


School Subjects

Ask questions here about basic school subjects: math, science, writing, history, music, art and physical education.

500 Questions

How do you delete homework on sims 3?

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Asked by Yolilcutey

To delete homework in Sims 3, click on the student Sim's inventory, find the homework item, and drag it to the trash can icon on the bottom right of the screen. This will permanently delete the homework item from the game.

Are online schools better than public schools or are public schools easier than online schools why?

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Asked by Wiki User

The effectiveness of online versus public schools can vary depending on individual preferences, learning styles, and needs. Online schools offer flexibility and personalized learning, whereas public schools provide social interaction and extracurricular opportunities. Both have their advantages and challenges, and the suitability of each option depends on the student's unique circumstances.

What is the probability of having 1 ton of homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

The probability of having 1 ton of homework is extremely low in a typical educational setting. Homework assignments are usually measured in pages, problems, or hours of work – not weight.

Should unnatural hair colors be tolerated in school...whether public or private schooling?

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Asked by Wiki User

It ultimately depends on the school's dress code policy. Some schools may permit unnatural hair colors as a form of self-expression, while others may restrict them as a part of a more conservative approach to grooming standards. It's important for schools to strike a balance between allowing individuality and maintaining a professional environment conducive to learning.

Has a girl ever pulled her pants down in the class room?

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Asked by Wiki User

It would be inappropriate for someone to pull their pants down in a classroom setting. It is important to maintain appropriate behavior and respect for others in a learning environment.

What will happen if you complete your homework then go to the movies?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you complete your homework before going to the movies, you will have the peace of mind knowing that your responsibilities are taken care of. This will allow you to fully enjoy the movie without any lingering stress or guilt.

What do you do when my child needs help with her homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

When your child needs help with her homework, you can assist by providing guidance, checking her work for errors, and explaining concepts she may be struggling with. Encourage her to ask questions and offer support without giving her the answers outright to promote learning and problem-solving skills. If the homework seems too challenging, consider reaching out to her teacher for additional support or resources.

What is the mother of all subjects?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mother of all subjects is language.

Without language no other subjects can be communicated. Language encompasses many things besides generally spoken or written language. Mathematical and chemical formulas written in the sand at the beach is language; both formal sign language or body language and facial expression is language. Language for some may be tapping a pattern on a surface or a pattern of blinking the eyes, or even just a look.

Is this a good thesis statement for your essay- Homework might not be the most favorable thing but the main question is do students really benefit from all of that homework?

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Asked by Elleyrie

Yes, this thesis statement effectively addresses the main question about the benefits of homework for students. It sets up a clear argument that homework may not be popular but questions its overall effectiveness for student learning, which can be explored and supported throughout the essay.

What are the important source of curriculum evaluation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Important sources of curriculum evaluation include feedback from students, teacher observations, assessment data, input from parents, and feedback from administrators. These sources help to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum in meeting its objectives and making necessary improvements.

Should homework be abolished from schools?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homework serves as a valuable tool for reinforcing learning concepts, fostering independent study habits, and preparing students for exams. However, schools should ensure that homework is meaningful, relevant, and not overly burdensome, taking into account the well-being of students and their diverse learning needs. Balancing the benefits of homework with the potential drawbacks is key in creating a supportive and effective learning environment.

What is a fast way to do homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some tips to complete homework quickly include staying organized, eliminating distractions, breaking the work into smaller tasks, and prioritizing tasks based on deadlines and difficulty. Additionally, setting a timer for each task can help you stay focused and finish faster.

Does homework help you get a better job?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homework can help you develop important skills like time management, problem-solving, and critical thinking, which are valuable in a work environment. However, getting a better job also involves gaining experience, networking, and developing specialized knowledge in your field. So while homework can be a stepping stone, it's not the only factor in securing a better job.

What is one argument against giving kids less homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

One argument against giving kids less homework is that homework helps reinforce what they learn in school, promotes independent learning, and builds good study habits. Additionally, homework provides an opportunity for students to practice and apply what they have learned in class.

How do you save homework in my maths?

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Asked by Wiki User

To save your homework in MyMaths, click on the "Save and mark" button at the end of the assignment. This will save your completion progress and any answers you have entered. You can also download a PDF copy of your completed homework for your records.

What is a step diagram for math homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

A step diagram in math homework is a visual representation that breaks down a problem into individual steps or stages, showing the progression of solving the problem from start to finish. It can help students organize their thoughts and identify the necessary steps to arrive at the solution.

What are the cons of too much homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

Too much homework can lead to stress, burnout, and reduced sleep quality in students. It can also limit time for extracurricular activities and social interactions, which are important for overall well-being and development.

How does homework help children?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homework helps children practice and reinforce the concepts learned in school. It teaches them responsibility, time management, and study skills. It also helps parents stay involved in their child's education and track their progress.

Why do college teachers give a lot of homework to the students regardless of the fact that they have a life outside of school?

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Asked by Wiki User

College teachers assign homework to help students reinforce their learning, practice new skills, and deepen their understanding of the material. Homework also helps students develop time management and study skills necessary for academic success. It is a way to ensure that students are actively engaged with the course material outside of class.

How do you transfer from public school to private school?

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Asked by Wiki User

To transfer from a public school to a private school, you generally need to follow the private school's admissions process. This may involve submitting an application, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and possibly taking an entrance exam. Additionally, you may need to communicate with both the public school and the private school to ensure a smooth transition and transfer of academic records.

What happens if you watch TV and do not do your homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

One time: nothing really.

Five times: you'll have to make it up.

All the time: you might have to redo the grade.

It will lower your overall GPA about 20% in most schools.

The benefits of doing homework mainly center upon the linking of the activity in question to the storage media (brain). This then allows the brain to remember the activity and therefore increase the efficiency of the activity. For example maths homework for school age, is quite repetitive, by doing these repetitive exercises the brains ability to recognise the structure of the question and answer the question quickly is enhanced.

So by not doing your homework you increase your chances of not being able to achive your best in exam or time constrained situations.

How do you write a persuasive letter against homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

To write a persuasive letter against homework, start by outlining the negative impacts of homework on students' well-being and academic success. Provide examples and statistics to support your argument, and offer alternative solutions to homework that could be more effective in promoting learning and skill development. Conclude by urging the recipient to reconsider the current homework policies in favor of more student-centered approaches to education.

How do you make your mom help you with your homework?

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Asked by Wiki User

You cannot "make" your mom do anything -- she's older, and she's in charge. You may ask your mom nicely to help, however. Here are some tips for that:

  • pick a time when she's not busy
  • remember that "help" does not mean she's going to do it for you
  • offer to help her with something she needs doing, like taking out the garbage or washing the car

What would you do for light to finish your homework when there is no electricity?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use a flashlight, candles, or a battery-powered lamp to provide light for your homework. Make sure to take breaks if using candles due to safety concerns. If possible, you can also try to find natural light sources like opening curtains during the day.

Does homework hurt trees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homework does not directly hurt trees. The production and disposal of paper used for homework assignments, however, can contribute to deforestation and negatively impact tree populations if not managed sustainably. Using recycled paper and reducing paper consumption can help minimize the environmental impact on trees.