


Literature and Language

Literature includes written works of an imaginative, journalistic or scholarly nature. Language is a system of spoken and written symbols by means of which people can communicate with each other. We invite you to ask and answer questions about languages and literature; including pronunciation, grammar, definitions, examples, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

500 Questions

Analyze the effectiveness of using a glossary in preparation for interpreting assignment?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using a glossary in preparation for an interpreting assignment can be highly effective as it helps familiarize the interpreter with key terminology and concepts specific to the subject matter. This can enhance comprehension, accuracy, and fluency during the actual interpreting process. However, it's essential to ensure the glossary is accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive to reap the full benefits.

How many terms did linvoln serve?

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Asked by Wiki User

Abraham Lincoln served one full term as the 16th President of the United States from 1861 to 1865. He was re-elected for a second term but was assassinated shortly after beginning his second term.

What are subskill of listening?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subskills of listening include active listening, empathetic listening, critical listening, and reflective listening. Active listening involves engaging fully with the speaker; empathetic listening focuses on understanding the speaker's emotions; critical listening involves analyzing the message for accuracy; and reflective listening involves paraphrasing and reflecting back what the speaker has said.

What is the Persian word for thank you?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Persian word for thank you is "ممنون" (pronounced mamnoon).

How do you reply to Que tiempo hace hoy?

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Asked by Wiki User

it's asking how's the weather today so it depends on what how the weather is

hace sol/it's sunny

esta nublado/it's cloudy

esta lluviendo/it's raining

esta nevando/it's snowing

How do you say hellow in russia?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Russian, "hello" is pronounced as "Здравствуйте" (Zdravstvuyte) in a formal setting or "Привет" (Privet) in an informal setting.

What is the comparative of early?

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Asked by Wiki User

The comparative form of "early" is "earlier."

Why did Chiang neglect land reforms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chiang Kai-shek neglected land reforms because he was more concerned with fighting against the Communist Party and maintaining the support of the wealthy landowning class in China. He believed that implementing land reforms would undermine the stability of his regime and disrupt the social order.

What is the importance of mother tongue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mother tongue is important as it is the first language a person learns, shaping their identity and cultural connections. It helps in cognitive development, promotes effective communication, and preserves cultural heritage and traditions. Maintaining proficiency in one's mother tongue can also help in learning additional languages later on.

What is Spain's Labor force?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, Spain's labor force is estimated to be around 23.5 million people. The labor force includes both employed and unemployed individuals who are actively seeking work. Spain's labor force participation rate is around 59% of the total population.

Who invented the american language?

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Asked by Wiki User

The American English language evolved from various influences, including British English, Native American languages, and immigrant languages. It was not invented by any one individual but is the result of linguistic blending over centuries.

What does the muso mean in 'Aussie muso'?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Muso" is Australian slang for musician. So, "Aussie muso" would refer to an Australian musician.

The because part of you argument offering support for you assertion?

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Asked by Wiki User

The premises is the main assertion of a logical argument. It is the 'because of this' part.

Usually because is the creator of a main proposition (premises), or one of them, that the conclusion must logically rest upon.

Premise...conclusion. because of this...this. Within the body of the argument, between the premises and the conclusion , is the area where inferences occur. An inference is a proposition that is derived from the assertion of one or more accepted premises (propositions). Inferences can normally be spotted by statements like 'infers that', or implies that', or 'therefore.

What is the term for to say the opposite of what someone else has said?

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Asked by Cloe123

The term is "contradicting" or "disagreeing."

Where did the term mega reunion come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "mega reunion" likely originated from the combination of the word "mega," meaning large or significant, and "reunion," referring to a gathering of people who have been separated for some time. It is used to describe a particularly large or significant gathering of individuals who are reuniting after a long period of time.

What is the language in the phrase 'Bon voyage'?

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Asked by Wiki User

French is the language in the phrase Bon voyage!

Specifically, the masculine adjective bon literally means "good". The masculine noun voyage means the same in English and French. The pronunciation will be "boh vwa-yazh" in French.

Is there a relation between bilingualism and dialect?

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Asked by Madridi18

Yes, bilingual individuals may speak different dialects in each language they are proficient in. This could be due to exposure to different linguistic environments and influences. Additionally, bilingualism may also affect how dialects are used or maintained within specific language communities.

What are family words for migrant?

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Asked by Sonny2415

Relocation, moving, immigration.

What are the factors that may infleunce a persons speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some factors that may influence a person's speech include their cultural background, education level, social environment, psychological state, and physical health. These factors can impact language choice, pronunciation, vocabulary, and communication style.

What are the parts of speech in Why is it important to remember the lessons of history?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why= adverb

is= verb

it= pronoun

important= adjective

"to remember" is an infinitive phrase acting as an adjective.

the= adjective

lessons= noun

of= preposition

history= noun

What country is the word cafeteria from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "cafeteria" comes from the Spanish word "cafetería," which in turn is derived from the French word "cafétéria." The concept of a cafeteria, where people serve themselves from a selection of food, originated in the United States in the 19th century.

Someone who is all done is?

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Asked by Wiki User

finished or completed.

What are examples of single-word modifier?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some examples of single-word modifiers include "quickly," "beautifully," "happily," "easily," and "carefully." These words are used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more detail or context to the action or description.

How can miscommunication be avoided?

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Asked by Wiki User

Miscommunication can be avoided by being clear and concise in your communication, actively listening to others to ensure understanding, and asking clarifying questions if needed. It's also helpful to provide context and background information to avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, utilizing tools like email confirmations and written summaries can help in ensuring that both parties are on the same page.

What does gender mean in language?

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Asked by Wiki User

In language, gender refers to the classification of nouns as masculine, feminine, or neuter. Different languages have different systems of gender classification, which may affect the way nouns are declined, conjugated, or associated with certain adjectives or pronouns based on their gender. This linguistic feature is often a grammatical rather than a biological distinction.