



Theater is a type of live performing art that includes genres such as drama, musical and comedy.

500 Questions

What authors are American playwright associated with realist theater?

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Some American playwrights associated with realist theater include Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, and Eugene O'Neill. They are known for writing plays that explore social issues, human behaviors, and relationships in a realistic and naturalistic way.

Where was punch and judy first show?

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The Punch and Judy puppet show originated in Italy before becoming popular in England in the 17th century. It first started as a street performance and evolved into a traditional puppet show with a set cast of characters like Punch, Judy, and the crocodile.

What thesis is best supported by the evidence that many members of modern theater audiences will refuse to say Macbeth in a theater?

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The thesis that the superstition surrounding saying Macbeth in a theater is deeply ingrained in theater culture and has a significant impact on the behavior of modern theater audiences is best supported by the evidence. The refusal to say the word is seen as bad luck and believed to bring about negative consequences, leading many to avoid it out of superstition and tradition.

How do you label parts of a globe?

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To label parts of a globe, you can use adhesive labels or stickers to mark specific locations like continents, countries, oceans, or cities. Another option is to use a dry erase marker directly on the globe's surface, or use a pen or pencil on a small label that can be attached to the globe. Make sure to use a labeling method that can be easily removed or updated as needed.

Is Les miserable a true story?

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No, Les Miserables is a fictional story, written by Victor Hugo. It is however inspired by the real political & social climate in 19th-century France.

How does the prince's words at the end of the Act 3 Scene 1 interest and involve the members of the audience?

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The prince's words at the end of Act 3, Scene 1 serve to heighten the tension and suspense for the audience as he pronounces a dire warning for the warring families to cease their feud under penalty of death. This threat creates a sense of anticipation and concern among the audience members as they wonder how the conflict will unfold and what consequences will result from the escalating violence. Involving the audience in this way helps to maintain their engagement in the story and fosters a sense of urgency in the narrative.

Example of figurative language in romeo and Juliet?

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One example of figurative language in Romeo and Juliet is in Act 2, Scene 2 when Romeo says, "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun." Here, Romeo uses a metaphor comparing Juliet to the sun, emphasizing her beauty and brightness in his eyes.

What was the first theatrical production of Alice in Wonderland?

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The first theatrical production of "Alice in Wonderland" was a play by Henry Savile Clarke and first performed in 1886 at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London, England. It was authorized by Lewis Carroll and featured music by Walter Slaughter.

What do the witches tell Macbeth?

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First set of profits - He will become the thane of Cawdor and the King of Scottland

Second set of profits - Macbeth fear Macduff, no child from mothers born shall harm you,

How many lines did Jonathan brewster have in arsenic and old lace?

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In the play "Arsenic and Old Lace," Jonathan Brewster has several lines throughout the script. However, the exact number can vary depending on the production and any adaptations made to the text.

In Romeo and Juliet how would you direct act 3 scene 5?

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I would focus on portraying the tension between Romeo and Juliet as they part ways after their secret night together. I would emphasize their desperation to stay together and the conflict with Juliet's parents. The scene should showcase the emotional turmoil of the characters and the escalating stakes of their forbidden love.

What does Aristotle think is the role of poetry and all arts including theatre in a society?

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Aristotle believed that poetry and all arts, including theatre, serve to educate and inspire the audience by presenting a reflection of human nature and society. Through these art forms, people can experience catharsis, or the purging of emotions, which leads to moral and intellectual growth. Aristotle saw the arts as playing a valuable role in shaping a virtuous and well-rounded society.

Who played the adult billy Elliot?

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The role of adult Billy Elliot was played by Jamie Bell in the film "Billy Elliot."

How and in what context is the word 'epic' used in form and content of 'epic theater'?

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'Epic' in the context of 'epic theater' refers to the grand, sweeping scale of the narrative and themes presented in the plays. Epic theater focuses on social and political issues, aiming to provoke critical thinking and reflection among the audience through its use of non-linear storytelling, breaking the fourth wall, and alienation techniques.

What was in Shakespeare's will?

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In Shakespeare's will, he left his second-best bed to his wife, Anne Hathaway, along with various monetary bequests to family, friends, and colleagues. He also appointed his daughter, Susanna, as his main heir and left specific items to other family members.

Would Shakespeare have produced plays in a proscenium style theater?

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No, Shakespeare mostly produced his plays in the Globe Theatre, which was an open-air amphitheater. Proscenium-style theaters, with a stage framed by a proscenium arch, became popular in the late 16th century after Shakespeare's time.

What is the education required to become a caterer?

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Well, it would be great if you participated vocational groups, or 2- year colleges. Or 4-year college programs. If you went to a culinary school it would be really great. You also should know how to cook.

Who wrote the musical cats and when?

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T.S Eliot wrote poems in a book called "Old Possums Book of Pratical Cats" and Andrew llotd webber made it into a musical in 1981. However it was written in the 1930's.

Can fleas be trained and what is a flea circus?

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Fleas can be trained by putting them in a jar with a lid. After a while you can remove the lid but the fleas won't jump any higher than they did when the lid was there. So they say.

What is a gaur?

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It is a large, dark-coated Buffalo type animal of South Asia and Southeast Asia

How old is mr kraler?

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Mr. Kraler was the person who helped the Franks prepare the secret annex and got them ready to hide from the Germans. He provided supplies, news and emotional support to the family. After Kraler and the Frank family were discovered, he was sent to a death camp in Holland. He eventually escaped and made his way to Canada after the war and remained there for the rest of his life.

What was a cutpurse and what happens to them at the theater?

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A cut-purse is a thief. The modern day name would be a pick-pocket. They were called cut-purses because in the days when people carried their money in a bag (a purse) hung off their belts, the thieves would steell them by cutting the cord attaching the purse to the belt.

Theatres were goo places for cut-purses to operate because they were crowded (people stood rather then sat) and peoples attention was focused on the stage/actors rather than their purses.

What kind of theater is the Broadway Theater?

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Some of it is music theater and some of it is dramatic theater but it is best known for it's musical theater

Broadway is a commercial theater. The price of admission pays for the salaries of not only the actors, singers, and dancers, but the stagehands, ushers, box office personnel. It also pays the rent on the theater, the utilities, the maintenance; the royalty on the play, the direction and design fees; the costs of building the sets and costumes, renting the lighting instruments; and if there is anything left over alter all of the costs have been paid, the profits are divided between the producer and the investors.

How did people behave in shakespeares theatre?

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Everyone behaved badly,they had no patience