



Questions about the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour.

500 Questions

Why don't Christian conservatives believe Jesus was a liberal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Christian conservatives often prioritize traditional values, limited government, and personal responsibility, which align more closely with conservative political ideologies. They may interpret Jesus's teachings on personal responsibility and morality as being more aligned with conservative principles rather than liberal ones. Additionally, there is theological diversity within Christianity, and interpretations of Jesus's political or social views can vary among different Christian groups.

What Bible verse says bad company corrupts good character?

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Asked by Wiki User

That translation appears in the "NIV":

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'" (I Cor.15:33)

The wording of the "KJV" says:

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupts good manners."

Give an example of how you respect your own beliefs and values?

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Asked by Wiki User

My own beliefs are defined by atheism, and one of my values is respect for the beliefs of others, regardless of their religion. When ing Wiki s questions, I may disagree with the Christian majority on religion, but try to do so in such a way as never to cause intentional offence. Given that an English-language website has few adherents of the various non-Christian religions, I sometimes provide informative s to questions on those religions, while checking to ensure that others have not, inadvertently or otherwise, posted what may be considered inflammatory material on questions about other religions.

How does the human cloning affects the human dignity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Human cloning raises ethical concerns related to the potential exploitation and instrumentalization of cloned individuals, which could infringe upon their inherent dignity. It may also diminish the uniqueness and value of each individual, challenging our understanding of human identity and relationships. Additionally, concerns about the social and psychological implications for cloned individuals regarding their sense of self and autonomy can also impact human dignity.

Beliefs and values of Christianity?

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Asked by Wiki User

Christianity is based on the belief in one God, who is revealed in the Holy Trinity of Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and salvation through faith. Key values include compassion, charity, humility, and the belief in an afterlife.

The most corrupt church in the world is in which country?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is subjective to label a specific church as the most corrupt in the world. Corruption can exist in various institutions globally, and attributing it to a specific church or location may not be accurate.

Why do the Mormons consider the Nicene Creed to be 'corrupt doctrine'?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mormons believe that the Nicene Creed represents a departure from the original teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles. They view the creed as a distortion of the true nature of God and reject its formulations regarding the Trinity and other doctrinal aspects. Mormons follow their own set of beliefs outlined in the Book of Mormon and teachings of their modern prophets.

Why do things die?

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Organisms die due to a variety of factors such as old age, disease, accidents, or environmental factors. Death is a natural part of the life cycle that allows for new generations to thrive and maintain ecological balance. Ultimately, the mechanisms leading to death are driven by biological processes that are inherent in living organisms.

What the meaning of anthropology?

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Anthropology is the study of human beings, their cultures, biology, and evolution. It seeks to understand the diversity of human societies and how they have developed over time. Anthropologists use a range of methods, including interviews, participant observation, and archaeological excavation, to learn about and compare different cultures.

How did humans appear on Earth?

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Humans evolved from earlier hominid species over millions of years through a process of natural selection, genetic mutation, and environmental adaptation. The most recent common ancestor of modern humans and chimpanzees is believed to have lived around 6-7 million years ago in Africa. This gradual process of evolution eventually led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans around 300,000 years ago.

If God didn't marry why should you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Choosing whether or not to marry should be a personal decision based on your beliefs, values, and circumstances. Just as God's choice to not marry does not dictate how others should live their lives, your decision should be based on what you feel is right for you. Marriage is a personal choice that can bring different types of fulfillment and happiness to individuals.

Should an atheist be a godparent?

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The role of a godparent traditionally involves providing religious guidance and support in the child's spiritual upbringing. Since atheists do not believe in a higher power or deity, they may not align with the expectations typically associated with being a godparent. It is important for the parents and the atheist godparent to have open communication about their beliefs and expectations for the child's upbringing.

Is caucasian the same thing as white?

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Caucasian is a term often used to refer to people from the region around the Caucasus Mountains in Europe and Asia. White is a racial category that includes people with light skin color, regardless of their specific ancestry. While the two terms are often used interchangeably in some contexts, they do not mean exactly the same thing.

