


Care of Rabbits

Rabbits have been raised by man for many centuries, both as companions and as a food source. The number of breeds designed specifically for companionship is diverse and growing. Hop into this category to explore the wonderful world of pet rabbits.

500 Questions

Can rabbits eat sausages?

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some rabbits do eat sausages. im not sure if its bad for them, but one of mine at half a suasage that my dog had and the rabbit showeed no side effects.

Were do white rabbits live?

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White rabbits can be found in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, and meadows. They are commonly domesticated but can also be found in the wild in parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. White rabbits often camouflage well with snow-covered landscapes during winter seasons.

Who is the storybook rabbit who got stuck to the tar baby?

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The storybook rabbit who got stuck to the tar baby is Br'er Rabbit from the Uncle Remus stories, specifically the tale "Br'er Rabbit and the Tar-Baby" as written by Joel Chandler Harris.

Why does the giant rabbit appear to Lennie?

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The giant rabbit is a manifestation of Lennie's guilt and anxiety over his actions, particularly regarding the death of the puppy and Curley's wife. It symbolizes Lennie's fear of consequences and his own inner turmoil.

How did a rabbits foot become a lucky charm?

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The belief that a rabbit's foot brings good luck likely originated from ancient Celtic tribes who believed in the power of amulets to ward off evil spirits. Rabbits were considered lucky animals, and their feet were seen as particularly lucky because of their speed and agility. Over time, this belief evolved into a popular superstition in various cultures.

Why did my rabbit die giving birth?

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Rabbits can face complications during birth, such as difficulty delivering the babies or issues with the mother's health. It's possible that your rabbit experienced complications like uterine inertia, fetal distress, or other birthing difficulties that led to her passing. It's essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the specific cause of your rabbit's death and to ensure the health of any surviving babies.

What is the Name of the invisible rabbit jimmy Stewart imagines he sees in the movie of the same name?

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The name of the invisible rabbit Jimmy Stewart imagines he sees in the movie is Harvey.

Is Klonoa a rabbit or cat?

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Klonoa is typically described as a "dream traveler" and is not specifically designated as a rabbit or cat. However, his design features elements of both animals, such as long ears similar to a rabbit and a feline-like appearance. Ultimately, his species remains open to interpretation.

Who are the hutch rabbits in Watership Down book?

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The hutch rabbits in Watership Down are a group of rabbits who live in captivity in a hutch on the farm of the antagonist, General Woundwort. They are contrasted with the wild rabbits of Watership Down who have escaped and live free in the countryside. The hutch rabbits are portrayed as living in fear and captivity, symbolizing the struggle between freedom and control in the story.

A rabbit and a turtle were to start a race at the same place the rabbit was asleep when the turtle started he slept for seven hours before he started the race the rabbits average rate when he was awak?

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To calculate the rabbit's average rate, we need to know the total distance of the race and the time it took for the rabbit to finish it while awake. The total time the rabbit took for the race is not provided in the question. Without that information, we cannot accurately determine the rabbit's average rate.

What is a small rabbit called?

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If you are referring to baby rabbits, they are called kittens. Small breeds are know as dwarfs.

Are there any magazines for Canadian rabbit owners?

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One example of a magazine for Canadian rabbit owners is "Canadian Rabbit Owner & Breeder." This magazine covers topics related to rabbit care, breeding, and health specifically tailored to the Canadian audience. Additionally, there are online resources and forums dedicated to rabbit owners in Canada where information and advice can be shared.

Can you put torn newspaper in rabbit hutches?

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No, it is not recommended to use torn newspaper in rabbit hutches as it can pose a risk of ingestion leading to digestive issues. It's better to use safer bedding options like straw, hay, or wood shavings.

Why is your rabbit tearing up the newspaper in her cage making a nest and attacking when you even go in to feed her when you know she is not pregnant?

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Rabbits may exhibit nesting behavior even when not pregnant, as it's a natural instinct. This behavior could be prompted by environmental stressors or simply a desire for comfort. It's important to provide your rabbit with appropriate nesting materials and enriching activities to redirect this behavior in a positive way. If she's becoming aggressive, it's best to consult with a vet or animal behavior specialist to address any underlying issues.

Is newspaper bad for rabbits?

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Yes, newspaper is not an ideal bedding for rabbits as the ink can be harmful if ingested. It's best to use safe bedding options like hay, straw, or paper-based bedding for your rabbit's enclosure.

How did Hansel get the idea of throwing pebbles on the ground to find the way back home?

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Hansel overheard his parents planning to abandon him and his sister, Gretel, in the woods. Wanting to mark their path, he cleverly dropped pebbles along the way to ensure they could find their way back home.

How many US VW Rabbits are produced daily?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number as production rates can vary. However, on average, Volkswagen produces around 600 vehicles a day at its assembly plant in Puebla, Mexico, where the VW Rabbit is/was manufactured.

What are things that jump?

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Things that leap include frogs, rabbits, kangaroos, people, and salmon

What are rabbits allowed to eat?

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rabbits are allowed to eat carrots and fresh greens such as cabbage leaves and broccoli but don't give then cucumbers it can give them the runs

How old should baby rabbits be before they go to new homes?

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They should, by law, at least 6 weeks old. When they open their eyes they are 1 -2 weeks old and they are not ready to be sold!!

Why is a bunny's fur so soft?

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اتمزح بهذا السؤال !احم لانه عاده ما تكون فراء القوارض ناعمه مثل السنجاب او الارانب او حتي الفئران الخ...

What group is a rabbit in?

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That depends on what you mean by "group."


  • Family: Leporidae
  • Order: Lagomorpha (that means they're lagomorphs)
  • Class: Mammalia (that means they're mammals)
  • Phylum: Vertebrata (the means they're vertebrates)

Food Web

Rabbits are herbivores and primary consumers.

Why do you never see your rabbit sleep He never seems to sleep and when you walk in the room at anypart of the day or night he always seems to be awake?

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Rabbits have a unique sleep pattern called polyphasic sleep, which means they sleep in short bursts throughout the day and night. They have an instinct to be alert and attentive, so they have periods of light sleep where they can easily wake up. Even though you may not see your rabbit sleeping, it is likely getting plenty of rest in these short intervals.

What does it mean when bunny hops back and forth like crazy?

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bounces? if a rabbit hops, its completely normal. If it kinda hops but kicks its feet dramatically, its probably annoyed or frightened. if it thumps its feet on the ground quickly and repeatedly, it is very scared or thinks its in danger. Be sure to give it sum alone time if it does this.

Can greyhounds live with rabbits?

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No rabbits can not get along with dogs because dogs will bark at them and try to eat them and rabbits will get scared.