


Environmental Issues

Information about climatic changes; changes in the environment; and saving the environment.

500 Questions

Why do bones generally preserve better in prairie type soils than in forest type soils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Prairie type soils are usually drier and have lower acidity levels compared to forest soils. These conditions are better for preserving bones as they hinder decomposition and minimize the presence of organisms that can break down bone tissue. Additionally, the lack of dense vegetation in prairie soils makes it easier for bones to remain undisturbed over time.

What is the name of a Scientist who studies water?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are several types:

  • Hydrologists study the location of water and its flow.
  • Ecologists and Environmentalists study water's quality and use
  • Climtologists study the water cycle
  • Hydrogeologists study water in underground formations.
  • Physisists study the atmons and structures
  • Chemists study its interaction with other materials
  • Meteorologists study rainfall and snowfall

Are reconstitued essential oils considered natural if made from natural isolates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reconstituted essential oils made from natural isolates are not typically considered natural. While the isolates themselves are derived from natural sources, the process of reconstituting them often involves synthesis or manipulation, making the final product less natural compared to pure, unadulterated essential oils extracted directly from plants.

Does fungi have a positive effect in the environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, fungi have several positive effects on the environment. They play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by breaking down organic matter, form symbiotic relationships with plants to enhance nutrient uptake, and even provide antibiotics. Additionally, some fungi are used in bioremediation to clean up environmental pollutants.

Would a kettle of water or a bath water be hotter?

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Asked by Wiki User

A kettle of water typically reaches a higher temperature than bath water, as kettles are designed to heat water quickly. The water in a bath is usually at a comfortable temperature for bathing, which is lower than the boiling point of water in a kettle.

Why do some volcanoes erupt violently and others don't?

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Asked by Wiki User

Three important factors control whether an eruption will be explosive or quiet. One is the amount of water vapor and other gases that are trapped in the magma. The other factor is how much silica is present in the magma. And temperature.

List out the items which can be recycled?

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Asked by Wiki User

Items that can typically be recycled include paper, cardboard, glass containers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and various metals. It's important to check with your local recycling program for specific guidelines on what can be recycled in your area.

Is grass a natural resource?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, grass is a natural resource because it is a plant that grows in nature and has various uses such as providing forage for livestock, preventing soil erosion, and contributing to the ecosystem by providing habitat for insects and animals.

How do Asian farmers plant rice in lowland areas?

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Asked by Wiki User

In lowland areas, the fields are first flooded and then rice seed is planted. Drainage ditches are nearby to prevent too much water getting at the rice plants. These ditches can be dammed or opened as needed.

What causes the sea floor to spread apart?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sea floor spreading occurs due to the movement of tectonic plates away from each other. This movement creates a gap or rift at the mid-ocean ridge where magma rises up from below the Earth's crust, solidifying to form new crust. Over time, this process results in the continuous widening of the sea floor.

What are the good effects of globalization to a country?

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Asked by Wiki User

== == The good things about globalisation are we will have lower prices of goods. That means, prices of everything important (petrol, food etc.) will go down in price. Things will be less expensive so no one will have to complain.

Another good thing is that some places (grocery shops, petrol stations) will be on for 24 hours. This is help those who work late or people who are craving something or forgot something at the last minutes for a cake or a Christmas.

This will also be good for Australia for the fact that there will be less pollution for the dirty factories will have moved over seas. That means OUR environment would be cleaner.

Also, if globalisation goes ahead people in third world countries will have jobs and places to buy food so they don't have to travel for miles to find food.

What is species reintroduction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Species reintroduction is the process of releasing animals back into their historical range where they have become locally extinct. This is done in order to re-establish a population and help restore balance to the ecosystem. Reintroduction programs are typically carefully planned and monitored to ensure the success of the released individuals.

What is a ribbon made of?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ribbon is typically made of fabric material such as silk, satin, or organza. It is a long, narrow strip used for decoration, fastening, or tying. Ribbons can also be made of other materials like paper or plastic.

What causes the ocean floor to spread?

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Asked by Wiki User

The process of seafloor spreading is primarily driven by the movement of tectonic plates. As these plates move apart at mid-ocean ridges, new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity. This continuous spreading creates a cycle of crust formation and movement, contributing to the widening of ocean basins.

Why is it that in filtration process the water is clear?

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Asked by Honeydel

In a filtration process, water passes through a filter which traps solid particles and impurities. The filter typically consists of porous material that only allows water molecules to pass through, while blocking larger particles. This results in clearer water as it removes suspended solids and impurities from the water.

What are some Q and A about non renewable and renewable resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. What are nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replenished within a short timeframe due to their limited quantity, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

  2. What are renewable resources? Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time, such as sunlight, wind, and biomass, making them sustainable for long-term use.

  3. Why are nonrenewable resources considered unsustainable? Nonrenewable resources are finite in quantity and take millions of years to form, making them unsustainable for continued use at the current rate of consumption, leading to concerns of depletion and environmental damage.

  4. How do renewable resources differ from nonrenewable resources in terms of environmental impact? Renewable resources generally have lower environmental impact compared to nonrenewable resources, as they produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and have minimal pollution during extraction, production, and consumption.

What are the example of renewable resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of renewable resources include solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy. These resources are replenished naturally and can be used indefinitely without depleting their source.

How many tourists use natural sources?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to determine an exact number of tourists who use natural sources, as it can vary depending on the location and type of natural source. However, natural sources such as hot springs, beaches, and parks are popular attractions for tourists seeking relaxation, recreation, and natural beauty.

What are the four main determiners of population density?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four main determiners of population density are birth rate, death rate, immigration rate, and emigration rate. These factors influence how quickly a population grows or shrinks within a specific area, impacting the overall population density.

List of extinct species along with scientific names in India?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Indian Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus)
  2. Pink-headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyllacea)
  3. Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis lasiotis)
  4. Asiatic Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus)

What affects a plant's stem thickness?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plant's stem thickness is influenced by genetics, environmental conditions (such as sunlight, water, and nutrients), and the plant's growth stage. Factors like nutrient availability and hormonal balance can also play a role in determining a plant's stem thickness.

How long can you keep using the same plastic waterbottle before the plastic corrupts the water?

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Asked by Dokidokirin

It is recommended to replace plastic water bottles regularly to avoid the risk of chemicals from the plastic leaching into the water. Reusing the same plastic water bottle for an extended period can increase this risk, especially if exposed to heat or sunlight. It's best to switch to a new bottle periodically to ensure safety.

Definition of silver revolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The silver revolution refers to the increase in the production and consumption of fish and seafood to meet the growing global demand for protein. It involves advancements in aquaculture technology and practices to boost productivity in the fisheries sector.

What is a special interest group?

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Asked by Wiki User

A special interest group is an organization formed by individuals who share a common interest or goal and work together to influence policy-making or decision-making in a specific area. These groups often advocate for their members' interests through activities like lobbying, campaigns, and public education.