


Intestinal Health

Starting from the bottom of the stomach to the anus, the intestines do the work of absorbing what we eat and putting it to good use. When they are working well, we hardly think about them. When they don't, we have questions. Ask them here.

500 Questions

Is it good to do a poo everyday?

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It is generally healthy to have regular bowel movements, but the frequency can vary among individuals. As long as you are not experiencing any discomfort or other symptoms, there is usually no cause for concern. Eating a balanced diet with fiber and staying hydrated can help support regular bowel movements.

What is an illectomy?

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I couldn't find information on an "illectomy." It may be a misspelling or a term from a specific field that I am not familiar with. Can you provide more context or details so I can better assist you?

Why can't I stop belching?

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Belching, or burping, is usually caused by swallowing air while eating or drinking too quickly, or by consuming carbonated beverages. It can also be a result of certain foods or beverages that create gas in the digestive system. Avoiding these triggers and practicing slower eating habits may reduce belching. If belching is persistent or accompanied by other symptoms, it may be a good idea to consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying medical conditions.

Do you have to drink Epsom salt with water or can you drink it with something else?

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It is recommended to dissolve Epsom salt in water and drink it that way to ensure proper absorption in the body. Mixing it with other liquids may alter its effectiveness.

What color are firestars eyes?

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Firestar, a prominent character in the Warriors book series, is depicted as having bright green eyes.

What is sero-sanguine?

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containing or consisting of both blood and serous fluid .eg: tuberculous or malingnant ulcers.

What is choledocoduodenostomy?

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Choledocoduodenostomy is a surgical procedure that involves creating an opening between the common bile duct and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) to bypass an obstruction or stricture in the bile duct. This procedure allows bile to flow directly into the intestine, bypassing the obstruction and preventing bile backup in the liver.

Iso 22000 certified companies in this world?

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I believe you are asking about companies that are certified with ISO 22000. ISO 22000 is a standard for food safety management systems. It specifies the requirements for a food safety management system that involves interactive communication, system management, and hazard control throughout the food chain.

I found a list of 79 companies that are certified with ISO 22000.

What does Joe Starbuck never wear while drinking coffee?

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What does joe never wear while drinking coffee?

How do you get rid of gas pain?

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Okay, I've had lots of trouble with gas before. Dont take gas pain reliever, it never works. What you do is get on your hands and knees, then proceed by lowering your head to the ground and rest your cheek against the floor. Then stick your butt high in the air. Relax a little bit and wait a couple minutes, then start to push. It might take alittle patience depending on the gas amount in there, for example the more there is the faster it will take to start coming out. This will work every time, because gas rises upward, and it will come out in large amounts. This has saved me from lots of suffering. So dont let that pesky gas make you miserable. You'll surely feel better with my method, so go ahead and give it a try :)

What do you call cat poop?

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Cat scat if you're looking for a rhyming phrase.

Why do rabbits have wet feces?

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Healthy rabbits don't have wet feces. If your rabbit's feces is wet, that's called diarrhea or mushy stool, and it means your bunny is sick. Bring your bunny to the vet as soon as possible for an exam.

Diarrhea in baby rabbits is a life-threatening emergency!Don't waste another second: get to to the vet's immediately.

In adult rabbits, the situation isn't as dire but it is serious. Maybe your rabbit simply isn't getting enough fiber in her diet, or maybe she has an illness. Either way, if you don't treat it soon, your rabbit will get worse and eventually become deathly ill.

The first thing to do is look at your bunny's diet. An adult rabbit needs a diet very high in fiber, very low in fat, and not too high in protein.

The best way to get lots of fiber is for your rabbit to eat lots and lots of grass hay: at least his own body size daily. If your rabbit doesn't have hay, go out and buy some right now. If your bunny has hay, but isn't eating much, try to figure out why. Is the hay yellow and dusty? Do you change it every day (whether or not he eats it)? Hay should be fresh (greenish, although some varieties are more yellow than others, but it should smell sweet, not too dusty, and there should be no rot or insects). Change it every day, to keep your rabbit interested. Put some in his litter box, and stuff some in toys. Pick up a strand and gently wave it in front of his face, like as a game, and he'll snatch it away from you and eat it. Once he's eating one strand, he might just keep eating, so put a pile in front of him.

Also look at the pellets your bunny eats, because a low-quality kind can give your rabbit wet feces. Plenty of pellets on the market are way too high in protein; some are also too high in fat, and too low in fiber. See the related question below for more details about pellets.

Too many treats, especially unhealthy treats, can make your rabbit have wet feces, too. Avoid all foods made for humans: they're just too high in carbohydrates (sugar, starch), and sometimes other dangerous ingredients. No bread, cereal, oatmeal, cookies, crackers, etc. Most pet-store treats for rabbits are bad, too. For treats, stick to fresh fruits and vegetables: it's less expensive than store-bought treats, just as yummy for the rabbit, and healthier. Limit treats to a bite or two per day. Find out which fruits and vegetables are safe, first, because some are not.

See the related questions below for more help.

What are parasitic worms?

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A parasitic worm is a worm that feeds on another organism, its 'host'. For example a tape worm. It latches onto the intestine of humans.

Where does undigested food end up?

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Well the nutrients that can't be digested and absorbed in the small intestine move on to the large intestine. The water is reabsorbed out of it and then moves down to the colon. When the bowels move the feces are egested via the rectum and anus.

Symptoms of a sick guinea pig?

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They weigh much less and barely eat or drink. But they are masters at hiding their illness because before they were domesticated they would hide their illness to show they weren't weak to protect themselves from predators. Weigh them weekly to make sure!

Can drinking beer give any negative side effects?

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Yes. Intoxication ( drunkenness ), strong gas, hangover, overworked liver from too much beer.

Does cabbage make you fart?

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indeed it does. cabbage is tasty but does'nt pay off...

What happens if you eat too much unhealthy food?

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fast food effects your body because it is generally high in fat, sodium, and sugar content. These three qualities in excessive quantities are bad for your body, especially your waistline and your heart. Fast food is closely linked to heart disease, the obesity pandemic, and the dramatically increased presence of type two diabetes in the United States. fast food also gives you lung, heart, and lever faller. while you waste money on fast food you are also wasting an opportunity of your life time.

What are the side effects of Mayonnaise sauce?

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weight gain, higher cholesterol

What type of food helps food pass through the intestine?

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Food with lots of fiber. You know, rasberries, blackberries, flax-seed, FiberOne, stuff like that. Stuff that tastes horrible and that old people like to eat.

Is greek yogurt good for constipation?

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If you are allergic to dairy like me, then yes it causes severe constipation. To be sure, just cut out dairy for a few days and reintroduce it once your constipation is gone. If you get constipated again, bingo! I use SwissKriss for constipation, an all natural laxative.

How do you get rid of being bloated?

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a good way to get rid of sign & symptoms of bloating is to increase the intake of fiber(will help start bowel movement & relieve pressure form the intestines/abdominal area) & to increase exercise (most people who exercise do not have bloating symptoms)