well as some information on your salary, overdrafts and regular payments. It then comes up with a score based on your disposable income, your commitments, frequency of missed payments etc.

How to "Fix" Your Credit by Yourself Check Your Credit Report · Improve Your Payment History · Know Your Credit Utilization Ratio?

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Asked by Alban

To improve your credit by yourself, start by checking your credit report for errors and inaccuracies. Next, focus on improving your payment history by making timely payments on your debts. Additionally, keep your credit utilization ratio low by not using all of your available credit. This can help demonstrate responsible credit management to lenders.

Where can one get a free Equifax credit report?

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Asked by Wiki User

I already signed up for this. How do I know if someone is using my credit information.

Will your US credit history be available in Canada?

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Asked by Wiki User

No,you will have a fresh start if you relocate to Canada.

How do you write 20 hundredths?

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Asked by Wiki User

20 hundredths = 0.02

Where can I get a annual credit report for free?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you will not receive an annual credit report for free. You will generally get a few free credit reports before whatever company you are getting them through starts charging you.

Free MVR Reports for truck drivers?

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Asked by Wiki User

DAC reports are free - MVRs are not. You won't find an agency offering a free MVR report, because the state in which the driver in question is licenced will charge a fee for the MVR.

Is it cheaper to use debit or credit cards in France?

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Asked by Wiki User

I asked this to a friend of mine who now lives in France

I wrote a summary of what they said.

In France, it is generally cheaper to use a debit card for transactions, as there are often fewer fees associated with debit card usage.

Debit cards are linked directly to the cardholder's bank account and typically do not incur additional charges beyond any foreign transaction fees that may be imposed by the bank. Credit cards, on the other hand, may come with additional fees, such as foreign transaction fees, cash advance fees, and potentially higher interest rates if the balance is not paid off in full each month.

I hope that this helped!