


Waste and Recycling

Rubbish and unwanted products; some of which can be recycled and reused like paper and metal, where they go through a process of degrading before they are made into another product of the same material.

500 Questions

How recycling of polythene is done?

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Polythene recycling involves collecting used plastic bags, bottles, and other polythene products, sorting them based on their type and color, cleaning them to remove any contaminants, shredding or melting the plastic down into smaller pieces, and then reforming them into new products. These new products can include plastic bags, containers, and even textiles. Recycling polythene helps reduce waste in landfills and conserves resources by using less energy compared to producing new plastic.

How does caustic clean?

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Caustic cleaners work by breaking down grease, grime, and organic materials on surfaces through a process called saponification. When caustic substances come into contact with fats and oils, they convert them into soap, making it easier to rinse away the dirt and debris. This chemical reaction helps to effectively clean and remove tough stains from surfaces.

How much is 160 milliliter of water?

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One milliliter of water has a mass of approximately one gram. Therefore, 160 milliliters of water would weigh about 160 grams. Keep in mind that this is an approximation, as the exact weight can vary slightly based on factors like temperature and impurities in the water.

How long does biodegradable detergent take to decompose?

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Biodegradable detergents typically take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to decompose, depending on the specific ingredients and environmental conditions. In comparison, traditional detergents can take months or even years to break down.

How do you dispose of the small Coleman propane tanks?

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You should never throw small Coleman propane tanks in the regular trash or recycling. Contact your local hazardous waste disposal facility or a propane tank recycling center to properly dispose of them. Many locations offer recycling programs to safely and environmentally dispose of these tanks.

What does water resistant to 5 atmospheres mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the case of a watch it means that the crystal and stem seal are capable of resisting pressures of 5 atmospheres. Water pressure builds up rapidly when you swim and it's good to know that your watch can handle normal swimming. You would need to look up pressures at the different depths to find out how far down that is. 1 atmosphere = about10 meters (32 feet) of water. so 5 atmospheres would be 50 meters or 160 feet.

When did Target start using red plastic shopping carts instead of metal?

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Asked by Mamamia1969

Target started using red plastic shopping carts in the early 2000s as part of a store redesign initiative to modernize the shopping experience and improve customer convenience. This transition from metal to plastic carts increased durability, reduced maintenance costs, and provided a sleeker look in line with their branding.

Why is the water in the toilet and sink brown?

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Brown water in the toilet and sink could be due to several reasons, such as rusty pipes, sediment buildup, or dirt entering the water supply system. It's best to contact your water utility provider to investigate and address the issue to ensure water safety for consumption and use.

How much time does it take to fly 1500 miles?

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The time it takes to fly 1500 miles depends on the speed of the aircraft. On average, a commercial airplane traveling at 500 miles per hour would take about 3 hours to fly 1500 miles.

What is reagent bottle and how is used?

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A reagent bottle is a container designed specifically for storing and dispensing chemical reagents in a laboratory setting. They are typically made of glass or plastic, with a narrow mouth and a stopper or cap to prevent evaporation or contamination. Reagent bottles are used to safely store and dispense chemicals for experimental procedures, ensuring accurate and controlled measurements.

How do you conserve energy?

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There are two answers to consider here - the laws of energy conservation, and the colloquial concept of conserving energy.

Law of Energy Conservation (Physics)

The law of energy conservation states that the total amount of energy in a classical closed system remains constant. This means that energy may never be created nor destroyed. Energy can be converted - such as light may irradiate a surface, and the absorbed light is converted into thermal energy, thereby heating the surface. Similarly, electrical energy in a motor may be converted into mechanical energy. In these examples, while energy is converted from on form to another, the total amount of energy in the system forever remains constant.

In quantum mechanics, mass and energy are transferrable - meaning mass can be converted to energy, and vice versa. This conversion process takes place in accordance with the famous Einstein equation of

E = mc2

where 'E' is the amount of energy (in Joules) and 'm' is the mass (in Kg), and 'c' is the constant speed of light (in m/s). This equation predicts with exact precision the amount of energy liberated when mass is converted into energy, or conversely, the amount of energy required to convert energy into mass. Such mass-energy conversions take place in celestial stars, atomic reactors, and nuclear bombs.

In the mass-energy conversion, it is conceivable to consider mass as another form of energy. When this principle is applied, then the laws of energy conservation still hold - meaning that while mass and energy may be converted back and forth, the total amount of mass/energy remains constant in a given system.

Conserving Energy (Society)

Energy conservation is a social concept in which individuals, including citizens, companies, governments, institutions, and other organizations, strive to reduce the amount of commercial energy they consume. While each individual's contribution to energy conservation may be miniscule, the cumulative effect of all individuals each conserving a small amount of energy has proven to yield dramatic results on the macro scale. In such conservation efforts, individuals reduce the amount of fossil fuels and/or electricity they consume.

All energy conservation efforts fall into one of two categories - direct and indirect. Direct conservation efforts seek to alter people's lifestyles and behaviors in a manner that reduces the total amount of energy consumed. Direct energy conservation leads to a reduction in energy consumption only while the modified behavior persists - the energy conservation benefits cease as soon as the person returns to the pre-conservation behavior. An example is remembering to always turn the lights off when not in a room, or setting the thermostat in the winter to 68o instead of 72o. Both these activities directly lead to a reduction in the consumption of electricity and/or fossil fuels only as long as the conservation activities continue.

