


For questions on the theory, method, and practice of studying past cultures and peoples.

500 Questions

Can anyone explain to me how to order these sites from youngest to oldest?

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To order sites from youngest to oldest, you'll need to look for indicators such as the site's copyright date, its launch date mentioned in the "About Us" section, or by checking the domain registration date using WHOIS tools. By comparing these factors, you can determine the relative order of the sites from the youngest to the oldest.

Why was Africa a likely place for humans to first appear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Africa was likely the place for humans to first appear due to its stable climate, availability of resources for survival, and geographic isolation which allowed for evolution to occur. The continent's diverse landscapes provided opportunities for different human species to adapt and thrive.

How is the age of pottery determined?

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Asked by Wiki User

The age of pottery can be determined through various methods, including radiocarbon dating, thermoluminescence dating, and stratigraphic analysis. These techniques help archaeologists establish the approximate age of the pottery by analyzing the materials used in its creation and its context within the archaeological site.

What is a cultural artifact?

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Asked by Wiki User

A cultural artifact is any object, symbol, or practice that is created or used by a particular society, group, or individual and holds cultural significance. These artifacts can provide insights into the beliefs, values, traditions, and practices of the people who created or used them. Examples include art, clothing, music, tools, and language.

Did Neanderthals practice cannibalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is some evidence to suggest that Neanderthals may have practiced cannibalism, based on the analysis of remains found at some archaeological sites. However, it is still a topic of debate among researchers, and more evidence is needed to draw definitive conclusions.

Where neanderthals red headed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some Neanderthals may have had red hair, as genetic studies have indicated they may have carried the gene for red hair. However, it is impossible to definitively determine the hair color of all Neanderthals as it can vary among individuals.

How did neanderthals have a sense of community?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals likely had a sense of community through shared activities such as hunting, gathering, and caring for each other. Evidence suggests they lived in social groups, with individuals cooperating and forming strong bonds to ensure survival. Communication through language and possibly rituals also played a role in fostering their community bonds.

What activities did neanderthals do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals engaged in activities such as hunting, gathering fruits and vegetables, making tools from stone and bone, building shelters, and creating art. They were sophisticated and adaptive beings with a wide range of skills to survive in their environment.

What is the holistic approach in archaeology research entail?

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Asked by Wiki User

The holistic approach in archaeology involves considering various factors such as cultural, social, economic, and environmental influences when studying past societies. This approach seeks to understand the interconnected nature of these different components to gain a more comprehensive understanding of ancient civilizations. By examining multiple perspectives, archaeologists can provide a more nuanced interpretation of the past.

Species is thought to be a direct ancestor of both Homo sapiens and Homo erectus?

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Asked by Wiki User

The common ancestor of Homo sapiens and Homo erectus is thought to be Homo heidelbergensis, which lived around 700,000 years ago. This species is believed to have given rise to both Homo sapiens and Homo erectus through divergent evolution.

What is the facts about Neanderthal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals were a distinct human species that lived in Europe and parts of Asia. They coexisted with early modern humans for a period of time before going extinct around 40,000 years ago. Neanderthals were robustly built with a large brain size and evidence suggests they had sophisticated tool-making abilities and may have engaged in symbolic behaviors.

What is the name of the Inca Ice Maiden?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Inca Ice Maiden is also known as "Juanita." She was a mummy discovered on Mount Ampato in Peru in 1995, believed to have been a sacrificial victim.

When did neanderthals get throwing spears?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals are believed to have used thrusting spears rather than throwing spears, as evidence suggests they lacked the anatomical adaptations necessary for throwing, such as a specific shoulder joint structure. This skill of throwing spears is thought to have been developed by Homo sapiens, not Neanderthals.

Did neanderthals live in the middle Paleolithic period?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Neanderthals lived during the Middle Paleolithic period, which spanned roughly from 300,000 to 30,000 years ago. They were a distinct human species that coexisted with early modern humans.

What type of families did the neanderthals live with?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals typically lived in small family groups, consisting of parents and their children. These family units likely played a vital role in hunting, gathering, and caring for one another within their social structure.

What is the era the neanderthals lived in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals lived during the Pleistocene epoch, which lasted from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago. They existed in Eurasia, with the peak of their presence estimated to be around 300,000 to 30,000 years ago.

How many cubic inches was a neanderthal's brain?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Neanderthal's brain typically had a volume of around 1300-1750 cubic centimeters, which is roughly equivalent to 79-107 cubic inches.

Did Neanderthals gather food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Neanderthals were skilled hunters and also collected plant-based foods like berries, nuts, and seeds. Their diet was diverse and varied depending on the region they lived in and the available resources. Overall, Neanderthals were successful in adapting to their environments through a combination of hunting, gathering, and scavenging.

What people in history have been responsible for creating theories about Neanderthals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Prominent figures who have contributed to theories about Neanderthals include Johann Fuhlrott, who first recognized Neanderthal fossils as a distinct human ancestor in 1856; and Marcellin Boule, who in the early 20th century portrayed Neanderthals as brutish and less evolved than modern humans. More recent contributions include the work of paleoanthropologists like Svante Pääbo, who has used genetic analysis to study Neanderthal DNA and shed light on their relationship to modern humans.

What is a typical day for a neanderthal?

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Asked by Wiki User

A typical day for a Neanderthal likely involved activities such as hunting for food, gathering plants, making tools and weapons, building shelters, and taking care of their families. They would have spent a significant amount of time engaging in these tasks to ensure their survival in their environment.

What kind of environment did neanderthal live in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals lived in a variety of environments, including forests, grasslands, and mountainous regions. They adapted to diverse landscapes and climates, using caves for shelter and crafting tools from the materials available in their surroundings.

Did Homo habilis play games?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is currently no evidence to suggest that Homo habilis played games. Their primary focus was on survival, obtaining food, and adapting to their environment. There is limited information available about the social behaviors of Homo habilis, but it is unlikely that they engaged in organized games as we know them today.

What were homo erectus' physical characteristics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Homo erectus had a robust build with a prominent brow ridge, a long low skull, and a larger brain size compared to earlier hominins. They had a more human-like upright posture and walked on two legs. Their average height ranged from around 4.9 to 6.1 feet.

How do anthropologists and archaeologists differ?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anthropologists study humans in a holistic way, including their cultural, social, biological, and linguistic dimensions, while archaeologists focus on studying past human societies and cultures through the excavation and analysis of material remains. Anthropologists often use a combination of fieldwork, participant observation, and interviews, while archaeologists use techniques such as excavation, surveying, and analysis of artifacts. Both disciplines aim to understand human societies, but they approach this through different methods and perspectives.

When And Where did the cro-magnons and neanderthals live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals lived in Europe and parts of Asia from about 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. Cro-Magnons, early modern humans, lived in Europe around 40,000 to 10,000 years ago. They coexisted with Neanderthals for a period of time before eventually replacing them.