



Statistics deals with collecting, organizing, and interpreting numerical data. An important aspect of statistics is the analysis of population characteristics inferred from sampling.

500 Questions

What is the largest three-digit even number that uses the digits 3 4 and 5?

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To find the largest three-digit even number using the digits 3, 4, and 5, you need to arrange these digits in descending order to maximize the number, ensuring that the last digit is even. The largest possible even number is 542

Name and define the two areas of statistics?

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Descriptive and Inferential:

Descriptive statistics describe the data set.

Inferential statistics use the data to draw conclusions about the population.

A data set consists of 145 observations that range from 56 to 490 What size class interval?

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Asked by Wiki User

The naive answer to the question is 30. That assumes that the observations are more or less uniformly distributed across the range and, if that is the case, you should get around 5 observations per class.

It also assumes that your interest in the observations is uniform: you are as interested in values near 60 as you are in values near 480. If you were only really interested in values above 450, you could class all of 56 to 449 in one big class and split the rest into smaller classes.

It is also important to see if the distribution is uniform. If it is skewed in either direction, it would make more sense to have smaller classes where the observations were more dense and wider classes where they were sparse.

Whats the sum of 12?

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6 and 6

1000 times in letters?

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One thousand times.

What times 3 equals 36?

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12 x 3 = 36

What is the frequency of genotype AA if the frequencies of AA?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the frequency of genotype AA is p^2, where p is the frequency of allele A, then the frequency of genotype AA would be p^2.

What are the sales statistics for the author Stephen King?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stephen King has sold over 350 million copies of his books worldwide, making him one of the best-selling authors of all time. His novels consistently top bestseller lists and have been adapted into numerous successful films and television series. King's ability to captivate readers with his horror and suspense stories has earned him a dedicated fan base and commercial success throughout his career.

What does orangutan mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Orangutan is a word originating from Malay and Indonesian languages, meaning "person of the forest" or "forest man." It is used to refer to the large apes native to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Can you give me examples of ambivalence i need to do a collage?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! Examples of ambivalence that could be incorporated into a collage include conflicting emotions like love and hate, uncertainty about a decision, or feeling torn between two choices. You could visually represent these feelings through contrasting images or symbols to convey the idea of conflicting emotions.

What is an open ended quetion?

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An open-ended question is a question that requires more than a simple "yes" or "no" answer, allowing the respondent to provide detailed and thoughtful responses. It encourages conversation and fosters deeper exploration of a topic by prompting the person to share their thoughts, feelings, or opinions.

What does seest mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Seest" is an archaic form of the verb "see" used in older English literature such as Shakespearean plays. It is the second person singular present form of "see," typically used in phrases like "thou seest" to mean "you see" or "you are seeing".

Is statistics language feature?

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Asked by Sahildeep

Statistics is a branch of mathematics that involves collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. It is not a language feature itself, but it is used in various programming languages to analyze and draw insights from data.学statistics is commonly used in fields such as data science, machine learning, and research to make informed decisions based on data patterns and trends.

What does fao mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Answer 1The abbreviation FAO means Food and Agriculture Organization.This is a agency under the Economic and social council of the United Nations. Answer 2

FAO means For the Attention Of

Answer 3

I don't know about today, but in the military during Vietnam, FAO stood for Farword Air Observer.

Answer 4

Fao is a name meaning either 'river' or wolf'.

What newspaper or magazine has and example of a graph that misleads by failing?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example is the Daily Mail, a British tabloid newspaper known for its sensational headlines and inaccurate reporting. They have been criticized for using misleading graphs that exaggerate stories or manipulate data to fit a certain narrative.

What is volume of many?

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Asked by Wiki User

Volume is a measure of the amount of space that a substance or object occupies. It can be calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of an object for regular shapes, or by using mathematical formulas for irregular shapes. The units for volume are typically cubic units such as cubic meters (m^3) or cubic centimeters (cm^3).

What is secondary information?

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Asked by Wiki User

Secondary information refers to data or knowledge that has been collected or analyzed by someone else, rather than firsthand by the individual using it. This information is usually obtained from sources such as books, journals, databases, or other published materials. It is used to support or complement primary research or analysis.

What is the definition of plot?

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Asked by Wiki User

A plot is a storyline. A plot is also a piece of land, a mathematical graph, or a plan to do something. As a verb, it means to plan something or to mark out a graph.

A plot is a graphical technique for presenting a data set drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic plotter.

Click the related question to see the literary meaning of plot!

What does a circle with a diagonal line through it mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

A circle with a diagonal line through it is commonly used as a symbol to represent "no" or "not allowed." It is often used in signage to indicate that something is prohibited or unavailable.

What statistical tests can I use on data collected from quota samples?

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You can use statistical tests appropriate for categorical data, such as chi-square tests or Fisher's exact test for associations between variables. For continuous data, you can use t-tests or non-parametric tests like Mann-Whitney U test or Kruskal-Wallis test. It's important to consider the limitations of quota sampling in interpreting the results.

Are you getting the correct numbers and interpretation of statistics from the news media?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't have the capability to assess the accuracy of statistics presented in the news media. It's important to cross-verify information from reliable sources and fact-check before drawing conclusions.