Indirect energy consumption efforts are one-time measures that lead to a sustained reduction in electricity and/or fossil fuel consumption. Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs is done only once, however this measure leads to a sustained reduction in electricity consumption. Choosing to purchase a more fuel efficient automobile is another example of a one-time indirect energy conservation measure that returns lasting conservation effects.

Indirect energy conservation may take many forms. Energy recovery, for example, occurs in many industrial and commercial settings in which previously "wasted" energy is now re-used for other purposes. A blast furnace's hot exhaust, for example, was typically vented to the outside environment. Now the exhaust heat is reclaimed using an energy recovery system, and that recovered energy is used to make steam that drives turbine driven electricity generators. Some hybrid vehicles also recover energy by converting the car's kinetic energy (motion) back into electrical energy when the driver coasts or applies the brakes. A non-hybrid car dissipates (wastes) this kinetic energy as thermal friction, whereas the energy-recovery equipped hybrid vehicle converts and stores some of the kinetic energy for later use as electricity.

Technology offers a direct-to-indirect solutions in many energy conservation scenarios. For example, a homeowner can install a programmable thermostat that regulates the temperature based on the living patterns. Offices may install motion sensors that automatically turn off lights when no one occupies a room. In these cases, technology supplants human behavior modification, often with more reliable energy conservation results.

At the social scale, a community must practice both direct and indirect energy conservation methods to minimize energy consumption. A city may install a fuel efficient mass transportation system, for example (an indirect effort), but it must also convince its denizens to stop driving their cars to work every day, and start commuting on the mass transit system (a direct effort). Some jurisdictions impose measures to modify energy consumption behavior. London and Hong Kong, for example, regulate or tax the use of vehicles for commuting purposes. Similarly, many regions in North America charge consumers a premium for consuming electricity during peak load periods.

How long does a nappy take to decompose?

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A disposable nappy can take hundreds of years to decompose due to the materials used, such as plastics and super absorbent polymers. This long decomposition time contributes to environmental waste and pollution concerns.

How do you ensure that the final alcohol bath is free of water?

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To ensure the final alcohol bath is free of water, one can use azeotropic distillation or molecular sieves to remove any remaining water molecules from the alcohol. Azeotropic distillation involves a method that uses a co-solvent to form an azeotrope that can be distilled to separate the water from the alcohol. Molecular sieves can selectively adsorb water molecules from the alcohol, leaving behind a water-free final product.

What are the best conditions for cultivating streptococci?

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Streptococci grow best in a warm and moist environment with a slightly acidic pH. They require a source of nutrients such as sugars or proteins for growth. Oxygen availability can vary depending on the species of streptococci, with some requiring oxygen (aerobic) and others not (anaerobic).

What are WWE garbage cans made out of?

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WWE garbage cans are typically made of metal, specifically steel, to ensure durability and safety during matches. They are designed to be sturdy enough to withstand the physicality of wrestling while still being easy to manipulate for use in the ring.

When did you start silver plating?

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I started silver plating in the early 19th century with the development of electroplating techniques by Luigi Valentino Brugnatelli in 1805.

What is waste reduction?

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Waste reduction refers to minimizing the amount of waste generated through practices like recycling, reusing, and reducing the production of unnecessary items. By implementing waste reduction strategies, individuals and businesses can help conserve resources, reduce pollution, and minimize the overall environmental impact of waste disposal.

What is the objective of plastics?

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The objective of plastics is to serve as versatile, durable, lightweight materials for a wide range of applications, including packaging, construction, transportation, and consumer goods. Plastics provide cost-effective solutions and can be molded into various shapes and forms to meet specific requirements.

Where does oxygen come from when burning wood?

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Oxygen in the combustion of wood primarily comes from the surrounding atmosphere. During the burning process, oxygen molecules in the air react with the carbon and hydrogen in the wood to produce heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

What does uv radition damage?

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UV radiation can damage the DNA in skin cells, leading to mutations and potential skin cancer. It can also cause premature aging of the skin, such as wrinkles, sagging, and dark spots. Additionally, UV radiation weakens the immune system and can lead to cataracts in the eyes.

How is respiration similar to burning of fuel?

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Respiration and the burning of fuel both involve the breakdown of molecules to release energy. In both processes, oxygen is utilized in the presence of a catalyst to produce energy in the form of ATP. Additionally, both respiration and burning of fuel result in the release of carbon dioxide as a waste product.

What does cc stand for plastic bottles?

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"CC" typically stands for cubic centimeters when used to describe the volume or size of plastic bottles. It refers to the capacity of the bottle in terms of how much liquid it can hold.

What oily substance can seep out of the ground?

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Crude oil is an oily substance that can seep out of the ground naturally or due to human activities like drilling. It is a fossil fuel that is often refined to produce various products like gasoline.

Does toilet paper dissolve in water?

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Yes, toilet paper is designed to break down and dissolve in water to prevent clogging in plumbing systems. This is why it is safe to flush down the toilet.

What happens if smoke is kept in a closed jar for long time?

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Asked by Silvasb

Presuming a good seal on the jar and a perfectly clean jar, smoke will eventually separate into its gaseous part and the particle mass (PM) part which will collect on the surface of the jar and lid. The PM is generally between 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter. The gaseous portion consists of oxides of nitrogen (NOX), volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, in varying proportions depending on what was burned, at what temperature, and in what atmosphere. The gasses will mix with whatever air is in the jar. If the jar permits UV light to enter and you put it in the sun on a warm day, the VOC and NOX will combine to make ozone (O3), the ozone will break down other VOCs (if any remain) into CO2, O2 and carbon.