


Supernatural and the Occult

Those things relating to an order of existence beyond the visible, demonstrate-able universe; that which is above and beyond the laws of nature; and/or matters involving the action or influence of the supernatural or paranormal powers and the secret knowledge of them.

500 Questions

Why does object permanents fade from the mind?

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Asked by I AM AMF

Object permanence refers to the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they are not visible. Infants typically lack full object permanence until around 8-12 months of age as they develop their cognitive abilities. This concept is important for the development of memory and understanding of the physical world.

Do real people have super powers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, real people do not have super powers like those seen in comic books or movies. While some individuals may possess exceptional talents or abilities, these are within the realms of human potential and not supernatural in nature.

What does it mean when you have deja vu a lot?

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Asked by Wiki User

Experiencing frequent déjà vu might be due to a misfiring in the brain where a current experience is mistakenly seen as a past memory. It can be linked to stress, fatigue, or certain medical conditions. It's always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns about persistent déjà vu experiences.

What is that tingle your neck or side of your head when someone thinks about you Has anyone done research on it How do you know who it is Where they are is not where you feel it?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to support a physical sensation being directly linked to someone thinking about you. It could be a coincidence or related to psychological factors such as anticipation or stress. Without evidence, determining who is thinking about you or where they are based on a physical sensation is not possible.

What is it called when someone controls other people?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is called manipulation or control. When someone uses tactics like coercion, intimidation, or deceit to influence and control others' thoughts and behaviors.

Is Derren Brown thick?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Derren Brown is not considered "thick." He is a highly intelligent and skilled mentalist, illusionist, and performer known for his ability to manipulate and influence people's thoughts and behaviors.

Does Derren Brown Hypnotise?

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Asked by Wiki User

Derren Brown does not use traditional hypnosis in his performances. Instead, he uses a combination of psychology, suggestion, misdirection, and showmanship to create the illusion of mind control and mentalism.

Why were witches created?

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Asked by Wiki User

Witches were not "created" in the traditional sense. The concept of witches as individuals using supernatural powers to harm others evolved over time through folklore, myth, and societal beliefs. The idea of witches often served as a scapegoat for societal problems, religious fears, and power struggles.

Are people with an INFJ personality type psychic?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, people with an INFJ personality type are not psychic. The INFJ personality type is characterized by intuition, empathy, and strong emotional intelligence, but these traits do not equate to psychic abilities. INFJs are often described as having a deep understanding of emotions and being able to see patterns and connections that others may miss.

How do you become a vamp?

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Asked by Wiki User

Really, there is no way for humans to become vampires. If one is determined, one could, in theory, make a light cut in their arm and put bat's blood in the wound. However, this is not advised, as you cannot become a vampire this way, and you could get an infection or disease. Bats are known to carry rabies.

What makes deja-vu happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deja-vu is a feeling of familiarity or a sensation that you have experienced a situation before when in fact you haven't. It can occur due to a temporary glitch in the brain's memory process, where new information is mistakenly interpreted as a duplicate. The exact cause of deja-vu is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to a combination of memory, perception, and attention processes.

Are you pyshic because you have deja vu often?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not psychic. Déjà vu is a common phenomenon where you feel like you have experienced something before when in fact you have not. It is believed to be linked to how memories are processed in the brain, rather than any psychic ability.

What are the differences between Deja Vu ESP and Precognitive dreams?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deja Vu ESP is the feeling of having experienced the present situation before, often associated with extrasensory perception. Precognitive dreams involve dreaming of future events or experiences before they happen. Both phenomena suggest a connection beyond normal perception, but Deja Vu ESP occurs in waking moments while precognitive dreams happen during sleep.

How does a medium work?

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Asked by Wiki User

A medium is someone who claims to communicate with spirits of the deceased or other non-physical entities. They may receive information through extrasensory perception (ESP), such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, or clairsentience, and use various tools like tarot cards or crystal balls to enhance their abilities. Critics argue that mediums may use cold reading techniques or exploit vulnerable individuals for profit.

What is cest vu play?

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Asked by Wiki User

It appears that "cest vu play" is not a recognized term or phrase. It could be a misspelling or a combination of words in a different language. Can you provide more context or clarify the term for a more accurate response?

Is deja vu a physic power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deja vu is not considered a psychic power. It is a phenomenon where a person feels like they have experienced the present situation before, even though it is unfamiliar. The exact cause of deja vu is not fully understood, but it is believed to be a memory-related phenomenon rather than a psychic ability.

How do you use vu at?

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Asked by Wiki User

Did you mean Vue.js? Vue.js is a JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. You can use Vue.js to create interactive web applications by writing components using Vue's template syntax, data binding, and reactivity features. You can include Vue.js in your project by importing it from a CDN or installing it through npm.

Does deja vu mean your physhic?

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Asked by Misscaz

Deja vu is a feeling of familiarity or having experienced something before, but it is not a psychic phenomenon. It is believed to be a sensation caused by a mismatch in the brain when processing memories, creating the illusion of having been in a situation previously.

Is Deja Vu real Have you all been here before?

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Asked by Wiki User

Deja Vu is a common phenomenon where a person feels like they have experienced or seen something before, even though it is happening for the first time. It is thought to be a memory-related experience, where the brain is triggered to feel familiarity even if the exact situation is new.

Could some dreams once in a while possibly mean something or are trying to tell you something?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some dreams may have personal significance or reflect underlying emotions, experiences, or thoughts. They can offer insight into your subconscious mind or highlight unresolved issues. While not all dreams have a deeper meaning, paying attention to recurring or vivid dreams may provide valuable self-reflection or help in processing feelings.

What is mind power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mind power refers to the ability of the mind to influence thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It includes mental processes such as concentration, visualization, and positive thinking that can be consciously used to achieve desired outcomes and improve overall well-being. Essentially, mind power is the capacity of the mind to bring about change and create results in our lives.

Commonsense is something which is uncommon in all the common people.?

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Asked by Wiki User

Commonsense refers to practical, sound judgment that is based on everyday experiences and knowledge. It is a valuable trait that not all individuals possess, despite it being deemed as a fundamental quality for navigating life effectively.

Is immortality achievable by humans?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, achieving immortality for humans is not scientifically possible. While advancements in medical technology have extended human lifespan, achieving true immortality beyond natural limitations remains a topic of speculation and not current reality.

Why is the people of the world so blind to what is right?

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Asked by Wiki User

Perception of right and wrong can be influenced by many factors such as culture, upbringing, and personal experiences. People may have different perspectives on what is right based on their individual beliefs and values. It is important to practice empathy and understanding towards differing viewpoints.

What is the Latin word for aura?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "aura" exists in latin, meaning air or breeze. The English meaning of aura, I believe, would translate to spiritus.