What are the similarities of history and religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both history and religion provide explanations for the existence of the world and human beings. They both seek to impart meaning and purpose to life through stories and narratives. Additionally, both history and religion serve as sources of identity and culture for individuals and societies.

In COGIC is the pastor a member of the Trustee Board?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Church Of God In Christ (COGIC), the pastor is not typically a member of the Trustee Board. The Trustee Board is usually made up of appointed members responsible for managing the financial and property affairs of the church, while the pastor's role is primarily in spiritual leadership and pastoral care of the congregation.

What is an orthodox Baptisme?

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Orthodox Baptism refers to the sacrament of initiation into the Eastern Orthodox Church. It involves the individual being fully immersed in water three times to symbolize death and rebirth, followed by anointment with chrism oil and receiving Holy Communion. Orthodox Baptism is considered essential for salvation and the entrance into the life of the Church.

Is the local churches of COGIC required to elect the trustee board by the majority of the members voting or is the trustee board appointed by the pastor?

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In most instances, the trustee board in local COGIC churches is typically elected by the church members. This process usually involves a voting procedure where members choose trustees to serve on the board. However, the specific governance structure can vary between churches, and some may have traditions or bylaws in place that could involve the pastor in the selection process. It is essential to consult with the church's governing documents or leadership for clarification on trustee board appointment procedures.

When did humans first appear on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to some geneologists (working from the Bible and using estimates of lifespan) around 6000 years ago.

According to some other groups, somewhat before that, usually agreeing with the third group;

According to current paleological work, modern humans appeared around 200 thousand years ago.

What is the root meaning of the word Religion?

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According to Cisero: from RELEGARE "go through again, read again," from RE - "again" + LEGERE "read. However, popular etymology among the later ancients (and many modern writers) connects it with religare "to bind fast" via notion of "place an obligation on," or "bond between humans and gods." Another possible origin is RELIGIENS "careful,"

Where Did Cave Men Live?

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Cave men, or early humans, lived in various regions around the world, often in caves or in simple shelters made from materials like wood and animal skins. They were nomadic, moving from place to place in search of food and resources. Some well-known sites where early humans lived include Africa, Europe, and Asia.

Can you have more than one godmother?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to have more than one godmother. Some people choose to have multiple godmothers to honor different relationships or to include more loved ones in the child's life. Ultimately, the number of godmothers is a personal decision and can vary based on cultural or religious traditions.

What is the meaning of the dignity of the human being?

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Asked by Wiki User

The dignity of the human being is the inherent value and worth that each individual possesses simply by virtue of being human. It emphasizes the respect and recognition owed to each person as a unique and autonomous being, regardless of their circumstances or characteristics. This concept underpins principles of human rights and equality.

Is God white?

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Asked by Wiki User

God is often depicted in various forms and images based on cultural interpretations and beliefs. Different religions have different representations of God, and these depictions are not limited to any specific race or ethnicity. Ultimately, God's true nature transcends human characteristics such as race.

How modern civilization has impacted the spiritual lives of the indigenous peoples you explored?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modern civilization has often disrupted and threatened the spiritual lives of indigenous peoples by imposing Western beliefs and practices, leading to loss of traditional spirituality, cultural identity, and connection to the land. It has also resulted in the desecration of sacred sites, the marginalization of indigenous spiritual leaders, and the erosion of traditional knowledge systems. However, some indigenous communities have adapted by revitalizing their spiritual practices, reclaiming their cultural heritage, and seeking to preserve their sacred traditions in the face of modern challenges.

What is the Amish lifestyle like?

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The Amish lifestyle is characterized by simple living, pacifism, and a strong emphasis on community. They believe in living a humble and self-sufficient life, separate from modern conveniences and technology. Amish communities prioritize hard work, family, and religious devotion, following a strict set of rules and traditions passed down through generations.