


Thunderstorms and Lightning

Also referred to as a lightning storm, a thunderstorm is a weather form wherein thunder and lightning are present. Thunderstorms, most especially if accompanied by heavy rains and downburst winds, pose hazards to people and the environment.

500 Questions

That Jasper hail is on crack?

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Asked by Wiki User

It appears Jasper may be behaving erratically or unusually, possibly even under the influence of drugs. It would be wise to approach the situation with care and consider reaching out for professional help or guidance if needed.

Who pushed Cassie in the roll of thunder?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry," it is revealed that Lillian Jean Simms pushed Cassie Logan into the road, leading to her confrontation with the white Simms brothers. This event sets off a chain of events that heightens the racial tensions in the story.

Based on the newspaper article Percy finds under his door what is happening in the real world while Percy is in camp?

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Asked by Wiki User

The newspaper article Percy finds under his door reveals that there is an increase in natural disasters happening in the real world while Percy is at camp. This indicates that the mortal world is facing challenges and dangers that may be tied to the activities and conflicts of the gods and monsters in the mythological world. Percy will likely have to confront these challenges as they may be connected to his role as a demigod.

Why is a cyclops so bad in The Lightning Thief?

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In The Lightning Thief, the cyclops is depicted as bad because of the negative stereotype associated with them in Greek mythology. Cyclopes are typically portrayed as brutish and violent creatures, making them an easy villain in the story. This portrayal helps create tension and conflict for the protagonist, Percy Jackson, to overcome.

How much water can a thunderstorm hold?

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Asked by Wiki User

On average, a thunderstorm can hold around 1-2 inches of water, but this can vary significantly depending on the size and intensity of the storm. Larger storms can hold much more water, sometimes leading to flash flooding.

Is Lightning an organism?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO!!! Irt is an Electrical discharge. A sudden flow of billions of electrons in one direction.

What precaution as to thoracotomy should be taken?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Thoracotomy should not be performed on patients whose general health status will not tolerate major surgery. Any surgery carries with it risks associated with general anesthesia and possibility of infection.

Which are not part of the recipe of a thunderstorm to form?

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cool air rising through warm air (APEX)

Does a low pitch sound have a low frequency?

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Asked by Wiki User

A sound wave, like any other wave, is introduced into a medium by a vibrating object. The vibrating object is the source of the disturbance that moves through the medium. The vibrating object that creates the disturbance could be the vocal cords of a person, the vibrating string and sound board of a guitar or violin, the vibrating tines of a tuning fork, or the vibrating diaphragm of a radio speaker. Regardless of what vibrating object is creating the sound wave, the particles of the medium through which the sound moves is vibrating in a back and forth motion at a given frequency. The frequency of a wave refers to how often the particles of the medium vibrate when a wave passes through the medium. The frequency of a wave is measured as the number of complete back-and-forth vibrations of a particle of the medium per unit of time. If a particle of air undergoes 1000 longitudinal vibrations in 2 seconds, then the frequency of the wave would be 500 vibrations per second. A commonly used unit for frequency is the Hertz (abbreviated Hz), where

1 Hertz = 1 vibration/second

As a sound wave moves through a medium, each particle of the medium vibrates at the same frequency. This is sensible since each particle vibrates due to the motion of its nearest neighbor. The first particle of the medium begins vibrating, at say 500 Hz, and begins to set the second particle into vibrational motion at the same frequency of 500 Hz. The second particle begins vibrating at 500 Hz and thus sets the third particle of the medium into vibrational motion at 500 Hz. The process continues throughout the medium; each particle vibrates at the same frequency. And of course the frequency at which each particle vibrates is the same as the frequency of the original source of the sound wave. Subsequently, a guitar string vibrating at 500 Hz will set the air particles in the room vibrating at the same frequency of 500 Hz, which carries a sound signal to the ear of a listener, which is detected as a 500 Hz sound wave.

Why did cowboys on the trail need to be especially alert during a thunderstorm?

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because the storm would scare the cattle away and they had to be ready to reign them in so that they wouldn't run away . There might be a stampede.

Does lightning have atoms?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, lightning does not have atoms. Lightning is an electrical discharge that occurs when there is a difference in electrical potential between two points, typically between a cloud and the ground. It is the movement of electrons through the air that creates the lightning bolt.

What condition causes a thunderstorm?

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A thunderstorm is generally caused by the combination of warm, moist air rising rapidly and colliding with cooler air. This collision results in the formation of cumulonimbus clouds, which can produce thunder, lightning, strong winds, and heavy precipitation. Other factors such as atmospheric instability and wind shear can also contribute to the development of a thunderstorm.

What causes violent thunderstorms to occur in Texas?

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Violent thunderstorms in Texas are typically caused by the collision of warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico with cooler, drier air from the north. This collision creates instability in the atmosphere, leading to the formation of thunderstorm cells. Additionally, the interaction of upper-level disturbances, such as jet streams or fronts, can further intensify thunderstorm activity in Texas.

Can lead protect you from lightning?

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No, lead cannot protect you from lightning. Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that can travel through any conductive material, including lead. The best way to protect yourself from lightning is to seek shelter indoors or in a fully enclosed metal vehicle.

Can hail damage animals?

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Yes, hail can potentially harm animals, particularly if they are caught outside during a hailstorm. The size and force of hailstones can cause injuries to animals, including bruising, cuts, and fractures. It is important to provide shelter and protection for animals during severe weather events to minimize the risk of hail damage.

What makes a thunderstorm include anvil?

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The presence of an anvil shape in a thunderstorm is typically a result of powerful updrafts within the storm. As the warm, moist air rises rapidly, it reaches the top of the storm and spreads out horizontally. This spreading out forms the flat, anvil-shaped top of the cloud, which is often associated with severe thunderstorms and can indicate the presence of strong winds and potential for severe weather.

How can you have thunderstorms without lightning?

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Thunderstorms typically include lightning as a result of electrical discharge between clouds or between a cloud and the ground. However, in some cases, thunderstorms can occur without visible lightning due to certain weather conditions, such as the absence of sufficient charge separation or the lightning occurring within the cloud itself, known as "intra-cloud" lightning.

How far do thunderstorms travel?

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Thunderstorms can travel hundreds of miles, sometimes even across continents, depending on the atmospheric conditions and wind patterns. They typically move with the prevailing winds, which can vary in speed and direction. However, some thunderstorms can also form and dissipate in a localized area, not traveling far from their point of origin.

What is a common indicator of Approaching thunder storm?

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Asked by Raywaraujo

A common indicator of an approaching thunderstorm is darkening skies, particularly if they quickly become significantly darker than the surrounding area. Thunderstorms are often accompanied by thickening clouds that can block sunlight, leading to a noticeable decrease in brightness. Additionally, a shift in wind direction and an increase in gustiness may also signal an approaching thunderstorm.

Can storm pegasus defeat lightning ldrago?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on various factors such as the skill of the players, the condition and customization of the Beyblades, and the strategies used during the battle. In general, Storm Pegasus and Lightning L-Drago are both powerful Beyblades, but there is no definitive answer as to which one would win in a battle.