


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

Should all public speeches be formal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. The formality of public speeches can vary depending on the context, audience, and subject matter. While some situations may call for a formal speech, others may benefit from a more casual or conversational tone to better engage the audience. It's important to consider the purpose and setting of the speech when determining the appropriate level of formality.

What is infomation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information is data that has been processed and organized to convey meaning or knowledge. It can be in various forms such as words, numbers, images, or sounds, used to inform and provide insights on a particular topic or subject.

What is the importance of tertiary education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tertiary education is important because it provides specialized knowledge and skills that allow individuals to excel in their chosen fields. It also enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, which are valuable in the workplace. Furthermore, tertiary education can lead to higher earning potential and greater career opportunities.

What does Jing mei Woo say about going by her Chinese name as opposed to June?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jing-mei Woo expresses a sense of pride and connection to her heritage by preferring to go by her Chinese name instead of June. This choice symbolizes her journey towards embracing her cultural identity and asserting her own sense of self.

What is the meaning of subjunctive?

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Asked by Wiki User

The subjunctive is a verb mood used to express desires, doubts, hopes, or hypothetical situations. It is often used to convey uncertainty or subjunctive mood express an action that hasn't happened yet.

The pronunciation for forehead should it be said forrid?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct pronunciation for "forehead" is ˈfȯr-ˌhed, with the emphasis on the first syllable. It is not commonly pronounced as "forrid."

What are the pros and cons of learning games?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pros of learning games include engaging and motivating students to learn, providing a fun and interactive way to practice and apply knowledge, and offering immediate feedback on performance. Cons can include possible distractions from the core learning objectives, limited depth of content compared to traditional instruction methods, and potential overreliance on the game as the primary source of learning.

Is 'he has irresistibly lips' a grammatically correct sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the correct phrasing should be "He has irresistibly kissable lips."

Tu es en quelle annee?

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Asked by Wiki User

Je suis un programme informatique, donc je n'ai pas d'année. Je suis ici pour vous aider avec des informations et des réponses à vos questions. N'hésitez pas à me poser ce que vous voulez savoir!

Que tiempo hace en el este?

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Asked by Wiki User

En general, el clima en el este puede variar dependiendo de la región específica a la que te refieras. Por lo tanto, te recomendaría ser más específico sobre cuál región del este estás preguntando para poder darte una respuesta más precisa.

Question analysis includes asking what questions as you analyze the assignment?

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Asked by Wiki User

In question analysis, you ask yourself questions like: What is the main objective of the assignment? What is the purpose of the task? What are the key components or criteria for success? By answering these questions, you can better understand the requirements and expectations of the assignment.

What is a sentence for the word loathsome?

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Asked by Wiki User

(the adjective loathsome means arousing intense dislike and disgust)

"In some cases, the citizens completely ignored the loathsome new tax."

"The zoning changes were a loathsome restriction on land developers."

"The criminal was sentenced to life in prison for his loathsome crimes."

Can people speak?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, people can speak using their vocal cords to produce sound waves that convey information or thoughts. Communication through speech is a fundamental aspect of human interaction and language.

How do you say i was born July 24 1997 in French?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can say "Je suis né(e) le 24 juillet 1997" in French.

What is the difference between analysis and interpretation in qualitative research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Analysis in qualitative research involves breaking down data into themes or patterns while interpretation involves assigning meaning to those themes or patterns within the context of the research question or theoretical framework. Analysis is more focused on organizing and categorizing the data, while interpretation is about understanding the underlying significance or implications of the data.

What did the Normans speak?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Normans spoke a variety of languages including Old Norman, Old French, and Latin. Over time, these languages evolved and influenced the development of modern French.

What is the word for 'little' in Swahili?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word for little in Swahili is DOGO. but you don't just say dogo, there are prefixes you have to put in front of it so if your saying i speak little kiswahili, you would say............Kidogo Kiswahili

What is potpoutti?

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Asked by Wiki User

It seems like you may be referring to "potpourri," which is a mixture of dried petals and spices used to create a pleasant scent in a room. Potpourri is often displayed in decorative bowls or sachets.

Advantages to being bilingual?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being bilingual can increase job opportunities and salary potential, as many employers value employees who can speak multiple languages. It also enhances cognitive skills such as problem-solving, multitasking, and decision-making. Additionally, being bilingual can broaden cultural understanding and improve communication in a globalized world.

How do you say good morning in Hindu?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Hindi, you can say "शुभ प्रभात" (shubh prabhat) to greet someone with "good morning."

What do you mean by Human Resource Information System?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software system that allows organizations to manage and automate their HR processes such as payroll, performance evaluation, recruitment, and training. It helps HR departments streamline operations, improve efficiency, and maintain accurate employee records.

How did English become a national language?

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Asked by Wiki User

English became a national language through a combination of historical events, including the Norman Conquest in 1066 and the subsequent development of English as the language of the ruling class. The spread of the British Empire also played a significant role in the global adoption of English as a national and international language.

Why does beneatha cut her hair and why is it important?

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Asked by Alicia91

Beneatha cuts her hair to challenge societal norms and express her independence and individuality. This action is significant because it symbolizes her rejection of traditional standards of beauty and her desire to define herself on her own terms, regardless of what others may think.

Do words which originate from the same country have anything in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

Words that originate from the same country may share similarities in pronunciation, spelling, and meaning due to linguistic conventions or historical influences in that region. Additionally, these words may reflect cultural or societal aspects specific to that country.

What is Leper Lepellier the first of Gene's classmates to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leper Lepellier is the first of Gene's classmates to enlist in the military during World War II. He chooses to join a ski patrol unit after being inspired by a presentation at Devon school.