


Waste and Recycling

Rubbish and unwanted products; some of which can be recycled and reused like paper and metal, where they go through a process of degrading before they are made into another product of the same material.

500 Questions

What was the first step in the sewage treatment process?

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Separating out the solid matter.

Th solid material can be processed / fermented and used as fertiliser.

The liquid component, then goes through filtration beds to clean and aerate the water, so that it appears 'clear/clean/transparent'.

It may then go through osmosis to remove chemicals ions.

Finally, chlorine gas is bubbled in . This is to kill the bacteria in water.. Before it is pumped into the public water supply.

So the water you have from a tap/faucet is safe to drink.

What does Mr Raymond drink from a paper bag in TKMB?

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mr. Raymond is known for drinking Coca-Cola from a paper bag that he presents as containing alcohol. He pretends to be drunk to explain his behavior and to give people a reason why he acts the way he does.

How the climax in the paper bag princess resolves its conflict?

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The climax in "The Paper Bag Princess" resolves the conflict by having Princess Elizabeth cleverly outwit the dragon and Prince Ronald. Instead of waiting for Prince Ronald to rescue her, she takes matters into her own hands and uses her quick thinking to confront the dragon and save herself. This unexpected turn of events challenges traditional gender roles and empowers Elizabeth as a strong and independent character.

What is rubbish called when its scattered?

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Scattered rubbish is often referred to as litter.

Notes of the waste land by T.S. Eliot?

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"The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot is a complex and multi-layered modernist poem that explores the fragmented nature of modern existence and the spiritual desolation of post-World War I society. The poem incorporates various voices, languages, and cultural allusions to convey a sense of alienation and disillusionment. It reflects Eliot's belief in the need for spiritual renewal and the search for meaning in a world that seems devoid of it.

What happens to goku at the end does he live or die?

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Goku is a fictional character from the anime series Dragon Ball. Throughout the series, Goku consistently dies and is brought back to life using Dragon Balls. Overall, Goku remains alive and continues to be a central character in the Dragon Ball franchise.

How long does it take to decompose shiny magazines?

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Shiny magazines can take anywhere from a few months to several years to decompose, depending on various factors such as the type of paper, ink, and environmental conditions. The glossy coating on the magazines can slow down the decomposition process because it is not as easily broken down by natural organisms.

Is torn newspaper biodegradable or non-biodegradable?

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Torn newspaper is biodegradable because it is made from organic materials like wood pulp that naturally decompose over time. It can be composted or recycled to break down into its basic components without harming the environment.

Recycling paper does all but the following?

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Recycling paper helps conserve trees, reduce landfill waste, and decrease energy use. It does not increase water consumption.

What percent of paper are recycled?

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About 66% of paper used in the United States is recycled each year. Recycling paper helps to save trees, reduce energy consumption, and minimize waste in landfills.

What are the causes of waste paper?

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Causes of waste paper include excessive printing, improper disposal of used paper, lack of recycling infrastructure, and a high demand for paper products. Additionally, inefficient paper consumption habits and limited awareness about paper recycling can contribute to the generation of waste paper.

What factors could keep a newspaper in a landfill intact for years?

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Newspapers can stay intact in landfills for years due to the lack of oxygen and sunlight needed for decomposition. Additionally, the compacted nature of landfills can slow down the breakdown process of paper products. Lastly, the materials used in newspapers, such as ink and paper fibers, are not readily biodegradable in landfill conditions.

How are paper and glass products recycled?

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Paper products are typically recycled by sorting, cleaning, and shredding the paper into pulp, which is then mixed with water and chemicals to remove ink and contaminants. This pulp is then pressed and dried to make new paper products. Glass products are recycled by collecting and sorting glass by color, crushing it into cullet, and then melting it down to be molded into new glass products.

Where does recycled paper come from?

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Recycled paper comes from used paper products that are collected and processed to create new paper. This process helps to reduce the demand for virgin materials like trees and energy associated with paper production.

How much paper has bin made?

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It is estimated that around 400 million tons of paper and cardboard are produced globally each year. This volume varies depending on factors such as demand, industry trends, and environmental considerations.

What can you use instead of paper?

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You can simply use news paper slathered in butter


dont do that it will burn trust me lol

What happens when you throw paper away?

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When you throw paper away, it usually ends up in a landfill where it can take years to decompose. This contributes to environmental pollution and waste accumulation. Recycling paper is a more sustainable option as it conserves resources and reduces the amount of waste going to landfills.

How much was paper in 1963?

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In 1963, the cost of paper varied depending on quality, quantity, and location. Generally, prices ranged from around $0.02 to $0.05 per sheet for standard office paper. Specialty and high-quality paper could cost more.

Are bits of paper domestic waste?

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Yes, bits of paper are considered domestic waste and can be discarded in the general waste bin for collection. However, it is recommended to recycle paper if possible to reduce environmental impact.

What is writing materials especially paper and envelopes consist of?

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Writing materials like paper and envelopes are typically made from wood pulp obtained from trees. The pulp is processed, bleached, and pressed into sheets for paper and envelopes. Sometimes, recycled materials or alternative fibers like cotton or hemp may also be used in the production of these items.

How long do paper cuts last?

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Paper cuts usually heal within a few days to a week, depending on the depth and severity of the cut. Keeping the wound clean and covered can help speed up the healing process. If a paper cut is particularly deep or shows signs of infection, it's best to seek medical attention.

How long does it taake for paper to decompose?

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It can take anywhere from 2 to 5 months for paper to decompose, depending on the conditions such as moisture and oxygen levels. Recycling paper is a more sustainable option compared to letting it decompose in a landfill.

How to dispose of private documents?

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To dispose of private documents securely, you can shred them using a paper shredder or by using a professional shredding service. Alternatively, you can also burn the documents if it is safe and legal to do so. It's important to ensure that no sensitive information is left visible before disposing of any private documents.

What can recycled newspaper be used for?

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Recycled newspaper can be used to make new paper products such as newspapers, paper bags, and packaging materials. Additionally, it can be repurposed into insulation materials, animal bedding, and even biodegradable plant pots.

What is toilet paper writing?

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Toilet paper writing typically refers to writing that is unpolished, hastily done, or of poor quality. It may be used as a humorous or derogatory term to describe writing that is perceived as less than professional or well thought-out.