



Economics is the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services whether in a city, country or a single business. Questions about supply and demand and economic theory are welcome here.

500 Questions

Is economic the same as political?

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No, economics and politics are separate academic fields. Economics studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, while politics focuses on governance, power dynamics, and decision-making processes within societies. However, there are often interconnections between economic and political systems.

Is it true that formation of trading blocs help certain nations prosper while it corners some?

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Yes, the formation of trading blocs can help certain nations prosper by increasing trade opportunities and efficiency. However, it can also corner some nations that may not be able to compete with the larger economies within the bloc, leading to economic challenges for them. This highlights the importance of ensuring inclusivity and fair competition within trading blocs.

Why don't political scientists use cost-benefit analysis?

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Political science often deals with non-quantifiable factors like social values, historical context, and institutional dynamics that make it challenging to apply cost-benefit analysis directly. The nature of political decisions also involves multiple stakeholders with diverse interests, making it difficult to assign values uniformly. Additionally, political choices may prioritize ethical considerations and long-term implications over immediate economic gains.

How does a tarriff quota embargo subsidy and dumping affect trade?

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A tariff is a tax on imported goods, which may increase the cost for consumers and reduce competition. A quota limits the quantity of a specific good that can be imported, potentially leading to higher prices or scarcity. An embargo is a complete halt on trade with a specific country, which can disrupt supply chains and impact businesses. Subsidies are financial support given by the government to domestic industries, distorting market competition. Dumping is when a country exports goods at a significantly lower price than the domestic market, potentially harming local industries.

Why is price of a commodity is inversly related to quantity demand?

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The price of a commodity is inversely related to quantity demanded because as the price of a commodity decreases, more consumers are willing and able to purchase it due to increased affordability. This leads to an increase in quantity demanded. Conversely, as the price of a commodity increases, the quantity demanded tends to decrease as consumers may find it less affordable or seek alternative options.

Which developing countries does China invest in?

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China's investments in developing countries are widespread, with a focus on regions like Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Some key countries that receive significant Chinese investment include Pakistan, Ethiopia, Angola, Zambia, and Venezuela, among others. These investments cover various sectors such as infrastructure, energy, mining, and manufacturing.

What is contracyclical fiscal policy?

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Contracyclical fiscal policy involves government spending and taxation measures that run counter to the current economic cycle. During economic downturns, the government increases spending or cuts taxes to stimulate the economy. Conversely, during economic booms, the government reduces spending or raises taxes to prevent overheating and inflation.

What is financial globalisation?

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Financial globalisation refers to the increasing interconnectedness and integration of financial markets across countries. It involves the cross-border flow of capital, investments, and financial services, as well as the harmonization of financial regulations and institutions on a global scale. Financial globalisation has both benefits, such as increased efficiency and access to capital, as well as risks, such as volatility and contagion in financial markets.

Name of the countries with more than one capitals?

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Some countries with more than one capital include South Africa (Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Cape Town), Bolivia (Sucre, La Paz), and the Netherlands (Amsterdam, The Hague).

Why is technology transfer required by devoloping country?

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Technology transfer is important for developing countries because it allows them to access new knowledge, capacity building, and innovation that can help them advance their industries and enhance economic growth. By transferring technology from more developed nations, developing countries can accelerate their own technological capabilities and improve their competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, technology transfer can address local challenges, such as improving healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.

Describe the domestic level of production?

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At the level of domestic production, everything is produced locallyI.E in the home country. This level does not involve any imports from foreign countries. Both human and natural resources are employed and the whole economy is dependant upon what it can produce from these resources.

Some develop countries such as the united states try to grow all of the food they need because they have the resources to do so. However, the majority of countries of the world have to depend on imported goods.

What happens during the process of faciliated diffusion?

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Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process where specific proteins in the cell membrane help larger or charged molecules pass through. These proteins act as channels or carriers, allowing molecules to move down their concentration gradient without requiring energy input from the cell. This process is important for the movement of substances like glucose and ions across the cell membrane.

Is there a lot of poverty in Aruba?

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Poverty in Aruba is relatively low compared to many other countries, with a good social welfare system in place. However, there are still pockets of poverty, particularly among certain marginalized communities or individuals who may struggle to make ends meet due to high cost of living on the island. Efforts are being made to address these issues through various social programs and initiatives.

Process of diffusion?

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Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, driven by the natural tendency of particles to distribute themselves evenly. This process occurs spontaneously and does not require energy input. It is essential for nutrient and waste exchange in cells.

Is Germany part of the European Union?

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Yes, Germany is a member of the European Union. It has been a member since the EU's formation in 1993 through the Maastricht Treaty.

When did the demand for slaves change dramatically?

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The demand for slaves changed dramatically during the Atlantic slave trade in the 16th to 19th centuries, when European powers colonized the Americas and there was a huge demand for labor to work on plantations. This led to the forced migration of millions of Africans to the Americas to be used as slaves.

Does monopolies exist?

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Yes, monopolies exist when a company dominates a particular industry and controls a large portion of the market. This can lead to less competition, higher prices for consumers, and less innovation in the industry. Governments often regulate monopolies to promote fair competition.

What is role of economic man in classical economics?

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The concept of the economic man in classical economics refers to an individual who makes rational decisions based on self-interest and the pursuit of maximum utility. This assumption helps to analyze how individuals make decisions in the marketplace and how these decisions ultimately shape economic outcomes. The economic man is a key element in classical economic theories of supply and demand, competition, and market efficiency.

What is a collective economy?

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A collective economy is an economic system where ownership of resources and the means of production is shared or collectively controlled by a group of individuals or the community as a whole. In this system, decision-making and distribution of goods and services are often based on principles of cooperation and mutual benefit rather than individual profit.

What is an example of Commodification?

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Commodification is a Marxist idea that deals with the transfer of goods and services, ideas, and other objects into a commodity. An extreme example of commodification would be slavery. This is because the people become a commodity that can be bought and sold. Books are another example because they contain ideas that can be bought and sold.

What is the latitude of an observer if the altitude of polaris is 43 degrees?

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The latitude of the observer is equal to the altitude of Polaris. Therefore, if the altitude of Polaris is 43 degrees, then the latitude of the observer is 43 degrees.

What are the salient features of primitive economy in pre industrial societies?

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Primitive economies in pre-industrial societies were characterized by subsistence farming, bartering, and limited division of labor. They typically lacked currency and relied on exchanging goods and services. Other features included a close relationship with nature, simple technology, and a lack of centralized governance or market systems.

What is a continental economy?

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A continental economy refers to an economic system that mostly includes trading and economic activities within a specific continent, rather than internationally. This type of economy focuses on promoting trade and development within the boundaries of a continent.

What is commodification?

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Commodification refers to the process of turning goods, services, or ideas into commodities that can be bought and sold in a market. In this process, value is assigned to these items based on market forces, often resulting in the prioritization of profit over other considerations such as social or environmental impact.

How does nuclear energy affect human tissue?

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Exposure to nuclear energy can damage human tissue by causing radiation injury, which can lead to cell mutations, tissue damage, and increased risk of cancer. Acute exposure can cause immediate harm, while chronic exposure may result in long-term health issues. Protective measures, such as shielding and safety protocols, can help minimize the impact of nuclear energy on human tissue.